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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 467 - Plants Trade Fair
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Chapter 467: Plants Trade Fair

Chen Rui left the Earth Realm with Alice.

During this period, Chen Rui and the Earth Elemental King talked about a series of related matters including the Mountain Seckred, Demi-God powerhouse, and the mysterious Flower of Abyss and so on, but Moore did not give him an answer for most of his questions. He just stated that Chen Rui should focus on improving his strength. When he reached the corresponding level, many answers would naturally be revealed.

Chen Rui did not ask anymore. The Earth Elemental King had an inheritance from previous generations. He undoubtedly knew some important inside stories. The reason why he kept it secret must be well-intentioned. He just wanted Chen Rui to focus on training, just like Zola temporarily hid the secret of the silver box.

Chen Rui faintly felt that in the “gap” between the peak stage of the Demon Overlord to Demi-God, there should be some territories or secrets that couldn’t be taught by outsiders, but now his strength was indeed far behind. Therefore, he should accept the kindness of friend and lover to concentrate on improving his strength.

It took 3 months for the earth elemental to absorb the Fertile Yuan Soil and “evolve”. After 3 months, the Earth Elemental King would go to the Dead Sea to meet with the Water Elemental King to obtain what was left behind when the previous Earth Elemental King died. His power would be further enhanced.

The elementals would not interfere with external affairs easily. Chen Rui promised not to involve the earth elementals in the disputes between the empires, but they only had to provide some protection and help when necessary.

After finishing the Fertile Yuan Soil matter, Chen Rui left the Walan Fortress, but he did not return directly to the Dark Moon. Instead, he headed west to the Town Leia because the little loli learned from Tim that Town Leia happened to hold a special plants trade fair which was very lively these days. Therefore, at the little loli’s request, Chen Rui agreed to bring her to stroll around.

After all, he stood her up in the Bloody Vine Flower Estate last time. In this trip, besides the night ambush and pretending to be his fiancée, the little loli’s performance was still fine. He just allowed her to be happy for once.

Seeing Chen Rui agreed to the request, the little loli jumped jubilantly. The 2 did not take the wyvern, but they disguised slightly and headed west through the main road.

Compared to the time when Chen Rui launched a surprise attack on the Town Leia, the road leading to the Dark Shadow Empire to the west had been renovated and the road was greatly widened. There were 3 stages of checkpoints along the way which were guarded by the Moon Shadow Army to protect the business travelers. Initially, there had been incidents of wage cut and embezzlement of public funds. After a few soldiers were killed and executed by Tim, the soldiers at the checkpoint were all disciplined. The good atmosphere formed after this reformation also increased the number of business travelers.

The partnership between the Dark Moon and Dark Shadow Empire was well known. Although the border checkpoints between the 2 empires were very tightly guarded, there were no excessive checks or difficulties for businessmen and travelers. Chen Rui and the little loli were disguised as brothers and sisters. They entered Town Leia smoothly.

Initially, the little loli’s proposal was to pretend to be husband and wife, but Chen Rui did not agree with the idea of this little girl who dared to do great mischief. Their statuses were changed to brother and sister. However, along the way, the “sister” was like a glue, sticking to her “brother”. This caused some passersby to cast strange glances.

The temperature in this area was relatively low, but Chen Rui’s arm was sweating. This showed the skill of the little glue girl. He was a little grateful that he was just acting as a “brother and sister”. If it was “father and daughter”, the little loli koala would probably hang on him all day long, and he would suffer from cervical spondylitis.

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The 2 entered Town Leia smoothly. The “plants trade fair” had already started for 2 days. As Tim said, Town Leia was very lively at this time. Half of the Dark Shadow Empire’s territory was forests which were plant-rich. The “plants trade fair” was held every 3 years.

Generally, a large merchant would display the plant samples provided by various origins and merchants in a fixed venue. Buyers could directly purchase or order corresponding finished products or seeds at a cheap “origin price”. The large merchants get a certain commission and provide the risk and credit protection for both the buyers and sellers.

The large merchant also bought some special plants. All in all, it was a special plant event.

The location of the plants trade fair was different from time to time. Town Leia, which was adjacent to the Dark Moon, was chosen this time. It also wanted to take advantage of the business cooperation with the Dark Moon to boost its business. The reality proved that this choice was very successful.

