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Damn Reincarnation-Novel

Chapter 358: The Laversia (2)
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Ever since Doynes Lionheart, the former head of the Council of Elders, had died, Carmen Lionheart had become the strongest member of the Lionheart clan. Or at least that was what the public believed.

So, based on that, Ortus’ choice was rational and sensible. No matter how strong he might be for his age, at least at the present, Eugene was still younger than Ortus’ son.

Though, of course — the skill that Eugene had shown at the Knight March had been outstanding.

However, what if the Duke of Helmuth, Gavid Lindman, had made up his mind to accept the challenge? Would Eugene’s sword really be able to apply any pressure to Gavid? Ortus had his doubts about that, and such thoughts left a lingering hesitation in his movements that would affect the fight to come.

Was this a situation where he should still stay his hand? Should he try to subdue Eugene? Or should he aim to kill?

But Ortus’ hesitation did not last long. This was a surprise attack, after all.

He didn’t know their reasons for doing this. But he couldn’t afford to hold back. Ortus wasn’t such a merciful person that he could afford the time to consider the motivations of enemies who had suddenly attacked him.

Ortus’ outstretched hands were wrapped in mana. His powerful mana, infused with the intent to crush and disintegrate everything it touched, crackled as it emitted a bright light.

Noticing Ortus’ hesitation, Eugene had time for two thoughts.

How dare Ortus hesitate when facing him?

It was definitely unpleasant to be looked down upon. However, even Eugene felt it was a reasonable evaluation for Ortus to make.

His opponent was Ortus, the Grand Duke of Shimuin, whose nom de guerre was the First. Whenever it came to discussing who the strongest knights on the continent were, his name was one that was always mentioned. Since Ortus was at such a level, he had grounds to be arrogant. And right now, Eugene actually appreciated this arrogant look of his. Because it made Ortus easier to handle.

Ortus’ hands drew closer. Eugene wasn’t in any hurry to react. The moment that Ortus’ hand was about to reach for his face, Eugene suddenly accelerated into action.

Eugene left lightning and flames behind as an after trail. At a distance that was so close that your opponent’s face could basically fill your entire field of view, Eugene’s figure completely vanished from Ortus’ sight.

Ortus was surprised — he wasn’t able to follow Eugene’s movements. But even if his opponent had disappeared, Ortus just needed to find him once more. Focused as he was on the fight, such thoughts flowed through Ortus’ mind, but Ortus wasn’t able to move as he thought he should.

Eugene might have vanished from Ortus’ field of view, but he hadn’t actually disappeared. Eugene first slipped to Ortus’ side, then grabbed a firm hold on one of Ortus’ outstretched arms.

Although he had the urge to twist and break Ortus’ arm, Eugene knew that there was no need for him to do so. Because Eugene wasn’t the only one attacking Ortus.

Ortus wasn’t the only one who had been surprised. Carmen couldn’t follow Eugene’s movements either. Even though she had known in advance what he was going to do, her eyes were too slow to keep up with him. Although she had heard that Eugene had risen past the Sixth Star and was now on the Seventh Star… to think he would be this strong.

Oddly enough, Carmen didn’t feel discouraged by this realization. Instead, she was as happy and proud of Eugene’s achievement as if it were her own. This was because Eugene’s strength was equal to the Lionheart clan’s strength, and that was just how much Carmen loved the Lionhearts, her family.

But she couldn’t allow herself to indulge in this sense of satisfaction right now. Although it was slightly, ever so slightly, slower than Eugene’s own movements, Carmen had also snapped into action to do what she needed to do.

A short, curved hook of Carmen’s fist hammered into Ortus’ side. Ortus reflexively turned his body to avoid, or at least reduce, the force from the blow, but because his opposite arm was being held captured, his body couldn’t move as much as he wanted it to. The only response he could make in such a situation was to expand his Aurashield and try to guard his side with his free arm.

