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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 104 - 102: The Mock Battle Before The Start Of The Test 3
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The training ground located on floor zero of Erica's city guild branch. Opposite to Gracier was Sebastian, another test participant who was taking the same rank up test.

This was the second match, the first one had just ended with Eleonora's overwhelming victory. 

Looking at both participants, Conrad nodded his head before giving the signal to start the match. 


Sebastian immediately decided to attack Gracier because it was a well know tactic that when you are fighting against a Mage, you must immediately attack to not let him/her have the time to complete a spell.

Kicking the ground Sebastian dashed toward Gracier. 

Alex smiled, Sebastian's move could have worked if Alexandra was long at chanting, unfortunately, she was faster and now that she acquired the Chantless Magic skill, she was a headache to fight against, Alex almost lost when he fought her a few days ago. 

Midway through his dash, Sebastian hastily stopped and rolled on the ground avoiding Gracier's fireball, she had created instantly.

''What Instant casting?" 

''She is not bad.'' 

The Adventurers watching the match started making noises after witnessing Gracier inta-cast a fireball spell. 

Smiling bitterly, Sebastian couldn't only switch tactic, his previous one wouldn't work anyway because the girl could instantly cast fireball, this was enough to keep him at bay, the only solution he was left with was to continue to attack until Gracier runs out of MP before himself became out of stamina. 

Sighing, Sebastian continued to attack, and Gracier keeps shooting fireballs at him. Sometimes Sebastian would move so fast he almost succeeds coming closer to Gracier, however, he was forced back by Gracier fireballs that keeps hovering in the air as if telling him not to come too close. 

They keep doing this, the crowd was getting bored by this stalemate, for them even if Gracier could do Chantless Magic she was bound to lose because she keeps only firing Fireballs, and soon she will run out of MP, and at that time Sebastian who had more stamina will finish her. 

Some of them glanced at Alex to see what he was thinking about her sister performance, the crowd had expected Gracier to be good as her brother, however, it was not the case. When those Adventurers glanced at Alex, they were shocked by what they saw, instead of showing disappointment because of his sister performance, he was smiling, he was even shaking his head as if amused by what his sister was doing. 

They were astonished, they quickly refocused on the ongoing match and it was when they saw something that left them completely dumbfounded.

Gracier suddenly smile while muttering, 

''Let's end this.''

[Hear my call and rise, I command thee to Blossom: Dance of the Fire Lotus]

Suddenly, from the ground numerous fire lotus started forming, strangely these Fire Lotus rise from the previous location where the fireballs crashed. 

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Sensing that it was going to be a bad end for him, Sebastian kicked the ground and tried to leaps back as far he could to avoid the spreading Fire Lotus, unfortunately, the progression of the Fire Lotus were extremely fast, wherever a previous fireball had fallen to, a lot of Fire Lotus would bloom from there, let's not forget that Gracier had fired dozens of Fireball. 

Sebastian was forced to fall back on the ground and around him were numerous Fire Lotuses that started combining into one and a big Fire Lotus with Sebastian in the middle, the Fire Lotus's leaves keep rotating at a fast speed as if performing some kind of dance. 

It was beautiful, Sebastian who was in middle did not get burned but only sweat a bucket while feeling extremely hot. He knew it was Gracier being lenient if not he would be burned to crips. 

Sebastian could not help but smile eyes filled with bitterness, he has been played, earlier Gracier kept shooting fireballs randomly, he avoided them, however, it seems that she was doing that on purpose to accomplish this big spell, she could have finished him but she decided to toy with him instead, how vicious. Sebastian thought, before raising his hand to indicate his surrender. 

The Fire Lotus disappeared shortly after, Sebastian's legs turned soft, he crouched down with his clothes completely soaked.

There was a long silence before another commotion started.

''As I thought, there was no way Alex's sister would be weak. What an incredible spell. Even from here I still feel the heat, I pity that Swordsman who was in the middle of the Fire Lotus.'' 


Here and there was a lot of discussion on Gracier amazing spell. Eleonora was smiling, even she was caught off guard with this flashy spell. 

Meanwhile, Conrad finally closed his mouth he had kept open when Gracier spell that almost covered half of the training ground, for a moment he had considered intervening if the spell went out of control.

 Fortunately, Gracier had it perfectly under control, her control had been so perfect that, the ground did not burn too much, nor Sebastian was injured because Conrad knew if Gracier wanted to, she would have unleashed the full power of her spell and burned everything. That spell was capable of doing it.

Shaking his head, he looked at Gracier with a look of appreciation and gratitude for having hold back and announced.

