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Damn Reincarnation-Novel

Chapter 328: The Emperor (1)
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“Isn’t this going too far?” Eugene demanded as he pointedly crossed his legs and slumped backward in his seat.

His behavior might be seen as incredibly rude, but by this point, Eugene no longer cared about that in the slightest.

He had been summoned by the emperor.

He hadn’t made his excuses.

And he had come when he was called.

Sienna hadn’t accompanied him as the Emperor had summoned Eugene alone. Sienna had been upset about not being included, but she had decided to acquiesce for now and had returned to the mansion ahead of him.

After first seeing Sienna off like that, Eugene had gotten into a carriage with the knights from the White Dragon Knights.

But from then on, things slowly started to become more and more obnoxious.

What was so bad about riding in a carriage, you ask? It was at least better than walking, but the problem was that it wasn’t just any simple carriage.

The windows were specially tinted so that Eugene couldn’t clearly see what was happening outside. When they were rolling down the city streets, he could still at least vaguely see through the window, but from the moment they entered the palace grounds, Eugene could not see what was going on outside and couldn’t hear anything either.

If he really thought about it, Eugene could understand why it needed to be this way.

This was the Imperial Palace, the place where His Majesty, the highest-ranking person in this great nation, resided. As such, it would make sense for this place to pay close attention to security and try its best to keep things secret.

However, Eugene still thought they were excessive with all this security and surveillance. What had happened when he got off the carriage was particularly eye-popping. The knights waiting for him outside the carriage had handed him a blindfold with exceedingly polite manners.

By that point, Eugene was so fed-up that he had just let out an annoyed snort. Wanting to know just how far they intended to go with this, he obediently put on the blindfold.

Naturally, this wasn’t just any simple and ordinary blindfold. It was an artifact enchanted with high-level spells. It didn’t just block sight; it also blocked his hearing, smell, and other senses, even making him lose his sense of direction.

Even so, with Eugene’s skill in magic, it was possible for him to somewhat resist and mitigate its effects, but Eugene didn’t feel the need to do so right away.

So wearing the blindfold and allowing himself to be led along by the knights, the room that Eugene eventually arrived at wasn’t the center of some magnificent grand hall, as he had imagined before getting into the carriage, nor was he shown to a dining table full of fancy delicacies — it wasn’t even a simple parlor.

It was a not-too-small, solitary room.

In a tone that made it unclear whether it was an order or a request, the knights told him to sit on the chair stuck to the wall. Eugene complied with a dangerous smile.

“Have I committed some kind of crime?” Eugene asked politely.

Up until this point, Eugene had never once argued with their instructions. He hadn’t even asked any questions. After being forced to sit in this chair for about thirty minutes, Eugene had still patiently sat down with his mouth shut until now.

But this was it. Eugene thought that he had managed to endure quite a lot. After all, hadn’t he sat there in silence for the past thirty minutes? While impatiently shaking his right foot, which was draped across his left thigh, Eugene glared straight across the room.

Standing there were two knights with familiar-looking faces. They were members of the White Dragon Knights, a royal knightly order who served the emperor — Karian De’Arc, Captain of the First Division, and Derry De’Arc, Captain of the Second Division.

“I’m not sure what you mean by that,” Karian responded calmly.

The two knights might be twins, but they were probably fraternal, as they certainly didn’t resemble each other. Moreover, it was easy to tell who the younger brother was because Derry’s skin was darkened, as if he had a tan.

However, from today onwards, Eugene decided he would no longer associate the name ‘Derry De’Arc’ with things like being a twin, someone’s younger brother, or his tanned skin, but something else.

“Should I start by plucking out one of your eyes?” Eugene suddenly said out loud.

Derry had been glaring fiercely at Eugene with a heavy focus, lost control of his expression, and was left staring blankly at Eugene for a few moments.

This was because, for those few moments, Derry was unable to process what this brat had just said.

It couldn’t be helped.

Today was only the second time that Eugene and Derry had ever met, and today was also the first time they had spoken to each other personally. This was the most secluded and hidden location in all of the Imperial Palace, and Derry was one of the few knights who held unquestionable authority over anything that happened in this room. Putting all that aside, Derry was still twice as old as Eugene.

So Derry could only respond by saying, “What did you say just now?”

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Was it possible that Eugene had unconsciously spat out one of the thoughts running through his head…?