But his guard wasn't good enough. With a defense of this level, most knights wouldn’t even have been able to touch Ortus. However, his opponent wasn’t someone who fell into the category of ‘most knights.’

Ortus’ Aurashield was pierced right through. The arm guarding his side also didn’t prove much use. Carmen’s blow was like a sharp awl, piercing right through his defenses and sending shockwaves into Ortus’ internal organs.

Ortus’ whole body was blown to the side. Clenching his teeth, Ortus choked back a groan. He immediately tried to break free with an explosion of mana, but even that didn’t work as intended. From beside him, purple flame erupted from the hand that Eugene was using to hold onto Ortus.

Ortus’ arm was engulfed in flames. His mana was being suppressed by this new source of mana. But for Eugene to do something like this, that meant he would need to have an overwhelming advantage over Ortus in terms of his total mana output.

Ortus twisted his body, trying to throw off the flames, but he wasn’t able to escape the purple fire. Was he, someone who had trained for over fifty years, really losing to Eugene Lionheart in terms of mana? Unable to believe this, Ortus glared at Eugene.

“This should be enough,” Carmen said as she walked over, shaking the fist that had hammered into Ortus’ side.

She then grabbed Ortus’ remaining arm and, like what Eugene had just done, called upon the White Flame Formula. Two flames, each of different colors, came together to crush Ortus’ body in between them.

“Aaargh…!” Ortus cried out as he was subjected to a pressure that made it difficult for him to even breathe.

Still desperately trying to hold on, in the end, Ortus unwillingly fell to his knees. This was the first time that he had ever been so humiliated.

Ortus spat out through gritted teeth, “If I was just… wearing… my Exid!”

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He wasn’t lying. If he had been wearing his Exid and was prepared for the attack, he wouldn’t have been so cruelly stomped on.

Eugene made his contempt for this excuse obvious, “Tsk, you can’t admit your shortcomings, so you’re using your lack of equipment as an excuse….”

At these words, Mer, who was inside his cloak, unconsciously let out a choked gasp. This was because she felt that Eugene, of all people, definitely shouldn’t be allowed to say such words.

After all, in the many battles he had fought in up until now, hadn’t he always benefited from the quality of his equipment? Moreover, when he had fought Molon without using his equipment and lost miserably, Eugene had even made a lengthy excuse about how the outcome of their battle would have been different if he had fought with his weapons….

Eugene ignored the sounds of Mer’s tongue clicking away from within his cloak.

Ortus weakly turned his head to glare at Eugene, “What on earth… is your goal for doing this…?!”

“We are here because we have something that we want to ask you,” Eugene replied.

Ortus choked, “What? Something you want to ask me? If that’s the reason you’re here, couldn’t you have just approached me normally to ask your questions?! Why would you secretly come here in the early hours of the morning and attack me like this?!”

It was Sienna who answered this time, “Because sometimes you need to use threats rather than calm conversation.”

While tipping her large wizard’s hat back to expose more of her face, Sienna walked over to Ortus.

“This is my first time meeting you, Lord Ortus. However, I’ve been told all about you,” Sienna revealed menacingly.

Ortus was struck dumb at the threatening words.

“What about you? Do you know who I am? It feels like you probably do know. If I had to say why, it’s because when we opened your door and entered, you seemed shocked when you saw my face, right?” Sienna teased with a chuckle as she tucked her purple hair back over her shoulder.

After hesitating for a few moments, Ortus replied, “You are the… Wise Sienna….”

Sienna nodded, “That’s right, I am that Wise Sienna.”

Ortus weakly demanded, “What on earth… do you want from me? Why do something like this—”

Sienna interrupted him, “What I want is the same thing I’ve wanted for the past three hundred years, Lord Ortus. I want that dark elf, Iris, to die a terrible and agonizing death.”

Her bright smile had disappeared. Just saying the name ‘Iris’ had ruined Sienna’s mood. While radiating an icy-cold killing intent, she glared down at Ortus.

Sienna truly belonged on a different level. Ortus was left with no choice but to recognize this fact.

