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Chapter 135
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135 The Last Night at XianYang

Finally, aYa standing behind BaiYing came forward and reached out to the seller to give her an arrow. LuoXiang’s eyes glared at her, he also stretched out his hand to ask for the arrow.

It wasn’t long before the two of them managed to clear the shelves by hitting all the arrows right at their targets.

Who else was happier than BaiYing who jumped for joy to find all the wooden dolls of various shapes on the shelves that they had bought.

“Wow great, Ying’er got it all, yeah!”

LuoXiang held his breath, pulled his lips looking at aYa who seemed to be proud of himself in front of BaiYing, he took BaiYing’s hand.

“Let’s go somewhere else.”

Meanwhile Yan and Bi had a bit of trouble carrying all the wooden dolls that were no bigger than their palms in cloth wraps.

“Oh, it’s quite heavy”

BeiYau approached the seller who scratched his head because all his merchandise was gone, he seemed to be at a loss, the guard threw a piece of silver into the merchant’s hand.


“Here you are!”

The merchant’s eyes were wide open, a nugget of silver that was far from enough for him,

“Wow, thank you customer”

Before dark, BaiYing still had time to invite the Crown Prince to play fireworks with other residents near the bridge where a lot of people gathered to enjoy the air. The sparkling sparks of fireworks in BaiYing’s and others’ hands made the dark night full of light flicker, the young man laughed along with the two maids who played with him.

“Hehehe this is really good”

BaiYing took the Crown Prince’s hand and gave him one of his fireworks which were in his two hands, the young man went around playing with a few small children around him, aYa couldn’t help but enjoy it, the girl smiled, the beautiful light of the fireworks and especially the light that emerged from BaiYing’s laughing face made her feel very relieved, so pleasant.

“YingYing don’t run here and there, sit still” cried the Crown Prince trying to grab BaiYing’s hand who couldn’t stay still, but the young man’s face and wide laugh made him unable to be angry with him, he really enjoyed it.

“Your Majesty, just enjoy it, let’s flick it over the head, the wick will soon run out”

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LuoXiang who had been wearing a serious face finally couldn’t help but smile, BaiYing’s face, his hands that kept pulling him into the crowd left him no choice but to enjoy it, and, it didn’t feel bad either, to be commoners laughing and rejoicing over little things, the sounds and flames of firecrackers shooting up into the sky filling the void of the night sky.


“Wow, it’s so beautiful”

The crowd continued to grow, it was getting late and people were coming to visit the market which was open until the early hours of the morning.

BaiYing sat leaning his head on LuoXiang’s broad shoulders at the edge of the bridge while swaying his legs dangling over the water, LuoXiang’s broad palms holding his hands. Last night at XianYang city, a beautiful city full of all kinds of fun, tomorrow, they will be head back to the Palace, BaiYing never thought that the palace, would be his place to go home to, if not there, where would he go? His mansion at ChangSan was getting so cold, whether he could live there alone or not, he didn’t want to think about it, loneliness, which he was so afraid of.

The Crown Prince tightened his grip even slowly intertwining their fingers with each other, he raised his other hand to stroke BaiYing’s hair which was parted by the night wind, tightening his coat as the air grew colder towards night.

“YingYing, what are you thinking?” he asked.

For a moment, BaiYing didn’t answer, then he shook his head slowly.

“Nothing, just, just want to enjoy tonight, the beautiful XianYang sky at night, heh, are, we will be able to come back here again Your Majesty?”

LuoXiang held his breath for a while, he smiled and slowly nodded.

“Sure, one day, we will come back here again, this is a very good city, General Po did a very good job, of course, we will come here often in the future”

BaiYing smiled at LuoXiang’s words.

“Heh, well, Ying’er will definitely come again with His Majesty here, heh this is very pleasant”

For a moment, BaiYing rested his head on the Crown Prince’s shoulder, and in serious thought, LuoXiang lowered his head to look at BaiYing’s face very closely.

“Alright, YingYing says what’s on your mind, we promised not to keep our problems to ourselves right? The naughty YingYing being serious like this must be because of something right?”

BaiYing held his breath for a while, then turned to LuoXiang for a moment before continuing his speech.

“Em, Your Majesty, I feel, my memory, from the night that ten years ago, is slowly come back.”

Hearing BaiYing’s words, LuoXiang sat up straight.

“What does it mean to come back? YingYing remember what happened that night?”

BaiYing frowned deeply, he thought and nodded slowly.

“Perhaps, servant, it’s like seeing some people behind the building behind my house, just before the attack, those people were big tall, black, laughing faces with very wide mouths and shining eyes, and there were snakes coming out of their hands and as if to swallow Ying’er”

The Crown Prince thought, the person he described, is there such a human?

“Emh, that person with a very wide mouth, shining eyes, holding a snake in his hand, that, wasn’t it just a dream? You are indirectly describing some kind of monster or demon.”

