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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 123 - 121: The Apparition Of The Big Shots
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As Sebastian, Lucien, Golfak, and Meera appeared in the center of the village where Alex and the others were, they were astonished by what they saw, there were dead bodies littered everywhere.

''These guys are monsters.'' 


Sebastian muttered as Lucien nodded his head, the other two also shared the same thought. 

''Where are the leader and his subordinates? Did they run away? Normally after the amount of commotion and destruction, we caused they should have appeared. However, I haven't seen any of them.'' Meera said as Alex approached them. 

At the same time as Meera finished talking, Alex who was approaching them abruptly stopped, he spun around and struck out sharply with Reaper.

With a kin~ sound, an arrow was cut in two and fell to the ground.

''Tsu!? Enemy attack, be ready!''

The moment they saw it, Sebastian gave a sharp shout, and Golfak, Lucien, and Meera immediately prepared for combat. Sebastian went forward as the vanguard with his sword.

The ranger, also spirit mage and mage, Meera and Lucien stood behind Sebastian while Golfak was in the rear looking for any enemy lurking in the shadow. They smoothly fixed up their battle formation at once with Sebastian's words. 

While looking at them with admiration in their mind, Alex who had been joined by Gracier and Eleonora prepared for battle as usual.

Alex readied Reaper and Silveria, while Gracier readied her golden bow, as for Eleonora she readied her daggers.

''They finally came.'' 

At almost the same time Alex and the others entered combat readiness, the Orcs showed up out of the darkness. 

There were 5 ordinary Orcs, an Orc Archer with a bow, and an Orc Mage with a cane. Slightly larger than the other Orcs were three Orcs General wearing armor. 

''The big shots are here,'' Sebastian muttered as cold sweat covered his forehead, he was not the only one, Lucien and Golfak were also sweating, only Meera, Eleonora, Gracier, and Alex seemed unfazed by the arrival of this group.

However, the reason Alex was unfazed was because he knew the real boss hadn't made an appearance, hence he kept looking further into the dark from where the 10 Orcs came from. When Sebastian, Golfak, Lucien followed Alex's glance in doubt, one more shadow appeared from the darkness.

The figure was even larger than the Orc Generals, who were larger than other Orcs, exceeding 3m in size. In addition, it was wearing extravagant armor and held what seemed to be a magic greatsword. And above all was its dignity, power, and spirit. Such things were different from the other Orcs.

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Sebastian, Lucien, Gracier, Golfak, and Meera felt intimidated, as for Eleonora nobody knows what was going through her mind as she had a pensive look on her face. 

Alex on the other hand, felt his blood boils in anticipation, he also feel the pressure coming from the monster, however, he was not afraid even when he knew without checking that this orc was stronger than the Wind Alpha wolf he faced back then. 

''An Orc King, huh?!. Interesting.'' 

To Eleonora's, the others gulped in fear, they indeed knew that there was an Orc King present in the village but now that they faced it, they couldn't help but gulp in trepidation. 

One should that, Orc King is the one who leads orcs and is considered a B Rank monster, even if it's the one of the weakest.

''There is no need to be afraid, look at the Orc King, he is not interested in any of you, he is more interested in me.'' Alex noticed the fear on the other faces. 

At Alex's words, the others observed the Orc King, and indeed as Alex said, his eyes were locked on him, he seemed to be ignoring the other's presence as if they were not present.

Suddenly, something astonishing happened, the Orc King pointed his finger at Alex and spoke. 

''You... come... with. me.'' 

Even if his words sound a bit broken it was still understandable, Alex and others' eyes widened. After talking, the Orc King started walking toward another location. 

Chuckling Alex decided to follow after him. 

''Are you serious?" Lucien asked, others looked at Alex questioningly, they were wondering if he got some problem or what. If not how could he think about following the Orc King after the latter asked him to come? 

Smiling Alex said, ''Don't worry there is no trap ahead, as you noticed this Orc King is a bit special, I think he saw himself as some kind of warrior, as a king who is asking one vs one against the one he considered to be king of the opposite party. I'm confident in myself even if he is stronger than me. I'll let you take care of this group, once you finish you can start searching for any runaways monsters before coming to join me.''

Leaving these words behind, he left not without sending his sister a reassuring look and looked in a certain direction, the person hiding there knew what Alex's look mean.

''Seriously, leader is sure daring,'' Lucien said as he readied his staff. 

''Indeed, must quickly finish here and go assist him,'' Meera added. 

''Guess you are right,'' Sebastian said while

Gracier and Eleonora nodded their heads before Eleonora launched a dagger at one of the Orc generals, the Orc general parried it before kicking the ground and come attacking the latter. 

As if it was a signal, the other Orcs attacked Gracier and others, Gracier chooses one of the Orc generals and started battling him, while the remaining Orc General led the ordinary Orcs. To cover them at any time, the Orc Archer and Orc Mage readied their bow and cane. 

