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Class Teacher System

Ch139 - Save the Brain dead lover (18)
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Upon receiving the message from him, Yi Xiao, struck by a sudden idea, felt that this was undoubtedly a great opportunity for him to showcase his power. So, he lifted the curtain of the nearby bed and said, "Don't you have a few classes off this morning? Do you want to cwithand witness the grand event?"

At that moment, Ren Zhu was changing clothes, pulling a T-shirt over himself. His fair and somewhat delicate waist was exposed directly in front of Yi Xiao. After Yi Xiao finished speaking, he stared fixedly at that spot. Feeling the burning gaze, Ren Zhu's lips twitched, and he quickly put on the shirt, directly refusing, "No need. We have the Academy Tournament in a month. That's the real big event."

Yi Xiao hadn't expected Little Bamboo to reject him. He immediately becdispleased, "Even if that's a big event, you won't be able to get a close view. But in our school's internal competition, you can watch closely. And the internal competition is fierce too. You'll miss out if you don't watch. Also, don't you want to see my heroic posture? I can show you just how amazing I am."

Ren Zhu chuckled internally. How amazing can you be, you brainless guy? After a couple of matches, you need to rest and recover, don't you feel embarrassed to say such things? Fortunately, he decided to accompany Yi Xiao to see it. After all, if a fire breaks out or if Yi Xiao's spiritual power acts up again, he would feel more at ease being there.

"For how long is the competition? The whole day?" Yi Xiao knew that Ren Zhu had decided to go watch his performance. His mood instantly brightened, "How could it take the whole day? Each grade competes separately. With teachers supervising, the competition can finish in the morning. And I don't have to start right from the beginning. I was the grade chief last year. Until today, I've been the grade chief by default. Today, the person who wins the last match will challenge me. If I successfully defend my position, I'll remain the grade chief until the start of the Eighth Grade Ranking Tournament. So, basically, it's just letting you see who the formidable opponents and my lackeys are in our school."

His overconfident attitude was bigger than the sky, making Ren Zhu nod, "Alright. I give your confidence a thumbs up. Let's go over there later. Can you guess who the final winner will be? Could it be that blond guy, Qiaozhi Souya, who directly provoked you and triggered your spiritual power explosion last time?"

When Yi Xiao heard Souya's name, his face immediately darkened, and he pursed his lips, saying, "Even though I personally dislike him and want to beat him into a pig, his strength isn't weak. Coupled with the advantages his family has given him, he should be able to secure a spot in the top three of our grade. But in front of me, I could send him flying with just one punch. He still dared to provoke me, which shows how good my temper and demeanor are on regular days."

Ren Zhu twitched the corner of his mouth. If such juvenile behavior represents having good demeanor, then this world must be in perfect harmony.

During breakfast, Ren Zhu ate heartily. A serving of seafood porridge contained plenty of Emperor Spirit Crabs' meat, and he also ate a bamboo steamer full of crystal shrimp dumplings. These shrimp dumplings were made directly from crystal shrimp, their translucent appearance resembling crystal, and were completely different from the crystal shrimp dumplings from his previous lives. Feeling satisfied from the meal, his mood improved. When they walked to the training ground, both had smiles on their faces. Their expressions were quickly noticed and becthe topic of discussion among onlookers.

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"I told you, in the end, the competition for the third-year's heart our seventh grade's top position is stronger! Look at them having breakfast and chatting happily. When have you ever seen Yi Xiao with such an expression?!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Lan Tu is the heartthrob of our higher grades, adored by countless girls. There are too many girls chasing after him to count, and even boys chasing after him are uncountable. It's said that as long as Senior Lan Tu speaks a few heartfelt words to someone, that person will be captivated by him! That third-year bamboo shoot is so much younger, how could he escape the clutches of our Senior Lan Tu?"

"Well, that's not definite! That guy named Ren Zhu seems to have improved his spiritual power lately. He's no longer the double-E waste from before, and he's really mysterious. Although he looks small, I always feel like his aura is similar to someone I know! Just by him looking expressionless and staring atfor a while, I feel like I want to go back and review my lessons! That guy who can be a blue disaster is definitely not someone easily captivated. And have you forgotten the most important point? Senior Lan Tu is already eighteen years old, ten years older than that little bamboo! There's at least a three-generation gap between them, how could they get along? It's easier for our seventh-grade Yi Xiao to communicate with him."

