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Cold Hearted Princess

Chapter 120
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Chapter 119 A smart little girl For a moment, everyone froze. I poked her again to stay quiet.

"You'll be the best Ava if you keep training" 1 said.

"We could go ice skating together, Ava. I would love to see you ice skate." She said, but my dad smiled widely.

"There will be a galla soon. We are all going to attend. Amber, dear, you are invited." I looked up for a moment, while Amber laughed like a child who got a piece of chocolate.

"Oh thank you, Spencer. I'll be there for sure." "Good. I love to watch Ava skating." Dad said.

"You can also cone day to the centre when she is training Seth added.

"Oh, could I? W When she is training?" "Afternoons. From four o'clock "Perfect" She smiled.

Ava looked at me. Probably she expectedto say something against it, but I couldn't.

was grateful to Lilly when she cout to let us know the lunch was ready.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We all stood up after mum motioned to go in, and we walked into the house together. Ava stayed with me. I held her hand and I led her inside.

The lunch wasn't quite as it was expected. Only Ava and I sat there in silence, and it seemed like no one cared about that.

Mam asked Amber about shopping, and they quickly agreed when they could go shopping together. Honestly, listening to them, I felt like this wasn't my family. They were nothing like before.

Finally, when we finished lunch, we all went back outside, and my mum asked for sliquor and beer. Seth and dad opened two bottles for themselves. Dad looked at me.

"Gideon, have a beer." "No thanks, I still have to drive." They looked at me, surprised.

"Gideon, stay with us. It's a family event. Amber is going to stay too." "Well, I have something important to deal with, so I can't t stay." "What have you got to do? Nothing should be more important than your family.” Mum toldthat with a hint of anger in her voice. I knew I can't fight with them, and I couldn't find any acceptable explanation, so 1 just smiled at her, and said nothing.

My dad held a bottle of beer, and he gave it to me. I took it from him, and I had a sip, then I put it down on the table. Every single occasion when it was in my hand, I poured a little on the grass secretly. When my bottle was empty, I still held it in my hand, avoiding my dad to giveanother. Fortunately, they were busy chatting with Amber, so they didn't notice I drank nothing. When it was close to four o'clock, I started to be nervous. I wanted to leave, but I did not know how. I thought about going to the toilet and escaping.

"Gideon" 1 looked in the familiar voice's direction to see little wa looking at me. She looked behind her back, then turned back.

"Gideon, please cin with me. I want you to watch a movie withinside." I owned. That cat the worst time. I nodded, then I stood up. She held my hand and pulledwith him. As soon as we were inside, the little one looked at me.

"What "You want to leave"" My little niece's smartness surprised me, but I couldn't be more grateful for that then.

"Yes," I told her with a smile.

*1 go to my room to play. They won't cafterme afterfor a while. They'll think you are with me. But promiseI can meet her as soon as possible." I wrapped her in my arms, and 1 kissed her cheek.

"I promise." She smiled atand nodded.

"Thank you." "You are welcome. Go now." "Okay" I turned around, then I left. I jumped into my car, and 1 drove back hhappily. First I showered, then got ready. I thought a suit would be too much for the occasion, so I took black trousers and a white shirt to wear. After I dressed up and looked in the mirror, I found myself elegant enough to join the biggest mafia leader's family dinner at his mansion.

I rushed to my car. I thought about taking a present, but I knew it had to be really expensive and well organised, to make them surprised, which would take time, so I skipped the idea. Instead of that, I thought about popping into a flower shop to show respect towards the women in the family. I hoped they would understand the tthey gavewas too short.

I bought a small bunch of yellow roses for Signora D'angeli, and a similar sized bunch of red roses for Alice.

I drove to the house. I still becnervous when I reached the main gate, but this time, just like last time, the guards letin and letdrive to the house.

One of Riccardo's guys waited foralready, and he politely ledinto the building. We stopped in the living room, and he offeredto take a seat. He left to let the residents know I had arrived.

I remained standing at the window, and I waited for about five minutes, when I felt two arms wrapping around my waist from behind, and the familiar scent madedizzy instantly. I turned around to see my beloved Alice smiling at me. To see her putat ease. I held her in my embrace and I kissed her.

"I thought you won't be able to come." She said after our lips parted.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"I wouldn't miss any occasion I can m be with you" Her smile widened before she kissed my lips again. "How could you leave from the family lunch?' I chuckled and shook my head.

"Someone is really curious." "Yes," she replied seriously.

"You wouldn't believe that if I say I'm watching a movie with Awa at this moment." Her eyes widened.

"You left her alone somewhere?" she nearly yelled atin disbelief.

Chapter 119 A sinart 10 get

"Of course not. She is in Seth's room in the Sullivan house would never leave my niece alone. She is only En seven." Her facial expression changed to a calmed one.

"She is too smart, by the way." I told her, still keeping het in my ants, "Who "She invented how I could escape.

She frowned and looked atquestioningly.

"Does she know we are in contact?"

"Not really. I had to tell her I'm searching for you, but I made hem wouldnt made ben promise she talk about this.

But even if she promised me, she askedone thing in exchange." "What X