The exhibition venue was a centralized open space temporarily set up in a plaza. The scope was very large. Several entrances and exits were guarded by soldiers. There were also patrols to maintain order in the trade fair.

Chen Rui and the little loli saw all kinds of exotic plants in the trade fair. There were corresponding numbers and brief introductions in front of the exhibits. Those interested in buying could write down the numbers and then go to the transaction hall to negotiate.

There were various plants. Not only the little loli, but Chen Rui was also dazzled.

Some could emit a strong odor to chase away high rank demonic beasts, some could produce melodious music, some had the camouflage effect of a chameleon when held in the hand, and some could make people walk on the mud without sinking. There were also many dangerous carnivorous or blood-sucking plants that were isolated by corresponding magic circles to ensure safety.

Chen Rui was interested in some mutated crops which could provide far more yield and energy supply than the Dark Moon’s existing crops. Although the growth conditions were indicated to be harsher, the Dark Moon’s secret food base had the highest level of refined magic dust of strong “magic soil”. It should be able to be planted smoothly. Not only that, the initial super-high harvest would also double again, greatly increasing the food reserves.

The little loli was interested in 4 things. The first was mutated Lala Potato powder which would make one fart continuously when eaten in food; the second was the golden fruit with a mellow smell but extremely sour taste; the third was honesty flower. It did not have a special fragrance, but the flower’s fragrance would give people a special excitement effect which made it easy for people to tell the truth. This kind of flower was relatively rare and cost 100 black crystal coins. The last one was even rarer. It was a delicate and beautiful flower that roared like demonic beasts and sprayed an itchy liquid. It was called the roaring flower.

Chen Rui was secretly embarrassed. These 4 gadgets are all pranking plants. The attributes of the little loli are not only cute and understanding, but she is also blackhearted. I remember that when I first met her that year, I was pranked by her. It seems that I will suffer again when going back this time.

Despite this, Chen Rui still couldn’t stand the little loli’s eagerly begging eyes. He promised to help her buy it.

In fact, let alone Chen Rui, the little loli herself was now a wealthy boss. The 100 black crystal coins were indeed nothing, but the gifts Chen Rui bought and gave her had a completely different meaning. The excited little loli took advantage of the unprepared “brother” and launched a surprise attack. She kissed him on his face.

Chen Rui was surprised the 4 items of the little loli were bought smoothly in the transaction hall, but he encountered obstacles for the seeds of the mutated crops that he wanted. Those seeds belonged to special restricted products. They must be authorized by the lord of the Dark Shadow Empire to be eligible for mass purchase.

While Chen Rui was frowning, a group of people walked downstairs in the transaction hall. They surrounded a young girl. Even the mayor of Town Leia, Remont, looked respectful and flattering.

This girl was obviously from a prominent background. She wore a luxurious short dress. She looked youthful and beautiful. She did not panic under the attention of so many people, and she looked generous and elegant in her speech and manners.

As soon as the girl appeared, Chen Rui’s gaze was immediately attracted. Alice noticed Chen Rui’s gaze, and she looked at the girl in dissatisfaction.

The young girl was not much older than Alice. The pure and lovely temperament was somewhat similar, but her appearance was a bit inferior. It was just that Alice was “disguised” and looked like an ordinary girl now. However, the little loli’s eyes were fixed on the girl’s towering chest, and her fists clenched subconsciously: Why are they so big!

Indeed, the girl’s plump bust was only slightly inferior to Athena and Kia. With this age, she could definitely be described by the words “young girl with huge breasts”.

The little loli had the resentment of being left out: There are so many big breasts aliens in the world. Why am I not one of them?

Chen Rui’s attention to this girl was because she was an “acquaintance” and their relationship was very unusual.

Spiritual link (master-servant link): Celine; Great Demon (mutated).

Celine was the heir of the Custer Family, the top commercial family of the Dark Shadow Empire. Chen Rui participated in the Dark Shadow Empire mechanic contest as the representative of Celine’s brother, Dior. After he emerged in the preliminary contest, he was assassinated by Celine. After the assassination failed, Celine promised him huge benefits and even used her own beauty to seduce him, but Chen Rui remained unmoved. He defeated the duo-specialized master, Horford, who represented Celine in the final. Then, Celine was instructed by Kia’s sister, Fatilu, to lure Chen Rui into a trap. In the end, Chen Rui killed the Great Demon King-level Tapuli and captured Fatilu. Celine promptly expressed surrender, and she signed the master-servant contract.