BaiYing shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know, but, I remember the sound of their laughter, as well as the small snake with red eyes shining from the palm of that person’s hand as if it was about to attack me, whether it’s a true memory or not, but Ying’er remembers it very well, because that night, Ying’er ‘er left the room wanting to see the falling snow, the first snow that Ying’er saw fell from above the very dark sky, em”

BaiYing clenched his fists, as if there was something in his hand at that moment, gripping it tightly, but what? He still couldn’t remember it properly.

“Forgive me for not thinking harder Your Majesty, I will try to remember it again”

Hearing BaiYing’s lackluster voice, LuoXiang smiled, raising his hand to caress the young man’s crown, pulling him closer.

“Hey stupid boy, what can you remember? You were so young at that time, how can you remember such details when you almost lost your life, don’t worry too much, this matter, just let me think about it, let me think about it for YingYing okay?”

Hearing that BaiYing turned to LuoXiang and smiled until his eyes disappeared because of it, he nodded his head.

“Erm, okay, Ying’er will still try to remember it slowly.”

The Crown Prince chuckled.

“Hehehehe alright, erm, heh, now, does YingYing like it? Are you satisfied with your shopping?” LuoXiang asked softly, the young man nodded.

“Um, I really like it, thank you, Your Majesty, for accompanying me, and making another beautiful memory in this very beautiful city.”

LuoXiang chuckled, the little boy beside him was indeed very innocent and he couldn’t stop liking him.

“This kid, let’s go back, tomorrow we have to go back to SanPo, you will complain about being so tired later”

The two of them sat among the many residents enjoying the night behind them, running here and there while playing endless fireworks.

“I can sleep on the carriage, as long as Your Majesty is there, I can rest anywhere.”

“You, you really think I’m a pillow.”

BaiYing smiled widely until all of his eyes disappeared.

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“Hehehe Your Majesty can be anything”

And even though the night air was getting colder and colder, it didn’t make the crowd of residents who were used to the weather lessen their enthusiasm to enjoy that beautiful night, although, any noise of the crowd was not heard by LuoXiang who could only see BaiYing is one in his eyes.

Early in the morning, thin dew had not yet fallen from the broad leaves, the sun was still dim and the air was too cold to make everyone wear layered and thick clothes, the Crown Prince’s carriage was ready in front of the front yard of Po’s mansion.

BaiYing couldn’t let go of General Po who was patting him on the back.

“Ach grandfather, Ying’er will miss grandfather so much” BaiYing’s spoiled voice clinging to the old man made the great general who led tens of thousands of troops couldn’t stop laughing.

“Hehehehe kid, next time grandpa will visit the palace, XiaoYing don’t be naughty, take care of your health, don’t get sick for grandpa’s sake”

BaiYing nodded.

“Yeah, Ying’er know, grandpa too.”

LuoXiang escorted the Ou Magical healer with two of BeiYau’s mainstay guards to return to the Medicine valley. It is likely that the Black Water Clan would not pursue him anymore so healer Ou healer return to his place in peace, the old healer promised him to look for the way out so ErWang won’t hunt BaiYing down, at this time maybe the dragon doesn’t know the truth yet, but if one day it finds out, he has to rack his brains to find a solution so that the Blood Stone can get out of BaiYing’s body completely without hurting him.

Their journey out of the palace had to end there, LuoXiang had to think about their next plans, and that, all the answers he needed, might be right inside the palace.

Before the sun shone brightly, the group had already approached the city gates of XianYang, still escorted by General Po and high-ranking officials of XianYang city out of the city, all the way out, the echo of the voices of citizens chanting the name of the Crown Prince accompanied their way.

“May His Highness the Crown Prince live long and blessed!”

Endless, the voices of citizens who couldn’t be more proud of the Crown Prince willing to visit their city ushered in until the group finally exited the great gates of XianYang city.

Klop klop klop.

The group went out of town, not too far away. BaiYing actually fell back asleep with his head on the Crown Prince’s shoulder.

“This kid, It’s not even that far yet”

The Crown Prince excitedly wanted to pinch his cheeks, but he’s stopped, this young man who is now running out of energy is indeed very tired after playing all day yesterday. LuoXiang smiled, he was very proud of him, before leaving he still had left all the toys he bought in the middle of XianYang city to give to the children in LiuYang city, he still couldn’t stop thinking about the children who he thought were quite unfortunate because LiuYang city was almost non-existent before.

This kid, although he seemed very uneasy serious and only know how to play, really has a very soft heart, don’t know what luck LuoXiang had to have such a great child now in his arms.

“Hemh” BaiYing’s body slowly pulled closer to him, pulled BaiYing’s coat close so he wouldn’t be cold, hugged him, and kissed his forehead gently.

“My YingYing Heh” he whispered.