"Ha ha! Are you kidding me? That brainless Yi Xiao often has spiritual power outbreaks. He kicks anyone he doesn't like, and by now, there must be at least fifty people he's kicked and sent flying. Communicate with others? As long as he doesn't kill someone with one punch, he's already lucky. Do you still think he's the prodigy from before?"

"Even when he has a spiritual power outbreak, he's still a Federally talented person with an S-level in physical fitness! And who doesn't know the reason for his spiritual power outbreaks? Although he has a bit of a bad temper, anyone with a brain should understand his situation instead of mocking him for falling from grace! If you have the guts, try destroying your spiritual power! Let's see if you can live as strong and determined as he does. If it were you, you probably would have killed yourself a long tago, right?"


"What 'you"! If you don't agree, cfight!"

So, the crowd began a heated battle of verbal warfare over who the little bamboo disaster would end up with, while the two parties involved showed no reaction at all. Ren Zhu still held a bag of crispy spare ribs, snacking on them as he walked. Yi Xiao had taken it out from his spatial bracelet and handed it to him. When Ren Zhu took it out, Yi Xiao was a bit surprised. But he turned his face away and said in a particularly resentful tone, "You're getting as thin as a bamboo shoot, and that's really letting my people down. Eat a bit more and put on sweight... I think you might like this more."

Hearing this, Ren Zhu smiled. He rarely looked so meek as he nodded slightly, his watery eyes looking at the reddening tips of Yi Xiao's ears. "I do like it a lot, thank you."

Yi Xiao glanced at him, then was startled and awkwardly moved forward. How could that little bamboo suddenly look so attractive! And he even seemed so well-behaved! This was just a dark bamboo shoot coming out of the water, definitely not to be fooled!

Not far away, Zack and a few other underlings of Yi Xiao stared in astonishment at the scene before them. Even Jin Shui, the dual-B-rank teacher in charge of certifying and supervising the physical and spiritual abilities for the seventh grade, found this sight to be quite rare. After all, that former Federal star and current reigning star of the institute was known to be quite difficult to get along with.

Considering srecent rumors he had heard, he looked at Ren Zhu with a subtle expression in his eyes.

"You guys are here!" Zack hurriedly approached, followed by four or five other students, all around the sixth or seventh grade. Ren Zhu noticed that when Yi Xiao looked at them, his gaze was relatively gentle. Before he arrived, these people should have been Yi Xiao's rare friends and supporters. Although they might not be as determined as him to stick by Yi Xiao's side, the fact that they were around had prevented Yi Xiao from becoming even more violent and melancholic. For that, Ren Zhu felt a bit grateful.

So, even if Yi Xiao didn't give these people a good look and just nodded arrogantly, Ren Zhu beside him showed a very bright smile. He addressed Zack and the others, saying, "You guys are Yi Xiao's good friends, right? You really work hard on regular days. If you need any tutoring, feel free to cfindanytime! I've self-studied up to the equivalent of the third year of the advanced section in terms of spiritual power abilities, Federal politics, literature, history, and law. I even have a dedicated tutoring room on the StarNet. If you feel like you might fail or not pass, cfind me. I'll tutor you for free, given that you're friends of Yi Xiao."

Zack and his friends were initially dazzled by Ren Zhu's rare bright smile, thinking that this must be the future sister-in-law chosen by their leader. However, the moment they heard Ren Zhu's smiling voice, their expressions froze, and internally, they felt countless mechas and monsters racing in their minds! For the first tin their lives, after living for over a decade, they were confronted with a greeting that said someone they had just met would tutor them! And this was from a boy four years their junior! Self-studied up to the equivalent of the third year of the advanced section? What the heck was that? Wasn't he a bit off about his own grade? A third-year junior high student saying he'd tutor seventh graders and even guarantee them passing-this joke wasn't funny at all, was it?!