Meera let out a chuckle as she chanted,

〚Spirit of Earth break mine enemies steps〛

As her chant ended, the ground sunk by several centimeters making the orcs falter, some even fell onto the ground, the Orc general jumped back.


Sebastian and Golfak kicked the ground and sprinted toward the Orc general, Lucien followed slightly behind to support the two. 

Meanwhile, Meera quickly fired a round of wind arrows and eliminated the ordinary orcs who were still on the ground, the orc archer rolled on the ground avoiding the wind arrows. 

Before he could fire his arrow, he heard Meera's chanting. 

〚Spirit of Earth become the Lance that pierce my enemy: Earth Lance〛

A two-meter-tall earth lance appeared from the ground and impaled the Orc archer. 


He gave a pitiful cry before slumping onto the ground breathing his last breath. 

The Orc Mage trembled, still he quickly chanted and send Wind arrows in Meera's direction, 

〚Wind spirits, shield me.〛

A wind shield appeared in front of her blocking the Wind arrows, the Orc Mage was astonished, he quickly started chanting another chant. 

Meera used her bow to fire wind arrows while at the same time invoking the Spirits of earth to help her, the Orc Mage didn't last long before being killed. 

After finishing, Meera went to join Sebastian and the others. 

In another location, Eleonora was dodging an Orc general slash by slightly tilting her body in the opposite direction, she then launched another dagger at the Orc who quickly used the hand of his bastard sword to parry the dagger.

Eleonora's figure blurred and she appeared behind the Orc general, slashing toward his back, however halfway through the motion, she stopped and jumped back as the orc general spun around and swung down his bastard sword. 


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A shockwave was created as the blade struck the ground and before the Orc could lift his sword, Eleonora moved and appeared in front of the orc, the latter thought she was going to attack him, however instead of directly attacking him, Eleonora used the sword who was still stuck on the ground to jump high into the air, the orc general quickly looked up to see Eleonora appearing just behind his head, she spins in the air with her black daggers before elegantly landing on the ground on the other side. 

Just as she landed, the Orc general's head left its body and landed on the ground with a thud sound, followed by the headless body, the severed head eyes were open wide as he was astonished by how he had died. No blood comes out from the severed neck, it turned black as if it was charred.

Sighing, Eleonora looked in Gracier's direction for a moment and smiled before moving towards Sebastian's group.

On the other side, Gracier fight was going on, she using her bow to keep the Orc general at bay, no matter what many times the orc general tried to approach her, he ended failing because Gracier keeps attacking him with fire arrows making it impossible for him to get closer. 

The Orc general was frustrated, he was glaring at Gracier who seemed not very here as she kept looking into a certain direction, it was the same direction taken by Alex and the Orc general.

Sighing, Gracier mumbled, ''Time to end this boring fight.'' 

The Orc general became vigilant all of sudden because even though he did not understand what her words mean, he was sure that she was planning something big because of the dangerous air she started emitting just after saying those words.

Indeed, Gracier next words confirmed his fear.

〚Hear my command and rise, I command thee to blossom: Dance of the Fire Lotus〛

Immediately, numerous fire lotus blossoms from the ground, from the previous location where the fire arrows landing, in a matter of seconds they transformed into a Big Fire Lotus whose leaving started dancing. 

The Orc general was caught off guard, the progress of the fire lotuses was faster, he didn't have the time to left before being circled by the fire lotuses who transformed into a big fire lotus, he was roasted alive. 


His anguish cries resonated for a moment before completely stopping, he had been burned and transformed into ash, only his magic stone was left behind, Gracier's mind too preoccupied with Alex's wellbeing to remember keeping the body intact. 

Sighing after noticing her blunder, Gracier joined Eleonora and others, just as she arrived she the Orc general body falling onto the ground with numerous injuries on its body, Sebastian, Lucien and Golfak was panting after the tough fight, Meera also seems exhausted. 

Eleonora didn't participate because, the others refused her help saying they could take care of it, indeed they did.

''Oh? It seems you finally choose to end your fight. Not too tired I hope?" 

To Eleonora's question, Gracier smiled saying she was fine, she then turned to face Sebastian and the others.

''Are you guys feeling?" 

''Little tired but we will continue searching for the runaways monsters after catching our breathe. No need to wait for us you can join your Big brother. We will follow after you.'' 

Sebastian announced as he noticed the worry in Gracier's eyes. The others nodded their heads as to tell her to go.

''Thank you,'' Gracier said before leaving, she started running in the direction of Alex and the Orc King.

Meanwhile, those who stayed behind couldn't help but smile as they saw Gracier running toward Alex's location. 

''What a worrywart little sister, our leader is lucky to have a sister such as her,'' Eleonora said, the others smiled before continuing to recuperate.