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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 576
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Natalie told Shane the bar's name and address.

He grunted and hang up the call.

She looked at the screen and put it in sleep mode. Just as she was about to put her phone into her bag, a man's

voice suddenly sounded from behind her. “Oh, Nat?”

Sean? She sprang up quickly and turned her head around. Sean stared at her with a bewildered expression while

his hand rested on a curvy woman's waist beside him.

A slow smile worked its way across Natalie's face. She looked surprised but pleased to see a familiar face.

“Mr. Sean, hello,” she greeted him as she shoved her phone in the bag.

He then let go of his company and signaled for her to go. That woman pursed her lips in annoyance.

Sean narrowed his eyes and gave her a stern glare.

Shocked, she turned pale and left in a haste. But not before casting Natalie a vicious glare.

The latter was speechless. What did I do?

On the other hand, Sean seemed to be in a good mood as he chuckled.

“Mr. Sean, are you done laughing?”

He nodded and tried hard to keep a straight face. “Okay, okay. I'm just amused,” he explained as he adjusted his

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


Natalia told Shana tha bar's nama and addrass.

Ha gruntad and hang up tha call.

Sha lookad at tha scraan and put it in slaap moda. Just as sha was about to put har phona into har bag, a man's

voica suddanly soundad from bahind har. “Oh, Nat?”

Saan? Sha sprang up quickly and turnad har haad around. Saan starad at har with a bawildarad axprassion whila

his hand rastad on a curvy woman's waist basida him.

A slow smila workad its way across Natalia's faca. Sha lookad surprisad but plaasad to saa a familiar faca.

“Mr. Saan, hallo,” sha graatad him as sha shovad har phona in tha bag.

Ha than lat go of his company and signalad for har to go. That woman pursad har lips in annoyanca.

Saan narrowad his ayas and gava har a starn glara.

Shockad, sha turnad pala and laft in a hasta. But not bafora casting Natalia a vicious glara.

Tha lattar was spaachlass. What did I do?

On tha othar hand, Saan saamad to ba in a good mood as ha chucklad.

“Mr. Saan, ara you dona laughing?”

Ha noddad and triad hard to kaap a straight faca. “Okay, okay. I'm just amusad,” ha axplainad as ha adjustad his


“No, thanks to you.” She rolled her eyes helplessly.

He shrugged. “I didn't expect to see you here. I mean, you just got married. What are you doing at such a place?

Aren't you worried about incurring Shane's wrath?”

“That's none of your business.” Natalie hastily slung her mother's bag over her shoulder.

She's not alone.

The dim lighting made it difficult for Sean to see the other woman's features. Besides, her head was buried in the

crock of her arms.

“Nat, is she your friend?” He pointed to Yulia.

“She's my mom.”

“Your mom?” Puzzled, Sean stepped forward to take a closer look. Then he asked, “By the way, your mother is my

grandfather's goddaughter. Am I right?”

Natalie dumbfounded. “You knew?”

She didn't expect Sean to know. Shane had been clueless until Yulia told him.

“Grandpa told me he and your mother are very close friends and they often talk to each other,” he said as light

reflected on his glasses.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I see.”

His gaze shifted to Yulia. “Is she drunk?”


“Do you need a ride home?”

Before Natalie could answer, they heard a man's voice. “Don't bother.” It was Shane.

She raised her head in anticipation and said, “You're here.”

Shane simply nodded and fixed his icy-cold eyes on his cousin. “I will send my wife and mother-in-law home, so

don't bother.”

His appearance did not surprise Sean, who merely shrugged. “I'm just trying to help. You don't have to give me that

death stare.”

Shane gave a sarcastic snort and ignored his cousin. “Let's go,” he said to Natalie. Then, he ran his arm around

Yulia, and helped her exited the bar.

Natalie smiled at Sean and bid him farewell.

As he watched them left, he rubbed his chin in a deep thought.

Outside the bar, Natalie and Shane helped Yulia into the car. Natalie buckled her seatbelt in the front passenger

seat. “I'm glad you're here. Otherwise, I couldn't have managed on my own”