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Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 351: The Honour of the clans
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After the devastation caused by Belil, the rest of the Light Faction members who hadn't been caught in the attack immediately made a run for it. Most of them had just been stationed there for a few days and were hurrying back, running deeper into the Light Faction territory.

Raze was just looking at the destruction that was left in front of him. It was hard to believe that several rows of buildings existed here before, since now there was no structure left standing, just rubble on the ground.

'Did the Clan Head really just get rid of a whole town like that? Because of a wedding gift, to congratulate us two being together? He knew the Light Faction had declared the Dark Magus as an enemy.'

'I guess in his eyes, this is his way of telling them not to mess with me. Which is why it feels like he's doing me a favor.'

After witnessing this destruction, though, the loss of countless lives, those that he probably had never met before, Raze was starting to wonder something else as well.

'Are Pagna warriors more frightening, or are mages?' Raze thought. 'It's hard to believe that the man that I defeated from the Behemoth Clan is a middle-stage warrior, and Belil, the leader of the Neverfall Clan, is a middle-stage warrior as well.

'I'm starting to see, unlike the initial stages, that within the middle stage warriors, the strength can vary greatly. Most of the Crimson Crane are at the eighth stage, and even between them, their strength is quite different.

'The Light Faction elder that we beat must have been a high eighth stage warrior, or a low ninth stage warrior, and here what we are looking at is the peak of the 9th stage, someone who is close to reaching the Divine level.'

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In his head, Raze was trying to compare his strength to himself when he was a 9-star mage. He could have done the same level of destruction, but it was hard to say in a fight who would win. Since he hadn't seen enough, how fast was Belil, what about his speed and his various techniques? It was the same with magic, one had so many opportunities and ways to strike.

"Are you trying to think of a way you could beat me?" Belil said, walking back toward Raze and Rayna.

"I can see the look in your eyes; you're thinking about something. Well, I like it; keep growing, keep getting stronger, and maybe someday, you'll be just as strong as him." After saying those words, Belil was off, running back into the direction of the Demonic Faction.

He had practically left Rayna and Raze alone together and had left with a big thought in Raze's mind.

'Him? Who is him? Who is he referring to? Is it a rival that the Neverfall Clan had? Or maybe, is it referring to the person who was the head of the Noctis Clan, the Old Dark Faction founder Bofan Kilikola.'

It was the name that Raze had found out from the librarian of the Dark Faction, but from what he remembered as a professor, it had to be a different name he had used in Pagna compared to the one in Alterian.

'I had beaten a low Middle stage warrior back then. So I thought I might have stood a chance going against the Dark Pagna Academy. If we take the fight to them now, it might be extremely difficult.'

"Hey, don't beat yourself up," Rayna said. She could see that the Dark Magus was in deep thoughts, since he hadn't said a word or moved since her father had left. "You see, these Light Faction members, they had already gotten rid of all the civilians that lived here. It was only Pagna warriors here."

"And they were setting up a base here. Most likely they were planning another attack on the Demonic Faction. My guess is father decided to kill two birds with one stone by getting involved himself."

"In a way, because of what he has done, he has stopped a full-out war from breaking out."

"For now," Raze replied. "I wasn't worried about that; I've been told the lives of Pagna warriors are like this. One submits to their clan, knowing full well what they need to do."

"Correct," Rayna replied. "Of course, you would know since you're a Pagna warrior yourself. Honor is the most important aspect; the Clan's honor is more important than the lives within it."

"All of the factions have a different sense of what this honor is. In the Demonic Faction, supreme power rules all, and those below must obey. The Dark Faction uses anything at their disposal to win, whether that's poison, slitting their throats at night, or attacking when the enemy isn't looking, after all, only winning matters."

"Then the Light Faction. One must not lower themselves down to the levels of the Dark Faction or Demonic Faction; otherwise, they are just as bad themselves. They are to fight head-on and straight forward. They are never to use underhanded tactics."

"Fighting till the end with this honor means that they and the members of their clan can hold their heads up high. Which is why those who have run away will most likely be killed by their own clans when they get back. The death my father gave them was more of a blessing."

Rayna started to head back, and Raze followed along as he listened to what they said. He remembered Gunther explaining something similar a while back, how it didn't matter what energy you used to cultivate. But he was in the group that believed one's belief and the culture of the faction they believed in determined if you were part of what Faction. Raze was starting to understand how the Dark Faction could accept using the Assessment method they were currently using.

To them, it was part of their morals, what they all believed in, and because the Clans were what was most important, the lives were just to be used by them.

'Doing whatever it takes to win is the Dark Faction's way. I guess that suits me a bit, and I should use it against them if I'm going up against them.'

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When Raze had returned to the base, Rayna had stopped him just outside. She shook her head, stating that there was no need for him to come back. The matter was settled, and when things needed to proceed with the wedding of theirs, she would find a way to contact him.

The best way was going to be through Fixteen, and she knew that as well. But before they parted ways, she had one more thing to tell him.

"I still owe you a favor, for saving me," Rayna said. "I thought that doing this might have helped you, but I fear it has made things worse. So as your... wife, if you need anything from me, then feel free to ask."

With that said, she quickly left, turning her head away, making sure the Dark Magus didn't see her blushing face. As she went, she realized something.

'Wait, I don't even know his real name; I just know him by 'Dark Magus'... I'm so stupid,' Rayna thought to herself.

With the tricky situation having been dealt with the Neverfall Clan, Raze felt like it was safer for him to make movements in the Demonic Faction once again. The Light Faction should be off his back, and the Behemoth Clan would be aware of this soon.

The city of Repton, he had a lot of heat on him due to what he had done, but it was his regular meeting place.

Upon returning to his room, Raze had found a few crates of food that had been prepared for him. Touching the food, he had placed it in his new blazer that was able to contain close to an unlimited amount of items.

Taking all of the food with him, he was sure that it would be enough for all of the others.

'Alright, Dame, I hope you're right. If we give the food to the main disciples and the others, they will be willing to join our cause. Because I've realized that I'm going to need as much help as I can to take these guys down.'

It was finally time for Raze to return to the assessment cavern, and he just hoped that the others were holding out and doing okay.