The most straightforward of the six, Shi Lei, voiced his doubts, "I'm saying, Little Future Sister-in-Law, uh, cough cough! Little Junior Brother, did you misspeak? You tutoring us? We're in seventh grade, and you're only in the third grade, right? How could you tutor us?" Upon hearing this, Ren Zhu looked at him with a pitying gaze, causing the guy to involuntarily take a big step back. Yi Xiao lightly kicked him from the side. "No brains? He said he's self-taught."

Hearing that, Shi Lei's face twisted even further. Because he's entirely self-taught, it's even more terrifying! He's only a few years old, yet he's already self-studied up to the equivalent of the third year of the advanced section? And not just in one subject, but almost encompassing all humanities subjects? If what he said was true, then what kind of learning prodigy was he? As a student who constantly failed in Federal history and law, he found it hard to believe in such an extraordinary genius!

A cold snort from Yi Xiao was the response, followed by his proud tone. "So, you're dumb. His tutoring and self-study are accredited by the Education Alliance."

The four words "Education Alliance" were like an ultimate weapon, stunning all six of them, including Zack. Once they reacted, their gazes towards Ren Zhu turned into a mixture of amazement, admiration, and complex resentment. Seeing their expressions, Ren Zhu knew for sure that at least one of their courses was a weak point for them. So he smiled again and said, "Welcto ctofor tutoring. Considering that you're all friends of this second-year middle schooler, I'll only charge you half of the tutoring fee."

Shi Lei felt depressed again. "Didn't you just say it was free?" Why did it change within a minute!

Yi Xiao, with a heavy tone, looked at him, "With your intelligence, not charging would be a huge loss. So, let's charge a token fee."

Zack and the others were left speechless.

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Their voices weren't too loud, but they weren't too soft either. However, as a dual-B-rank spiritual power teacher, Jin Shui still managed to catch a general idea of their conversation.

Watching in samazement at Ren Zhu, this child does indeed possess sabilities. However, at present, the focus is on the qualifying matches and the candidates. So, Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao took their seats on the positions reserved for the grade's top students. Later, mor than fifty people appeared on the combat platform. The competition was divided into mecha combat and battle, selecting the top four through battles, who would then compete with Yi Xiao in the academy competition. Among them, the most formidable would challenge Yi Xiao for the position of grade's top student.

Soya, Yi Xiao's arch-nemesis, of course appeared with his lackeys. Across the space, he made a gesture of slashing his neck, indicating that he was determined to pull Yi Xiao down from his position this year. Unfortunately, Yi Xiao was busy talking with Ren Zhu and completely ignored Souya, leaving him fuming.

While observing the intense and fierce competitions below, Ren Zhu suddenly thought of something. "How many years have you been the top student here?"

Without much thought, Yi Xiao replied, "Four years, why?"

Ren Zhu nodded and then looked puzzled. "So, who was the top student in your first year? Souya?"

Yi Xiao scoffed, "Him? The first-year top student was Zack."

"Zack?" Ren Zhu's voice held ssurprise. "So, you defeated him, and he recognized you as the leader afterward? You managed to kick him off the top spot, and he didn't hold a grudge against you but chose to follow you?"

Hearing this, Yi Xiao chuckled lightly. "Who knows if he's just stupid? But he was annoying at first. After I had him unable to stand up for twenty consecutive days, he was completely convinced. Then he toldhe felt the aura of a king inand decided to stick with me." Yi Xiao said this and even lifted his eyebrows arrogantly. "And the truth has proven that I do indeed have the aura of a king."

Ren Zhu's mouth twitched. An aura of a teenage king? "But piloting mecha and using esper abilities both require spiritual power, right? When you arrived, your spiritual power was unstable due to frequent outbreaks. How did you manage these past few years? How did you win?"

Yi Xiao paused for a moment upon hearing this question. Then, he gazed intently at the battles of the young boys in front of him, speaking each word with determination, "I wanted to win. So, I won."

Just six simple words, yet at this moment, Ren Zhu felt an overwhelming sense of empathy for the twelve-year-old boy before him. "I want to win, so I won." Even if it means enduring pain and exerting effort dozens or even hundreds of times greater than others, I won't mind.