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Cold Hearted Princess

Chapter 48
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Chapter 48 Unexpected connections "What tdo you want to leave?" "Well, if you continue like this then really soon, otherwise do not blme for the happenings." She moved her lower abdomen, caressing my hardness through hour trousers as an answer. That just increased my urge to have sex with her, and her devilish smile made something clear. She was completely aware of my state.

She leaned closer and to feel her warm breath on my ear just made this feeling more intense.

"It is tto get ready, then." "You are the devil itself, aren't you?" She giggled.

"Just like you." I looked into her eyes and smirked.

"True." I said, then I pushed her away to sit back next to me.

"What are you doing?" She asked in surprise.

"You made enough mess. It's better to get ready, before I lose my mind, and I get you underShe laughed, but her cheeks reddened, and she stood up.

"Get ready. I'll meet you here." e want it or not." I kissed her lips lightly, and I walked up with her to our rooms. I had to take a shower, and it took a great effort fromto calm down, thinking of something else but sex.

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I awaited her in the living room. She appeared soon. She put a yellow dress on and she let her hair down. Her light makeup made her more beautiful.

I held her hand while we walked to my car, and I helped her get in, then I drove to my parents' house. Seth didn't arrive yet. The first person who we met was Lilly She looked surprised when she saw I held Alice's waist, and she kept her hand on mine. We both smiled at her. She smiled back after she moved her gaze from our hands.

Alice hugged her this time, and she looked more calm to enter this house. After they greeted each other, I held her hand again. Lilly motioned to us where we could find my parents. They were outside in the garden, as usual this time.

We walked to them, and when they saw us, they gave us the slook as Lilly did. First, their gaze was on our hands holding each other, and then they smiled widely. My mum stood up and cto us. First, she hugged me, and when she kissed my face, I could hear a short word that she whispered into my ear: "Finally", And that toldeverything. She planned this all. But this time, I was more than happy with the outcome. She hugged Alice too. Alice was a bit surprised, but she just hugged her back. Mum held her hand after she let her go and she led her to did, to sit down with us. She treated her like our family member, and that madehappy too. My dad also greeted us with a broad smile and kissed us both.

"How cyou cto see us? my mum askedin discountenance, pointing out I didn't coften. "Why? Can't I cto see you wherever I want to?" My mum shook her head, and she was about to talk when we heard a shouting She ran toward us and she greeted each of us, Seth and Leah also greeted Alice friendly, like she was really one of our family members. And just like we expected, Sloan arrived soon. She sat next to Alice too, and after greeting her, she held her hand, like a friend. I felt like I was the only one who foolishly believed that my family would watchto get on with my plan, sacrificing an innocent, young woman.

Mostly Ava talked. She told every single detail about her afternoon on the ice with Alice. It took a while, when finally my mum called all the women and Chapter pected connections Ava to go with her, as she wanted to talk to them separately.

Everyone knew that our unexpected visit had a reason. Before they left, Sloan winked at me, holding Alice's hand, quietly tellingshe will take care of her. I nodded and smiled at Alice. She didn't look calm at all, but she followed the others.

When they were far enough, our dad looked at us seriously.

wo here today?" "So, what brought you two "Alice." I told him. He looked atseriously, "What do you want to know? You don't want to use her anymore?" I sighed and lowered my head.

"You know that exactly. I don't." He laughed, and I felt annoyed a little when I saw Seth hold himself back from laughing too.

"You planned this, didn't you?" "It wasn't actually me, it was your mum. We all knew that Gemma was after your money. Your mum only askedabout Alice's look. She wanted to know if you would like her. When you were a young kid, I often took you for a walk to the seashore, and I remember your eyes stuck on those women who were like Alice. That is why I thought you'd like her." I just shook my head with a smile. Normally, I would have been angry with them, but I was so satisfied with the outcome, I was actually grateful for them.

"Okay so, probably you know about yesterday." "Of course. Seth toldeverything. Well done kids, you did a great job.” "Have you got any idea how to stop this madness?" "Well, actually I have." I looked at him questioningly.

He shrugged his shoulders while he texted someone on his phone.

"You might have to prove that you weren't the one who caused Alexandra's accident." "Dad, if I could do that, I would have done that already. I must find another solution because Alice is terrified, and I hate that." He remained quiet, and in a few seconds, I saw one of his guys approaching us. He handed an envelope to my dad, and he left. My dad slipped it toon the table.

"Have a look" I took the envelope and opened it. There was a pi "Who is him?" was a picture of a man. He was older and unkept with grey hair and beard. I looked at dad.

He just motioned to check the envelope's full content. I pulled out another paper, which had sdetails on it. His first nwas familiar, but I didn't remember where I heard that.

"Who is him, dad?" Seth asked him the squestion while I frowned. I tried to think about where I heard his name.

"He used to work for Riccardo, but then somehow he ended up with the Devilles later. I don't know what could have happened. Maybe he betrayed Chapter 48 Unexpected connections Riccardo. Riccardo offered a reward for anyone who found him, dead or alive, but he disappeared without a trace and was never found." "And what has it got to do with our case?" He looked atseriously and took a deep breath.

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"He was the broker who helped Alice's family to sell her to us." I couldn't believe my ears. I looked at my father suddenly and I frowned.

*This man arranged the sale. He said he knows someone who would sell his daughter. This is how Alice beca part of our family." I looked at the picture and the name.

"Despite that, dad, I don't understand how these things are coming together."

"Well, if he is the one who Riccardo used to search for, he probably had a reason to send m Riccardoli and Alice here, as now Pafter her. After yesterday, we got to know something else as well. He wants her alive, as he could get her killed easily." I frowned.

"I think if we could find out what is the connection between them, we can find the answer to how to get out of this situation, and clear your name, Gideon.

I was sure someone mentioned that nto me. I watched it for a few more seconds, trying to remember, then it hit me.

"Dad, wait a minute. Where is Alice? He stared atwith a frown.

"They are checking out sdresses. Don't disturb them." "I have to, dad."

I took my phone, and I rang Alice. I asked her to cback here as spon My dad and Seth stared as possible, Myde atcuriously, while I kept looked aaround to see if she was coming.

Alice rushed back to me, followed by Sloane. I held Alice's hand, and I sat sat her down on my lap I took the picture and gave it to her. She only frowned looking at it, then she raised her gaze to look atwith a frown. "Do you know who he is?" I asked her impatiently.

She just stared at me, like she didn't understand for a moment, then she sighed.

"Of course I know him. He is my stepfather. Charles Morris." Ads by Pubfuture