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Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 299 Grandpa, Come To Our House
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Michael, who was standing not far from his father's bed, looked at Sarah with a curious expression when he saw the woman walking towards the corner of the room, away from them, while picking up a call.

He became alert. Who called Sarah until she wanted to excuse herself to pick it up?

Was it a call from that lawyer?

While remaining in his position, Michael tried to hear what the woman was saying. He was curious, but again he didn't want to show it that he was.

However, no matter how Michael tried to focus, he couldn't hear the conversation.

He only saw the look on Sarah's face that looked surprised by what the person who called her said, then smiled widely, and then hang up the call.

After the call ended, Sarah's expression was still happy as she walked over to Michael.

"I have to go," Sarah said in a half-whisper to Michael.

Michael's expression looked surprised to hear that.

"Where to? I'll take you," Michael said trying to find out who had gone to call Sarah with an indirect question.

"Oh, there's no need. I'm only going to meet Steve in this hospital," Sarah replied with a smile.

Michael's expression looked relieved when he heard that answer. Once again he had guessed wrong. It seemed that from now on he really had to stop guessing like that.

"Then why do you look happy?" asked Michael curiously.

He wasn't jealous of the blonde doctor anymore because he was a married man, but Sarah, who looked happy after getting a call from the man, bothered him a little.

"I'll tell you later," Sarah replied with a smile.

She then looked at his kids who had now climbed into Mr. Collins' bed.

"Raphael, Gabriel, Mommy will be leaving for a while. You guys wait here, okay?"

After seeing the nod of the Twins' heads, Sarah walked out of the room with a face that couldn't help but smile.


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"Is what you said true?" Sarah asked as she sat down at the cafeteria table where Steve was sitting.

"I'm a little disappointed. You don't believe me?" Steve asked pretending to look sad. He then handed Sarah the sandwich and tea he had ordered earlier.

"Thanks," Sarah replied, taking the sandwich and opening the wrap and taking a bite.

"So? It's true?" Sarah asked with a hopeful face.

Steve nodded his head.

"Yes, your application has been accepted and you can come to work Monday," Steve replied with a smile.

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that.

"But, should I know that you submitted your application to this hospital from someone else?" asked Steve. His tone sounded a little hurt. "I thought we were friends!" he continued.

Sarah made an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, I'm trying to see if I'm still worthy or not," Sarah replied.

Steve's eyes opened wide at Sarah's answer.

"Of course you're still worthy! What's wrong with you? You need to be more confident again!" said Steve sounding annoyed.

Sarah just smiled at that. After finding out she was pregnant and quit her job, Sarah did lose her confidence to become surgeon again. After all, it's been a while since she do that and there's so many new surgeon.

Steve's words made her mood a little better.

"By the way, how do you know if I'm actually accepted or not? I don't think anyone called me," Sarah asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

She did get a call for an interview, but it was from another hospital.

"I have my own information. They want to contact you, but I want to tell you that," Steve said.

Sarah just nodded at that. She didn't know if she got this job because of Steve, or because of management's appraisal

However, it doesn't matter. She got a job and that is more than enough.

The distance from this hospital and where she lives is also not far. So there is no reason for Sarah to refuse it.


While waiting for Sarah, Michael decided to sit on the sofa in the room while playing his cellphone, allowing his two kids to play with his parents.

The kids seemed to be comfortable, so he didn't feel the need to keep an eye on them and just let them do what they want to do. They already know not to touch anything.

Meanwhile, Raphael and Gabriel were still on Mr. Collins' bed.

"Grandpa," Gabriel said. suddenly who was massaging Mr. Collins' feet.

"When will you be out of the hospital?" he continued looking at the old man with a curious look.

"Eh?" Mr. Collins looked surprised at the question.

"I want to invite grandpa to come to my house to show you my toys!" said Gabriel excitedly.

Raphael who was busy opening the candy his grandfather had just given him, raised his head hearing that.

"Oh! That's right! Grandpa should come to visit the house! We have a big swimming pool!" said Raphael while spreading his arms.

Mr. Collins cracked a smile when he heard the invitation.

"Really? Grandpa can go to your place?" asked the old man quietly.

The two kids nodded at that.

While Mrs. Collins who sat beside the bed, just looked at her husband with teary eyes.

She wanted to open her mouth to persuade her husband to do the surgery again, but she managed to keep herself from speaking like that because there were kids here.

However, it seems that after this she will try to persuade her husband again.

Meanwhile, Mr. Collins felt something warm when he heard the conversation of the two grandkids who were telling him where they lived so that he would come to visit there.

His heart, which had been closed and accepted his destiny, slowly began to feel there was a small light in the darkness.

However, Mr. Collins still doubted whether the light could illuminate the darkness until the darkness disappeared.

Not long after, the room opened again and Sarah came with a sandwich she had bought in the cafeteria. It was enough for everyone who was there.

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"You're here," Michael said as soon as he saw Sarah and put his cellphone back in his trouser pocket.

"Then, dad, mom, we'll excuse ourselves first," said Michael standing up and looking at his parents.

Sarah, who was giving her sandwiches to her kids, turned to Michael with a surprised look.

They had been here for about two hours, but it was the weekend, it wouldn't hurt if they stayed a little longer.

"Daddy, I still want to be here," said Raphael who had been holding his sandwich but had not yet opened the wrap.

"Yeah, me too!" Gabriel continued then turned to his Mommy who still hadn't given him a sandwich.

"We have to go now so we can play for a long time. We're going to go play in the arcade," Michael replied, smiling at his kids, who wore protesting expressions.

This was his first weekend as their Daddy, and Michael didn't want to spend their time in the hospital alone.

Well... he knew that his parents might still want to play with their grandson. However, he also wants to play with his kids!

His parents would understand.

The eyes of the two kids lit up when they heard the word play.

"Right, you should go," said Mr. Collins with a smile and a nod.

Mrs. Collins was silent. She wanted to hold them back, but she knew that Michael wouldn't listen to her.

While Sarah just looked at Michael in annoyance. She didn't care if Michael wanted to go out, but did he have to say it that way?

However, seeing her two excited looking kids, Sarah just sighed and looked at Mr. and Mrs. Collins with an apologetic look.

"Then we'll excuse ourselves," said Sarah politely, looking at the two elderly people in turn.

They both just nodded at that.

After saying goodbye once again to Mr. and Mrs. Collins, the four immediately left the room with various expressions on their faces.

The two small kids looked happy, Michael who smiled, and Sarah who still looked annoyed because she didn't like Michael's way. She still thought that what Michael had done was wrong because it was so rude.

When they had only taken a few steps, a door opened behind them again. It made Sarah who heard that turn to see if it was just her imagination or not.

However, it turned out to be not just an imagination. The door to the room did indeed open and Mrs. Collins came out of it and walked over to her.

"Mrs. Collins," Sarah said awkwardly. "What is it? Did we forget something?" Sarah asked confusedly. She then called the three men who had walked away to ask if they had forgot anything.

"No, it's not like that," replied Mrs. Collins, also looking awkward. The woman then looked at the three men behind Sarah who were looking at her with curious eyes.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" asked Mrs. Collins