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Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 283 Would You Like To Come With Me To China?
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Michael looked at James in annoyance. His mood, which had been bad from the start, became even worse when he saw James' expression, which this time didn't want to be rejected.

He sighed. Is his business trip that important?

"Where is the location?" asked Michael trying to figure out what important business trip he had to go.


"Chi… What did you say? China?!" Michael asked, widening his eyes.

James nodded, his expression still the same as usual.

"Are you crazy?! Why should I go to China?!" cried Michael in annoyance.

He's been there before and it's a nice city. However, this is not the time to go to areas that require more than 12 hours of flight!

"Just send a representative to go, or you can go!" continued Michael who had made his decision. He won't go!

He didn't know why he had to go all the way to China, but it definitely wasn't more important than his personal business!

What if when he leaves, the kids meet the lawyer and like him? He was already quite dizzy when they idolized the blonde doctor. He wouldn't let any other man become their idol!

Moreover, the man was trying to get close to Sarah!

"It was Mrs. Nam's wedding," James said casually, ignoring Michael who was screaming and glaring at him.


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"Mrs. Elena Nam*, our business partner in China, will marry and invite you to her wedding," James said, explaining why Michael had to go to China.

(One of the characters in my other : Superstar Husband & Genius Wife. You can check it. It's completed)

Michael was silent when he heard that. Elena is getting married?

"Now you understand why you had to leave, right?" James asked when he saw that Michael was silent.

"The wedding will be on Friday, but we can leave from Wednesday because we have a meeting with Mrs. Nam," continued James, telling Michael the schedule.

Michael bit his lower lips. Elena is a very important business partner because she is a well-known businesswoman in China, as well as Asia. He worked with her so that their products could enter Asia, especially to China which is known to often reject products from outside.

"That… you just go!" said Michael after a moment of silence. He knew it was very important in order to maintain his relationship with Elena.

However, that woman wouldn't be upset just because he didn't come to her wedding, right?

"Michael!" said James in a disapproving tone then started lecturing Michael the reason why he should go, like a mother scolding her kid.

Michael sighed when James finally finished.

"Okay, I'll go," Michael decided. He had forgotten that Elena was a ruthless woman and she would definitely remember if he didn't come.

It wasn't that Michael was afraid of her, but that he still needed her.

James breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

"But you must come with me!" The words that just came out of Michael's mouth made the look of relief on James' face disappear immediately.

"Why are you making such a face?" asked Michael when he noticed James' expression.

"Why should I come too?!" asked James irritably. "You know I'm married, and have a two years old daughter!" continued James.

"Because… one, you are my secretary. Two, you forced me to go!" said Michael in a tone that sounded deliberately annoying.

After James married and had a daughter, Michael did make some concessions to James not to work late, or to accompany him on business trips that took more than two days.

"He should start looking for a woman to go out with him," James muttered under his breath, still annoyed.

"What?" Michael asked when he could hear something. "What did you say?"

James took a deep breath, then looked at Michael.

"I said, instead of coming with me, you should have come with a woman!" said James irritably.

"How long do you want me to accompany you to such an event? If you really don't want to get married, at least date someone!" James continued to let out what he was thinking.

Michael fell silent at James' words. Why hadn't he thought of that before? Business trip this time to come to Elena's wedding. Then why did he have to take James, and not a woman to accompany him?

Even though that woman wasn't his girlfriend, or his wife, he had a woman to go with!


"What did you just say?" Sarah asked with wide eyes as they were having dinner, and Michael said something to her.

"Would you like to come with me to China?" said Michael, repeating his question earlier. "My business partner over there is getting married, and she invited me."

Sarah did not immediately answer the invitation. Her eyes reflexively turned to the kids who were eating.

"We can also take Raphael and Gabriel with us," Michael said when he caught Sarah's doubtful expression and the woman was turning towards them.

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He had almost forgotten that now they were no longer alone, but four. Although he prefers just the two of them to go because later they can go on a date there. However, the kids were too young to be left behind..

So it seemed there was no other way but to take the two kids.

"Boys, do you guys want to go to China?" asked Michael looking at his children as Sarah remained silent.

"China? What's that?" asked Raphael in confusion.

"It is a country." Michael explained it succinctly. "We can see Panda there!" said Michael trying to get his kids interested in going there.

"Really?" Gabriel's eyes lit up. "I love Pandas!"

Gabriel then immediately turned to Sarah. "Mommy, let's go to Caina!"

A smile immediately appeared on Michael's face when he heard that. As usual, Gabriel was always able to help him at times like this. He then turned to Sarah, waiting for her answer.

Sarah sighed when she saw the enthusiasm of her youngest son. She then turned to Michael.

"When should we go?" Sarah asked, wanting to confirm the schedule in advance.

"The wedding is Friday, but we're going on Wednesday because I have a meeting with him," Michael explained excitedly.

"Then we can't go," replied Sarah, shaking her head.

Michael's facial expression immediately changed when he heard that. Sarah can't go?

"Why?" asked Michael, clearly very disappointed. He thought he had succeeded in persuading Sarah to come with him, but why did she suddenly change her mind?

"Ah! Do you think the flight will be tiring? Don't worry, we will use my private jet," Michael said, trying to guess the reason why Sarah didn't want to go.

However, Sarah still shook her head. That wasn't the reason why she had turned down Michael's invitation.