It wasn’t a matter of being a little weaker or stronger. Sienna simply belonged to a different level of strength. Although the name Ortus Hyman was always brought up whenever the topic of the strongest knight of the continent was discussed, the one who was currently radiating killing intent from right in front of him was a legendary hero who had received universal recognition as ‘the strongest wizard on the continent’ as much as three hundred years ago.

Ortus ground out, “If what you desire is the death of the Pirate Empress, Iris, then—!”

He now knew that they were on different levels. However, Ortus’ will wasn’t shattered by this realization. Instead, the unfair oppression he was currently being subjected to was causing Ortus’ voice to boil over in rage.

“—then I, even more so, don’t understand why you have ambushed me like this,” Ortus complained. “Under His Majesty’s orders, I am serving as the commander of the expedition to vanquish Iris. And up until today, I believe that I have continued to lead this expedition without any problems!

“What are you even doing here in the first place? Why are you, Lady Sienna and Eugene Lionheart, doing here when you’re meant to be in the distant Kiehl Empire?”

“It’s because we don’t trust you,” Eugene took over, answering his questions once more. Tightening his hold on Ortus’ wrist, Eugene growled, “That means, Lord Ortus, we have our doubts about you.”

“Doubts?” Ortus repeated with outrage. “You’re saying that you doubt me? That is a truly absurd accusation, Eugene Lionheart. Between us, are we even close enough for you to have reason to doubt me?”

Eugene retorted, “It’s not like we really have to be all that close for me to doubt you, right?”

“Then what exactly are your doubts?!” Ortus harshly demanded.

“Lord Ortus, aren’t you secretly colluding with Iris?” Eugene calmly accused.

Struck by Eugene’s direct question, Ortus’ eyes widened into circles.

“Colluding? Colluding?! Are you really accusing me of colluding with the Pirate Empress?!” Ortus roared.

“Why are you making such a fuss?” Eugene sighed. “That’s just making you seem even more suspicious.”

“Be careful… with your words…!” Ortus hissed. “Even if you are a descendant of the Lionheart clan, and even if you are the Hero, you are not allowed to insult my honor as a knight!”

“I’m not insulting you. I’m just asking you a question,” Eugene calmly corrected him. “Lord Ortus, according to our secret investigation, it seems that a merchant firm run by your relative made a huge profit thanks to Iris, isn’t that right?”

Eugene didn’t mention that Ivic had been the source of their information. Ivic had been worried that Ortus might be trying to stab him in the back. If Eugene disclosed Ivic’s name here, Ortus would be sure to develop murderous intentions for Ivic.

Eugene warned him, “Please don’t lie to us. Because it is a very simple matter for us to find out the truth right here and now. Isn’t that right, Lady Sienna?”

“That’s what she says, Lord Ortus. On top of that, apart from magic, there are several other methods that we can use. I also happen to know a bit about torture…,” Eugene trailed off menacingly.

Ortus grew even angrier, “Torture? You, you’re threatening to torture me?!”

Eugene reassured him, “If you just tell us the truth, Lord Ortus, there won’t be any torture. But if it comes to that, I believe it will be better for you as well, Lord Ortus, if Lady Carmen were to handle it rather than myself.

Ortus’ lips twitched as he recognized the threatening meaning hidden behind Eugene’s words.

The Black Lions also served as the Lionheart clan’s interrogators. If it came down to it, Carmen would be able to torture Ortus to extract the answers she wanted without even the slightest change of expression.

“Haaah, really… I feel like I’m about to go crazy from such injustice…!” Ortus groaned. “Fine then! It’s just as you’ve said! I have seen financial benefits from making use of Iris. However, I have never colluded with her! And I’m not the only one who took advantage of that fucking pirate bitch to fill my wallet. The Royal Family were the first to take bribes from Iris, and most of Shimuin’s high-ranking nobles have also received bribes from her!”

“Yet you’re still telling me not to insult your honor?” Eugene sneered.

