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Cold Hearted Princess

Chapter 118
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Chapter 117 The new girlfriend Gideon I opened my eyes to get back to the m the reality I hated. Okay, not all of it, just every part that wasn't about Alice. I recalled what happened yesterday in the club, and I felt the sanger instantly.

I got up, then I showered. I was about to eat something when I heard someone arrive. As I didn't want to deal with my father, I hope it wasn't him. I felt easier when I saw Sloane enter my kitchen.

She walked closer, then she gave a kiss on my face. Then she stopped and just stared at me.

"What is it?" I asked her with a frown.

"I never saw you do the kitchen." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, you can make a note, then." I just finished putting my food on my plate. I held it and I walked to my dining room. She followed me.

When I sat down, I noticed that she still looked at me.

"Do you want some?" I asked her, but she shook her head.

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"Then what?" She took a deep breath.

"I won't lie to you, Gid. Dad sentto talk to you." "No point to do that Sloane, I made my decision." She looked atin surprise.

"What?" "I'm going to sell the club. If he wants it, he can buy it fromformally. Just to change the names on the ownership documents," "Why are you so against them now?" I put my cutleries down, and I looked at her, "I'm not anyone's pet to keepon a lace and do whatever they want, not even geta breeder whore. This is my life, my decisions, and I fuck who I want to fuck. If they don't like it, then I won't be a Sullivan anymore." "Gideon, how can you talk like that? We are a family, and they only want what is the best for you. They are trying to help you out of misery and getting a good business with that. Is it so painful for you?" "Sloane, I'm happy." I stated. "My love life would be a happy place if he wouldn't pushto that whore.""Gideon, all of us know now you aren't telling the truth." "Because you know that better than me, don't you?" She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Gideon, a few days ago 1 was here. I thought you were awake, but you were sleeping. Tellif your so-called love life is so happy, then why the hell are you still keeping a picture of her next to your bed?" I sighed. I wish I could tell her she was so wrong now Chapter 117 The new guifriend "Sloane, listen to me. You have nothing to do with that. You have nothing to do with my love life. Not you and not them. I would appreciate that if you would just leavealone." I stood up. I last my appetite. I took my plate to the kitchen, "Gideon, we all love you.

We all I want good for YOLL "No, you all fucking torturing me. You all all keep doing that." I doing that." I shouted.

She sighed. It seemed like she couldn't say anything to that. It took a while before she broke the silence.

"Dad thinks she would be the best business partner. He always talks about her as a clever businesswoman who has the ability to make a huge amount of money. Legally, of course." "Well, if he wants legal money, and he believes she could do that for him, then why torturing me? Like I said, I would sell the club. If he wants it, he can take it. If he doesn't want it, someone else will take it. Simple," "Gideon, mum and dad bought that club for you because you said you would like to own one. Could you seriously sell it? sked for it." "That tI had a family, when I asked She took a deep breath. It seemed like she slowly understood there was nothing she could say to makechange my mind. She just turned around and walked to the living room. I followed her shortly.

"Will you you stay with me?" I asked her. She looked atunhappily.

"I have to make sure you'll attend the family lunch." I laughed out loud.

"Don't worry Sloane, I didn't want to miss it. I would love to see that whore kissing my family member's asses for spennies." She frowned.

"Gideon, Amber's family is rich." I laughed.

"Of course." I said sarcastically she still frowned.

"What do you mean?" mean, that isn't normal. Amber appeared from nowhere and she jumped into our business like she would have worked with us for a long time. She puts no money in, she only wants to take money out, and she sticks tolike glue. She wantsto fuck her so badly and keep me. Do you really think that she doesn't do it on purpose? Fuck that." "Gideon, maybe she is really into you." I rolled my eyes at my naive little sister's comment.

"No, believewhen I say her family broke." Sloane only laughed, shaking her head.

"Get ready Gideon. They'll killif I won't bring you with me."

I sighed, and I left her. Riccardo wasn't lying. I had to admit that he was way more informed than myn father. And if my father was so blindly believed this whore in everything, I was responsible then to prevent her from getting into our family. Even if they hated me. I got ready quickly, and she said she would cwithin my car.

When she fastened her seatbelt, she frowned at me.

Chapter 117 The new pethierd She moved her hand to the rest, and she got a long blonde hair from the material of the cover between her fingertips. She raised an eyebrow and stared questioning while she kept the hair that belonged to Alice.

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I seed and shrugged my shoulders.

"I told you, I'm clay." She exhaled while she sat back properly, and she laughed while she shook her head. I laughed too. For a moment, I thought I could tell her about Alice, but I quickly changed my mind. It wasn't the tyet to reveal I was with her again.

The way seemed too short. I really wasn't looking forward to spending twith them. We were the first who arrived. My mum hugged and kissedfirst, then she did the swith Sloane. My dad greeted us the sway, and just like usual, we sat down in the garden. Sloane talked to them, mostly about her boyfriend. Normally, I would stop her, as the least that I wanted to know about a guy who my little sister lays under, but this tI was grateful for her to talk, instead of me.

It didn't take too long and I could hear the familiar laughter of my niece.

Leah greeted me, but Seth and Ava didn't look atat allPhat hurt. Look atSomehow I got used to my brother hating me, but Ava's hatred towardswas a new thing. I tried to make eye contact with her, but it looked like she was intentionally refusing to look at me. They chatted happily while I was like an outsider again. No one askedanything, and I got no questions from them at all.

Soon Lilly arrived with the person who I didn't want to see at all.

"Amber, letintroduce you to my lovely family. My father stood up suddenly when he saw her, and my mother was apparently delighted to see her Toa.

"Amber, so good to meet you finally. You look so beautiful, darling. My mum told her with amazement, and to see Amber's satisfied face madefeel Like I wanted to puke again.

She kissed all the others who welcomed her, and obviously she didn't miss me. She kissed my face, which I hated, but she did that suddenly, and I had no tto avoid that. I only made a face and rubbed my face with my hand.

However, all the attention went to Ava soon. She screamed at Amber when she tried to kiss her.

"Do not touch me. I won't let you kiss me." She shouted. Seth rushed to her.