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Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 263: If they treated the local people well, they wouldn’t be where they are today
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The Tianyi mercenary group is on the third day of occupying the electromagnetic orbital elevator station of the former South American Allies.

The international media are reporting, and the news is full of uncertainty. What is certain is that the electromagnetic orbital elevator station of the former South American Allies is indeed occupied by the Tianyi mercenary group.

As for the current situation in the South American continent, many media outlets have their own stories. It can be said that the news is flying all over the sky. I don't know which one is true and which one is false.

The official website of the Tianyi Mercenary Group did not inform them of the current news.

It wasn't until noon that the official website of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps announced that they had captured Fort Bagen and Fort Barceló.

The news went viral.

The international media reporters who got the news took risks to go to the destination to shoot and report.

Many international media reporters came to the Bagen Fortress in their own company's airship and found that the **** fleet had just set sail and was about to go to the Barcelona Fortress base.

Fort Bagen was handed over to the guerrilla forces of the South American Allies, and many international media reporters used remote cameras on the airship to capture the scene below.

Countless American soldiers lined up kneeling on the ground, and behind them stood a row of guerrillas holding rifles.

On the stage, an officer of the guerrilla unit raised his hand and waved it down, and the guerrillas ransacked the surrendered U.S. Army.

The reporters who were filming the live broadcast all exclaimed, especially the reporters from the democratic camp.

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"The guerrillas lynched and shot the American army!"

There was even a media reporter's camera photographed a high place, a female general of the American National Army with bruises all over her face, being dragged to the ground by two burly men.

Journalists from the democratic camp are condemning the guerrilla forces of the South American Confederate States for being inhumane, violating international principles, and mistreating prisoners.

Some reporters compared the identity of the female general to Major General Alyssa.

Major General Alyssa was finally tied to a wooden pillar with five flowers. In the end, a guerrilla held a pistol and shot Major General Alyssa directly in the head.

These images quickly spread throughout the world.

The United States issued a severe condemnation, accusing the South American allies of violating international rules, shooting their own soldiers without trial, and even mistreating their generals.

Soon the international media of the democratic camp, including the authorities of democratic countries, severely condemned the South American Allies.

But soon, the international media in the non-democratic camp broadcasted a series of videos of the US military massacring villages in the South American Allies and brutally killing the local people. There was also a video It was an American army who cut the throats of several young children with sabers, and let the children die in pain and blood loss.

In addition, the U.S. National Army beat local people in the occupied towns and cities.

Then, apart from those from the democratic camp, the international media reported that there were strategic nuclear missiles placed by the United States in the Bagan Fortress.

This suddenly made many national authorities in the democratic camp shut their mouths and dare not say a word.

The authorities of the Wanluo Federation and the United Nations of the Anglo-Saxon Democratic People's Republic said a few words that were not painful.

The press conference held by the United States did not dare to answer some questions from the reporters. For example, the massacre of local people by the United States Army and the strategic nuclear missiles placed there were all based on second opinion, or they avoided the important ones.

Then Miroslav, the rotating chairman of the South American Confederation, opened an online statement.

"You, the United States, condemned us for using lynching to rob your soldiers, so when you slaughtered your own people and plundered our resources on our land, I would like to ask, you abide by international rules, but you don't abide by international rules , then don't blame us for not abiding by international rules. We are treating others in the same way as others.

Then, more and more evil deeds committed by the US military on the South American continent were exposed.

Reporters from the non-democratic camp, including invited experts to comment, can only describe the evil deeds of the US military criminals as notorious, too numerous to write about, and too numerous to mention.

The media in the democratic camp no longer dare to report on the situation in the South American continent, and the leaders of the democratic countries dare not say anything more about this matter.

However, journalists with a sense of justice in democratic countries or some self-media condemned the atrocities committed by the United States, but soon, they were either silenced or warned by the relevant authorities to shut up.

Demonstrations took place in the United States. Many people with a sense of justice could not stand the evil deeds of their own soldiers. The demonstrations condemned their own soldiers and demanded that the national authorities withdraw their troops immediately.

But soon, these demonstrators were labeled as thugs by the national authorities, and were quickly dispersed by violent suppression.

The person in charge or initiator of the demonstration was directly arrested by the relevant department and was about to be sent to court to be sentenced for treason. The only penalty was the death penalty.

Such actions by the United States and the United States were quickly ridiculed by non-democratic countries as a double-standard dog.

Then some international media reporters were overthrown by the Tianyi mercenary group in some towns or urban areas that were originally occupied by the United States.

The media reporters all took pictures of the local people, either beating those handcuffed US soldiers to death with sticks, or making those US soldiers handcuffed behind their backs to kneel on the ground, and then One shot in the back of the head.

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Many local people also took selfies and celebrations of their masterpieces.

Some reporters photographed those American soldiers asking for help from the Tianyi mercenary group.

But the Tianyi mercenaries at the scene either turned a blind eye or turned a deaf ear.

Many media reporters also rushed to the Barcelo Fortress Base. At this moment, the guerrillas have not taken over the control, and the prisoners are managed by the Tianyi Mercenary Group.

A reporter from the United States of America asked the local fleet commander, Brigadier General Andrea, to return the captives to the mainland of the United States of America.

Brigadier General Andre directly refused, on the grounds that the Tianyi Mercenary Group is still at war with the United States.

Then, media reporters from various countries were allowed to enter for filming.

As captives of the American Army of the United States, many of the National Army of the United States were handcuffed, but they were eating something.

Reporters have photographed these captive soldiers. Although they are eating with great gusto, they can be seen eating with tears in their eyes. These soldiers know that tomorrow is their death day, so they want to have a good meal, or It's better to push yourself to death than to be robbed.

There were also captive soldiers who did not eat, but took cigarettes from Tianyi mercenaries to smoke, and after smoking one cigarette, they smoked the next one.

There are also captive soldiers waiting for cans of beer or spirits, trying to get themselves drunk, so that they can die in a drunk dream tomorrow.

There were even captive soldiers writing letters with tears in their eyes. They wrote the last letter to say goodbye to their relatives. The letter was handed over to their country, and the United States delivered the letter to their relatives.

International media reporters from the United States asked Brigadier General Andrea to save these soldiers, saying that it was other soldiers who did bad things, why should these innocent soldiers die.

Brigadier General Andre said with a sneer: "You say they are innocent. In war, it is understandable for soldiers to kill soldiers. When massacring unarmed local people, those people are so innocent. These people did not take the initiative to attack the enemy who invaded their country. Army, but how do you soldiers who invaded other countries treat these civilians, even children. I don’t want to care about whether those prisoners have done those bad things, and I don’t want to know. If you want to blame, blame your country’s authorities themselves If you want to attack other countries, the culprit is your country.”

After finishing speaking, Brigadier General Andre left the scene without looking back, but after walking less than ten steps, he turned his head and said to the American journalists: "If they treated the local people well, they would not be where they are today. end."

On the other side, Britney, Rand and other special raptor pilots were blindfolded, their hands and feet were tied and they were taken somewhere.