“I only took her money with the Royal Family’s express permission!” Ortus defended himself. “We were only ever using Iris!”

Eugene shrugged, “In any case, the fact is that you did make a deal with Iris. That’s exactly why I have my doubts about you!”

“It’s different! I made a deal with Iris because, at that time, Iris was an existence that could be completely controlled by the kingdom! However, things are different now! Iris has gone out of control and has even turned her sword against the Kingdom!” Ortus roared loudly as a vein on his neck began throbbing in rage. “I am a knight of Shimuin, and the only liege I have sworn my loyalty to is His Majesty the King. My liege has ordered Iris’ death. He has given me command of this expeditionary force! That’s it! I’m telling you, that is the full story!”

Carmen, who had been listening quietly, said, “Don’t pretend like you're some loyal knight, Sir Ortus.”

Carmen’s fingers dug into Ortus’ arms as she continued speaking, “You may have justified your actions by claiming that the royal family also received bribes from Iris, but by doing so, you have used the master you have sworn your loyalty to as a cheap excuse.”

Ortus growled, “Carmen Lionheart—!”

“I have always thought of you as a great knight, but you… you’re not as impressive as I once thought you were. Instead of a great man, you’re closer to a petty crook,” Carmen said with a click of her tongue as she shook her head.

A petty crook? She had called him a petty crook? Ortus’ body trembled in rage. Glaring at Carmen with bloodshot eyes, he suddenly slammed his head onto the floor.

Bent over, Ortus painfully gritted out, “It seems… that I’ve made… a slip of the tongue.”

After taking a deep breath, Ortus raised his head once more. Because Ortus hadn’t held back any strength out of concern for self-injury, blood was now pouring down from his torn-open forehead.

“Because I feel so unjustly persecuted by these circumstances… I’ve mistakenly done something so embarrassing to try and escape this situation,” Ortus confessed shamefully.

Carmen snorted, “But to me, even that excuse sounds like just another attempt to escape your current situation.”

Yet after saying this, Camen still released her hold on Ortus’ arm.

After silently glaring at Carmen for a moment, Ortus let out a long sigh, “It is… true that I have taken money from Iris. However, I haven’t made any other deals with her apart from that. In addition to having received orders from my liege, I… it is out of my own free will that I am leading this expedition. There is only one thing I desire: the success of this expedition.”

Eugene stared at Ortus with narrowed eyes. It didn’t seem like he was lying, but they still couldn’t blindly trust him even with that.

The problem was that they didn’t have any other grounds to be suspicious of Ortus. All that they had heard from Ivic was that Ortus had made a fortune due to Iris.

Were they really going to be able to see through Ortus’ true intentions by using such a flimsy connection?

Did they really need to do something like that?

“I’m afraid I cannot believe your word,” Eugene declared.

This was actually incorrect. It wasn’t that he couldn’t believe Ortus. He wasn’t even trying to believe Ortus. Eugene had already thought this through before coming here.

Eugene didn’t need to trust Ortus to use him.

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“Lord Ortus, if you really, truly do want the expedition to be successful, if you do want Iris to die…,” Eugene paused for a short moment.

To efficiently deal with the countless pirates under Iris’s command, the full strength of the subjugation expedition would be needed.

Eugene glanced over to Sienna and finished, “...then accept this dagger.”

A dagger made of magic appeared in Sienna’s hand. It was the same kind of magic dagger that had been inserted into Balzac’s chest in the Samar Rainforest. Since it had been made with magic, it was only natural that Sienna would also be able to recreate it.

Ortus was taken aback, “A dagger…?”

“It’s nothing much,” Sienna said with a smile as she lightly swung the dagger. “This dagger has two conditions implanted into it. First, you cannot reveal anything about us to anyone until we give you permission to do so. The second, you promise to never collude with Iris.”

“Is that… really all?” Ortus asked suspiciously.

“That’s right, those are the only conditions,” Sienna nodded. “Simple, right? If you really want to kill Iris, I don’t think there’s any reason why you would refuse this dagger.”