''The second match end with Gracier's victory. Nice spell by the way.'' 

''Thank you,'' Gracier said before leaving the stage. 

Once beside her brother, she smiled as if to say what do you think? 

Ruffling her hair, Alex said ''Good but you could have ended the match earlier though. Why use that flashy spell?" 

Gracier smiled and with an innocent smile she replied, ''Don't you say to make it big?" 

Alex facepalmed, indeed he had said that but not in the sense Gracier took it, he was suggesting to quickly finish the swordsman.

〖Next time explain yourself better.〗Silveria chided him.

Alex could only smile wryly in response, it was his fault for not explaining enough.

''Let's move on to the third match. Lucien Colton vs Meera Leaf.'' 

''By the way, Meera, you will not use your bow only use your Spirit Magic. Well, we are all curious to witness your race special magic.''

Conrad added everybody nodded their heads, even Alex was interested in the so-called Spirit Magic. 

From the information he got, it seems you make a contract with the Spirit of the different Elements to use their magic. 

Nodding her head, Meera placed her bow onto the ground and stepped forward, Lucien also followed.

''Hey. To use spirit magic, don't you need a magic casting tool?''

Looking at his cane, Lucien called out to Meera. 

To Lucien's words, Meera nodded her head with a small smile. ''Yes. However, it is not necessary in my case because before signing the contract with the Spirits, I befriend them first.''

''I see, that's convenient. I would have been nice if I was born Elf and I could use Spirit Magic too.'' Lucien spoke in an envious tone.

Most of the Adventurers present also wished the same. Gracier was silent as if considering something, Eleonora did not seem surprised when she heard about Spirit Magic. 

Meanwhile, Alex was lost in thought, from the information Meera just gave, he can consider that she made contract with more than one spirit, it was too same she could use different magic. Let's say if contracted three Spirits, (Wind, Water, and Earth), she could use all those three magics, how wonderful.

Back to the present.

''Ready? Start.'' Conrad gave the signal.

At the same time Conrad gave the signal, Lucien started chanting a spell while pointing his cane at Meera.

Similarly, Meera also called on the spirits she had befriended.

[Wind, turn into an unseen arrow to pierce my enemies]

Lucien's incantation warped the world and an invisible arrow was created before his eyes.

『Wind Arrow!』

At the same time the magic was completed, several arrows were fired. The invisible arrows from the spell darted toward Meera.

 However, Meera had already chanted,

『Wind spirits, shield me.』

From the few words that Meera spoke, the spirits of the Wind responded by creating a barrier of wind around Meera.

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The wind arrow's speed increased as they drilled into the barrier, trying to pierce through it. 

However, it didn't work and after a few seconds of struggle, the Wind barrier won out and the Wind arrows shattered.

『Spirits of the land, break mine enemy steps.』

As soon as the Wind barrier disappeared, Meera spoke again. But rather than the spirits of the Wind, she called out to the spirits of the Land, it was to say Earth Magic.

'Oh? This makes two different magic. Wind and Earth.' Alex thought while he continued to observe the ongoing fight.


As Lucien heard Meera's chant he immediately sprung back. 

 The next moment the ground where Lucien was standing sunk by several centimeters.

 While seeing that, Lucien gulped, before once again jumped toward Meera while pointing his cane and casting a spell.

[Water, turn into a whip that brought judgment upon my enemies!]

According to his incantation, the water at Lucien's hand formed a whip.

『Water Whip!』

With the completion of the spell, the water whip was raised and swung down.

However, Meera evaded the whip's attack with a light movement specific to elves and advanced forwards, reducing the distance between the two. 

Lucien panicked and tried to retreat, however, he was not faster enough.

『Spirits of the Wind, Spirit of the land. Bind him.』

''Eh?" Lucien was astonished by Meera's double casting, so was the crowd. Eleonora finally showed a little bit of interest.

Though Lucien tried to swing the whip down as Meera came close, he suddenly noticed that dirt was wrapped around his feet, while at the same time, his body's movements were restricted by the Wind.

 And the moment he realized his difficult situation and tried to do something about the dirt and wind, the figure of Meera was already right before of his eyes with a palm directed at Lucien in hand dagger style.

''That's enough! The winner is Meera.''

 Conrad's voice echoed through the training field bringing the third match to a close.

''What an eye-opener. Spirit Magic is cool.'' An Adventurer suddenly said with shining eyes.

''I agree. It was a nice match, however, the last match will be more interesting.'' another one said. 

Everybody nodded their heads as they couldn't wait to see the next match. The one every one present had been waiting for.