There were certainly times when things like that happened, but, at least in this case, Eugene hadn’t committed that sort of mistake. Eugene had confidently uttered those words while fully meaning to do so.

After having to endure all of these annoyances, to then be glared at by this petty and mediocre bastard, who insisted on acting as if he was someone who deserved to be respected, Eugene was sick of it.

“I said that I’m going to pluck out one of your eyes,” Eugene repeated.

What Eugene truly desired was to unleash a flood of curses at the Emperor, but he still had enough self-control to avoid doing so.

He now understood why Sienna hadn’t been invited along as well. This was an obvious and blatant attempt at suppression. But even if Straut was the Emperor of a great Empire, he still wouldn’t dare to suppress the Wise Sienna. If he had shown even the slightest sign of what he intended to do, Sienna would have already acted first by turning the Imperial Palace on its head.

Then what about Eugene? There was actually nothing that he could really do about this. Setting Eugene’s reputation aside, the Lionheart clan he belonged to had owed their allegiance to the Empire for hundreds of years.

Eugene was holding back his desire to spit foul curses at the Emperor solely to avoid harming his clan. However, as for those two bastards just standing there, glaring at him all bug-eyed? It wasn’t like they were the Emperor or members of the imperial family, were they?

Derry was taken aback, “What… did you say?”

“It seems like this bastard’s ears don’t work properly,” Eugene spat out, abandoning all pretexts of politeness.

Holding out a finger in front of him, Eugene crooked it invitingly towards Derry.

“If you’re mad, why don’t you come here and have a go,” Eugene challenged. “The Emperor isn’t here yet, and this room seems spacious enough, so it should be fine for us to have a duel.”

Derry roared, “You knave!”

Eugene retorted, “Lower the volume, you bastard. Don’t you know that you’re being disrespectful to the Imperial Palace, the residence of His Majesty? It’s not like you twins are children, so how dare you throw a tantrum just because you’re a little bit upset?”

Derry’s face flushed red at these provocations.

Panting angrily, he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. Just as Derry was about to throw the handkerchief without second thoughts, Karian intervened.

“Stop,” Karian ordered.

“Don’t get in the way!” Derry shouted back.

Karian reminded him, “Are you sure that you can win?”

Karian was actually just as enraged as Derry was. From the start, these twins had already been wary and hostile toward Eugene. It was all because of their pride as Knights of the White Dragon.

Whenever people used to talk about who the best knights in the Kiehl Empire were, the groups always mentioned were the White Dragon Knights and the Lionheart clan’s White Lion Knights and Black Lion Knights.

However, that had now become a story of the past. During the match that took place one year ago, the White Dragon Knights were defeated seven to three by the Lionheart clan’s White Lion Knights.

The decisive reason for their defeat was all because of this Eugene Lionheart. As a twenty-year-old youth… he defeated three members of the White Dragon Knights. Moreover, those defeats had been one-sided and overwhelming.

And of the three that were defeated, one of them had been Eboldt Magius, the Captain of the Fourth Division.

Following the match, the White Dragon Knights were no longer referred to as one of the best knightly orders in the Empire. In this grand continent, the strongest knights had been confirmed to be the Knights of the Lionheart clan. In other words, the household guard of a single clan had managed to surpass the elite forces of an Emperor and his Empire.

The individual who had caused all of this was one Eugene Lionheart. It was only natural that Karian and Derry, who had proudly served in the White Dragon Knights for decades, were hostile to Eugene.

However… being hostile and wary towards him and being ‘sure that you can win’ were two completely different matters. In Karian’s opinion, if his younger brother Derry agreed to this duel with Eugene, it would definitely result in his brother’s defeat within ten, no, five minutes.

As a Captain, Karian was confident in his skill, and he also recognized his younger brother’s skill, but…. Eugene Lionheart — a young man, currently twenty-one, soon to be twenty-two — was a monster beyond all common sense.

Derry was struck silent at Karian’s question.

After slowly breathing in and out to calm himself, Derry eventually crumpled up the handkerchief and stuffed it back into his pocket.

After confirming that his brother had calmed down, Karian turned to Eugene and asked, “Are these surroundings causing you much discomfort?”

He was asking if Eugene was uncomfortable? Instead of soothing Eugene, Karian’s question just made Eugene more annoyed.

“Of course I’m uncomfortable,” Eugene replied as he cracked his knuckles.

This room… had more than a few suspicious corners to it. He had yet to investigate it properly, but from his immediate impressions… it seemed to be located deep underground. The wall behind his back didn’t seem to be made out of any ordinary material either.