Ortus considered the dagger silently.

“But first of all, let me give you a warning. Do you want to know what will happen if you accept this dagger and break one of the conditions? If you reveal our presence to anyone, well… for example, what if you inform Iris? Hmm, if that happens, you would also be breaking the condition of ‘never cooperating with Iris,’” Sienna paused idly.

Ortus bristled, “I would never do something like that—!”

Sienna waved him off, “I’m just making an example. In any case, if you do break one of those conditions… then this dagger will tear your heart into pieces.”

It would tear his heart into pieces. Ortus swallowed a gulp at this bloody description.

“There’s no need to worry, Ortus Hyman. Because as long you’re telling the truth and remain an upstanding knight, then your heart will not be torn apart. But seeing you so worried, afraid, and hesitant, it’s making me have second thoughts,” Sienna slowly tilted her head to one side. “Lord Ortus, could it be that you are really colluding with Iris? Is that why you’re afraid of accepting the dagger? If that’s the case, I’ll just kill you right here and now. I won’t give you as painless a death as getting your heart torn into pieces. Because I hate Iris, and I hate everyone who colludes with that bitch. Ortus Hyman, do you know why I hate that dark elf?”

Ortus remained silent at this outburst.

“That dark elf killed my family. She killed so many of the elves who were precious to me. Ortus, if you really are colluding with Iris, before I kill you, I will first kill all of the people precious to you. Only after killing all those you hold dear will I make sure to kill you,” Sienna promised darkly.

This was a blatant threat, both absurd and unreasonable. She was basically ordering him to risk his own death and stick the dagger into his own heart.

However, everything that Sienna had said just now was the truth. If Ortus really was honest, if their suspicions truly were just suspicions, then there would be no reason for him to refuse the dagger.

What was so difficult about not revealing anything about Eugene and Sienna, as well as not colluding with Iris? Those were the only conditions set by the dagger.

As long as Ortus continued to lead the subjugation expedition, as he had been ordered to, and as long as he truly desired to kill Iris as he had claimed, then the dagger would not tear Ortus’ heart apart.

“Fine, I understand…,” Ortus accepted through gritted teeth.

She was terrifying. Ortus couldn’t help but feel an utmost fear towards Sienna. The hatred and murderous intent leaking from this legendary Archwizard was causing goosebumps to appear on Ortus’ skin.

“Good choice,” Sienna praised him with a broad smile as she held her hand outwards.

This magic dagger had so much power over its victims that it was almost like a curse. If you managed to stick it into someone’s chest, you could tear their heart into pieces the moment a condition was triggered. If you first created two daggers and then synchronized them, you could rip apart your victim’s heart whenever you wanted to without needing to trigger one of the conditions.

But as powerful as it was, the other person’s permission was needed before it could be driven into their heart. The dagger could not enter the victim’s heart unless the victim allowed it. But even though Ortus had been coerced into doing so by Sienna’s threats, it still counted as Ortus willingly allowing the dagger to be sheathed in his heart.

Ortus watched the dagger dive into his heart with a twisted expression.

“Have you finally had enough?” Ortus asked sarcastically.

Instead of answering, Eugene let go of Ortus’ arm.

Free of his restraints, Ortus sat upright and spat out, “The dagger hasn’t torn apart my heart. Isn’t that proof of my innocence?”

“It is,” Sienna nodded.

Ortus hopefully began, “In that case, you can—”

“I will extract the dagger after Iris has been killed. Because it’s also important to keep you from revealing anything about us.” Sienna smiled brightly before continuing to speak, “We have no intention of exposing ourselves in the front of this expedition. If Iris notices us, she might run away or hide.”

“How careful of you,” Ortus gritted out, still in that same sarcastic tone.

The smile on Sienna’s face dimmed slightly.

“Ahem… as you wish, Lady Sienna,” Ortus quickly corrected himself, no longer sounding so sarcastic.