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Dear Immortal Tyrant

Chapter 206 - Cousin
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Chapter 206 - Cousin

Kaden knew the truth, yet didn't tell her. Lina knew as much. It was written in his eyes and sworn to secrecy by his heart. She didn't understand why he refused to tell her. Did he want her to discover the truth on her own? To witness the horror with her own eyes?

Lina thought about their conversation in the car ride to Yang Enterprise. Kaden knew everything, but revealed nothing. A man like him was not to be trusted.

"You fool," Lina reprimanded herself.

Lina trusted him with the most precious thing she possessed—her heart. She trusted him to keep it safe. Keep it loved. For, once it shattered, there was no fixing.. Her heart would never be the same again. What she placed in Kaden's hand was not an organ, but her trust. She hoped he wouldn't betray it again.

"Madam, we have arrived," the chauffeur told her.

Lina thanked him and exited the vehicle. As she peered up at the enormous second headquarters of Yang Enterprise, she couldn't stop the sense of dread.

One day, Lina was going to walk through these doors as Chairwoman. Everyone would be watching her. Everyone would be waiting for her opinion.

"What a day it'd be," Lina admitted, but didn't know how to feel about it.

Everyday, Lina would come to the place she hated. She'd arrive at a job forced into her hands because she was desperate to find a way out. Now, she was out. She had her freedom. Her own power. No one was controlling her anymore. No one was trying to take advantage of her.

What now?

"Miss Yang?"

Lina shifted her gaze to the indifferent voice. Standing by the sliding doors of Yang Enterprise was another young woman. The woman was dressed in slacks and a button-up that revealed nothing about her femininity.

"I don't believe we've met," Lina addressed.

"My name is Estella, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I was hired by your grandfather," Estella explained. "To be your assistant and secretary."

"So are you on his team or mine?" Lina mused.

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"Of course, on my employers' team," Estella wisely said.

"Hm, smart girl." Lina observed Estella.

With Estella's manipulation, Lina expected the woman to be a fine lawyer. Instead, she was just some secretary. Estella's response was direct, but also indirect. Estella made it seem like she was on Lina's side when in reality, she gave no implication. The truth was whatever Lina wanted to hear.

Unfortunately, Lina was taught the art of manipulation by Lawrence a long time ago. She knew how to spot these vague answers.

"It'd be best not to lie," Lina warned Estella with a cold smile.

Estella stiffened. Then, she revealed an innocent smile, tilted her head, and pretended nothing was amiss.

Lina was beginning to like this woman even more. Albeit, she was bad at composing herself. Estella needed to be trained to react better. A slip of a mistake was still a weakness.

"It's funny my grandfather hired you," Lina slowly said, deciding to test the waters. "Especially when I've made up my mind to drop the Race of Heirs."

At this, Estella's eyes grew wide. Unable to speak, she bowed her head.

Lina planned on testing Estella. This was the most confidential information one could hear. If Estella was to report this to Lawrence, she'd instantly know if Estella was a rat. Lawrence would immediately call Lina at the mentioning of this news, even if it exposed Estella as his informer.

Lawrence wouldn't care that Estella was fired. He'd just send someone else in to replace her.

Lina said nothing more. She breezed past Estella and walked straight towards the entrance. There, she didn't need identification. Her face and posture alone spoke of her power. Of her name. People quickly let her through.

"Chairman Medeor arrived five minutes earlier than you, Miss Yang. He's awaiting your presence in Presentation Room 1."

Lina raised a slow brow. Presentation Room 1, located on the highest floor of Yang Enterprise. Only the most important people were guided there. The lower the number, the more insignificant someone's presence was. So this was how her Uncle viewed Atlantis.

"Thank you," Lina curtly told Estella.

Estella was stunned silent. She mutely nodded her head and held back her astonishment. She had heard great things about Lina Yang, but thought they were just the praises of a doting grandfather. Now, as she stood beside Lina, Estella realized they were truths.