“You dragged me, someone who hasn’t committed any crimes, down here like a common criminal,” Eugene accused. “You haven’t even given me a proper explanation for this either.”

“If you were truly a suspect, you would have been sent to the dungeons instead of escorted to this room. Also, His Majesty would never dare to offend you like that,” Kairan said as he checked his wristwatch. “Please don’t be too disturbed by His Majesty’s delay. Eugene Lionheart, we are aware that you are an exceptional person and someone whose status no one can simply ignore.”

After all, he was the Hero.

Karian continued, “However, this is the Kiehl Empire, you are a citizen of this Empire, and your clan, the Lionhearts, have owed their allegiance to the Empire for the past three hundred years. As such, you—”

Eugene cut him off, “So what? Are you saying that His Majesty, the Emperor, still has the right to treat an innocent citizen like this?”

“A true relationship?” Eugene parroted suspiciously.

“That’s right,” Karian confirmed. “Even your adoptive father, the Patriarch of the Lionheart clan, has never been inside this room.”

In fact, they didn’t have the chance to continue talking.

The door to the room opened.

The Emperor didn’t enter on his own. Right behind him, following the Emperor like a shadow, came the knight, Alchester Dragonic, Commander of the White Dragon Knights. Alchester showed a flustered expression for a moment when he saw Eugene sitting in this room, but instead of saying anything immediately, he quietly followed the Emperor into the room.

The moment that the Emperor entered, Karian and Derry immediately dropped n onto one knee and bowed their heads. Eugene still wasn’t happy about all of this, but for now, he decided to get up from his chair and pay his respects.

“There’s no need for that. Please take your seat,” the Emperor instantly requested. “Eugene Lionheart, I didn’t call you here just to get you to kneel down to me.”

Both Straut’s gaze and voice were cold. As instructed, Eugene sat down while struggling to control the twitching of his cheeks. While staring at Eugene, the Emperor lightly tapped his staff on the floor.

At this movement, a splendid throne appeared across from Eugene. The Emperor sat heavily on the throne and rested his chin in one hand.

“I have wanted to meet and speak with you for a while now,” the Emperor began.

“It is my honor,” said Eugene.

Eugene hesitated, “Well… at least you’ve managed to summon me now. I am quite overwhelmed by this honor.”

He didn’t truly feel that way in the slightest, but for now, Eugene decided to at least claim that he did.

Eugene kept silent.

At this sight, Alchester’s head snapped up as he shouted, “Your Majesty—!”

“If that’s the case, why have you called me here?” Eugene asked.

The moment the staff touched the ground, Alchester hastily reached out a hand to grab the Emperor’s shoulder. But Karian and Derry, who had been sticking close to the Emperor, kept Alchester from laying a hand on the imperial personage.

In unison, the two drew their swords and blocked Alchester’s movements.

The walls that lined this room suddenly disappeared. The figures of Alchester, Karian, and Derry, who had been standing behind the Emperor, also disappeared. Within a seemingly endless expanse of space, only Eugene and the Emperor were left sitting in their chairs as they looked across at each other.

“This is…?” Eugene muttered as he narrowed his eyes and turned to look at their surroundings.

This situation seemed familiar. Just now, Eugene had been sitting in a room, but then, without any indication, something had happened to change that.

“Hmph,” Eugene grunted.

What had happened just now and this space, it all reminded Eugene of the Darkroom in the basement of the Lionheart Estate.

What had happened in the Darkroom held similarities to the current situation. Without any signs, before Eugene could even tell what would happen — their minds had been stripped from their bodies and materialized within this alternate space.

“This is a gift that Vermouth Lionheart, ancestor of the Lionheart clan, gave to the Imperial Family of Kiehl,” the Emperor explained with a leisurely smile as he waved his staff.

At this gesture, an extravagant wine glass appeared in front of the Emperor’s eyes. Even though there was quite some distance between them, the scent wafting from the wineglass was strong enough that it managed to reach Eugene’s nose.

This wasn’t the real world but instead a world of the mind. Here, the Emperor could create whatever he wished.

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However, this omnipotence belonged solely to the Emperor, not to Eugene. Eugene had also tried to bring forth several things from his imagination as a test, but unlike the Emperor, he wasn’t able to create anything.

far surpass you. And just like in reality, there is a vast gap between you and Ourself.”

For example, when the time came to decide who would inherit the throne. The reigning emperor would summon his heirs to this room to complete one final test. Who would be the one who could truly best lead the Empire? What desires and ambitions did they harbor in the depths of their hearts? For the past three hundred years, the Emperors of the Kiehl Empire had all been chosen through this test.

There were also several other uses apart from that, such as when they wished to confirm whether a servant’s loyalty was truly genuine or to find out someone’s true intentions.

And also….

…when they needed to eliminate their enemies.

“I was already aware that Your Majesty dislikes the Lionhearts,” Eugene calmly replied.

The Emperor’s footsteps halted.

“...but that is all we have done,” claimed the Emperor. “We might be wary and envious of your clan, but we have never tried to forcefully seize your treasures for ourselves. Out of respect for the Great Vermouth who saved this world… and also because of how the Lionhearts have always been loyal to the Emperor. So we have never felt the need to get rid of your clan, nor have we tried to forcefully lay our hands on your power.”

The Emperor brought the wine glass to his lips once more.

“Hah…,” the Emperor sighed. “However, now, the Lionhearts have grown far too large. Having grown so much, I can’t help but feel that they need to be leashed.”

Eugene held his tongue.

“Did you call me here to put a leash on the Lionheart clan?” Eugene asked suspiciously.

The Emperor snorted, “Are you really asking because you don’t know the answer? It is because you are an existence that endangers the Empire’s prosperity and the peace of the continent.”

The wine glass that the Emperor was holding shattered in his hand.

When Eugene had attacked Gavid back then, the Emperor had forgotten his composure and had shouted those words.

“The Demon King of Incarceration spoke about it, didn’t he. About the end of the Oath and the war that might follow! The Demon King, as the ruler of Helmuth, showed that he had no intention of starting a war first. However, if we were to provoke a war, there is no chance they would ever back down from one.”

“Who on earth would even want a war?” the Emperor asked rhetorically, no longer smiling. With his eyes wide, he glared at Eugene and said, “If there is no Hero, then there will be no war. That is how it has been for the past three hundred years!”

“I never even said that I wanted to be the Hero…,” Eugene muttered in confusion, but the Emperor was no longer listening to his words.

In a passionate voice, the Emperor continued shouting, “As long as you do not draw your sword against the Demon King, then the war will not break out! However, it seems that you haven’t even considered that, have you? You not only declared your challenge to the Demon King but also to the Duke of Helmuth, Gavid Lindman….”

“Just what are you so worried about?” Eugene asked with a laugh as he crossed his legs disrespectfully. “It seems that Your Majesty is still unaware, but have you heard of what happened to Helmuth’s Dragon-Demon Castle? I’m the one who brought it to the ground. As for the Duke? Haha, I’ve also slain that bastard, Raizakia. Why don’t you come to visit the Lionheart estate sometime? Allow me to show you the lifeless corpse of Raizakia.”

“What… did you just say?” the Emperor gasped as his eyes widened even further. As his shoulders trembled in fear, he stared at Eugene and said, “It was you who felled the Dragon-Demon Castle? And the Demonic Dragon Raizakia, who has been in seclusion for hundreds of years… you claim to have killed him?”

“If you’re curious, why don’t you try me,” Eugene challenged.

This situation seemed to be completely unfavorable for Eugene. But was that really the case?

Eugene, at least, didn’t believe so. It was true that this space and the magic used to create it granted the Emperor a form of omnipotence.

So Eugene was left without any doubt that the Emperor wouldn’t be able to subdue Eugene within this room. Unlike what the Emperor had so confidently declared, it would be impossible for him to crush Eugene’s mind.

Eugene, no, Hamel trusted Vermouth.

“You are challenging me?” the Emperor’s face contorted in a scowl as he raised his staff.

The space began to shake.

“I said, try me already,” Eugene just sighed.

The Emperor growled, “Impudence…!”

His staff waved at Eugene.

“First of all, get down on your knees…,” the Emperor trailed off as a connection was made, and thoughts began to flow from Eugene to the Emperor.

It wasn’t a complete picture, but the Emperor was left with a vague understanding of who Eugene truly was.

Unable to finish uttering his previous order, the Emperor stood there frozen for a few moments.

“What?” the Emperor eventually muttered, completely unable to understand what he had just seen. “The Stupid Hamel?”

Eugene let out a deep sigh as he leaped up from his seat and said, “That’s right, you son of a bitch.”