Lina was proud but humble. Arrogant but graceful. Dressed in simple clothes comprising of a tucked-in v-neck and dress pants; Lina didn't appear like the most important person in the room. It was because she didn't need to be. She already was.

"What is your background, Estella?" Lina asked as the elevator ascended.

"I was the valedictorian of my graduating class with a major in Business Administration—"

"Tell me about your home life," Lina said.

Estella blinked. She never thought she would be asked that question. All her life, she prided her identity on her academic achievements.

"I-I don't have a home life…" Estella realized.

"No extracurriculars? No family time?"

"I spent my free time in the library studying. My family… they're your average parents, wishing for me to have the highest grades and thus, the greatest jobs," Estella murmured.

Lina found it incredibly cruel of her grandfather. He must've known of Estella's story. He must've seen the resemblance between them. She held back a scowl. Was this his sick, twisted joke? To remind her that if she didn't behave, Estella's current life could be Lina's?

"Seems we're quite similar," Lina murmured.

Estella didn't respond. She simply glanced away. How could she ever compare to this beautiful and powerful heiress? She was just a simple member of society, watching the rich from the outside, whilst wishing for the same wealth.

Eventually, the two arrived at Presentation Room 1. There, she heard a familiar voice that sent chills down her spine. She stopped dead in her tracks. His voice was so similar to her Second Uncle that she nearly went pale. But the voice was much younger, less conniving, and much kinder.

"... Well, Lina IS my most ambitious cousin. Though, it's quite a shame you won't join me, Chairman Medeor."

"Stealing my prey so soon?" Lina said the second she walked into the room.

Instantly, both men's gazes snapped to her. One was filled with admiration and the other with arrogance.

"Unfortunately not, Cousin," he mused. "This one is already in your trap."

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Lina laughed under her breath. She hid her hands behind her back to stop the trembling.

"It's been a while since I've last seen you, Cousin," he softly said, his eyes crinkling with amusement like the hidden troublemaker he was. "Though, I wish our reunion would've been in much different circumstances."

His voice was smooth and low, like a man equipped with seduction. His gaze was always sensual and his lips twisted into a charming smile. Many had fallen for his charms. Many couldn't leave him once they did.

Estella was no different. Her eyes widened at how handsome he was. She couldn't even breathe.

"You speak such sweet words, it almost blinds me to your poisonous tongue, Cedrick," Lina mused.

Cedrick glanced at her and laughed. It was a tranquil one. Then, his gaze landed on the beautiful woman next to her. When their eyes met, he expected her to blush and look away. She didn't. She stared back blankly. It nearly threw him off-guard. He tried again, flashing her a quick smile. She blinked. Nothing.

What the hell?

"Anyway, what brings you here Cedrick?" Lina asked him.

Cedrick finally glanced away from Estella. He focused his attention upon his cousin.

"I have a meeting with First Uncle, but I had to come the second I heard Chairman Medeor was also at the company," Cedrick mused.

Lina slowly blinked. No one was supposed to know Atlantis was here. If Cedrick caught wind of this, that meant everyone did. Damn that loose-lip William. She knew he did this on purpose—to test if she could handle Cedrick.

Cedrick was her Second Uncle's eldest son. The first in line to inherit the position as Chairman Yang.

"Well, I won't keep our First Uncle waiting any longer," Cedrick said.

"Right," Lina mused.

Lina watched as Cedrick brushed past them. She didn't miss the way his large hand brushed against Estella's. Lina held back a disappointed sigh. Another woman fallen into his playboy trap.

To Lina's surprise, Estella's lips curled in slight disgust. Estella hid her hand behind her, but Lina saw the small action. Estella had wiped her hand on her pants like Cedrick was dirty.

Lina's lips twitched.

Upon catching her, Estella innocently blinked, then revealed a charismatic smile that reached her eyes. It was almost as if she said 'oops.'

Lina held back a laugh. "You just don't know what kind of things those hands have touched."

Estella's eyes twinkled with agreement. Truly.