Speaking of it, he spent a lot of effort to subdue this girl. However, Celine also received the public support of “Master Arthur”, so she became the first heir of the Custer Family as she wished. Her father, Lopez, had now basically handed over most of the family’s power to Celine, Celine did live up to his father’s expectations. Especially in the decision to trade with the Dark Moon, she showed admirable vision by becoming the first business family to form an alliance with the Dark Moon, and she founded the joint chamber of commerce.

With the rise of the Dark Moon, the joint chamber of commerce had become the largest chamber of commerce which possessed various privileges that other families and chambers of commerce did not have. The huge profits that came with it made the rest of the families jealous. Not only the Dark Moon, but under the management of Celine, the Custer Family’s business was booming. Her influence power in the Dark Shadow Empire was also expanding. Not long ago, she was summoned by Catherine the Great, and she was given the opportunity to host the plants trade fair.

Celine was obviously thinner than before. Her baby’s fat was gone, her mental state was extremely hearty, and her gaze showed strong self-confidence from time to time. Although her face and temperament were still a young girl, she still had the vibe of a business woman.

This lady was quietly listening to the compliment from Remont, the mayor of Town Leia, when a voice suddenly sounded in her ears. Her calm face changed slightly as she walked toward Chen Rui’s side.

Chen Rui didn’t look at Celine anymore. He just pretended to be dissatisfied as he shouted to the salesman in the transaction hall, “I will definitely buy these seeds, so let me pay double the price! No, triple!”

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The salesman was the best at observing words and expressions. Seeing that Chen Rui was a wealthy customer, he dared not offend Chen Rui. He seemed apologetic, “Sorry, it’s not a question of price…”

Seeing Chen Rui’s voice getting louder and louder, Town Leia Mayor Remont deliberately showed up in front of Celine, and he walked straight over, “Since you come to the trade fair, you must abide by the rules! Otherwise, you will be blacklisted and expelled from Town Leia!”

“You’re just a mayor, what a mighty prestige!” Chen Rui sneered. Remont was about to refute, but his eyes shivered with the faint deterrent in Chen Rui’s eyes. The rest of the cruel words were choked in his throat.

With Remont’s strength of the Demon King level, he naturally didn’t realize that this was the magical effect of the territory. Remont only knew that this person was extraordinary. His background was definitely not average, so Remont didn’t dare to offend him.

At this time, Celine’s voice came over, “Sir, I’m Celine from the Custer Family, the person in charge of this trade fair. Please give me a chance to explain. It’s not that we don’t want to sell to you, but there are special regulations. This type of crop seeds cannot be sold in batches. If sir cannot provide the lord’s authorization certificate, then I can use a small privilege. As long as sir can take out the rare plants we need in exchange, then you can have these seeds.”

“Exchange?” Chen Rui nodded, “It just so happens that I have a lot of rare plants. I wonder what kind of plants Ms. Celine needs?”

“It’s not convenient to talk here, so let’s go to the VIP room upstairs.”

Chen Rui wanted to hear this sentence. Under the gaze of Remont and the others, he followed Celine upstairs with the little loli.

At the VIP room, Celine ordered the guards beside her to retreat and guard the gate. She looked at Alice who was next to Chen Rui. The little loli subconsciously held Chen Rui’s arm tightly.

“Alice, will you go outside and wait for me?”

When the little loli heard that Chen Rui was about to “talk about business” with this big breasted woman alone, she pouted her mouth unhappily, and she finally nodded sensibly. However, when she left, she kissed him in front of Celine in a showing manner. Celine slightly smiled. She ordered the guard at the door to arrange Alice next door and serve her tea as well as snacks.

After the arrangements were made, Celine activated the soundproof magic circle in the VIP room and saluted to Chen Rui, “Greetings, my master.”

Chen Rui nodded, and his face began to change quickly. He changed to the appearance of the Great Demon “Master Arthur”, “Although I haven’t shown up in this period of time, I know what you did. You did a good job. Especially the collaboration with the Dark Moon, you should now be firmly in control of the Custer Family.”

Celine heard the phrase “I know everything you did,” and she secretly shuddered. She knew her life and death were in the hands of the person in front of her, so she immediately replied carefully, “All this is thanks to master.”

“Don’t be humble, your abilities are evident. I need a lot of seeds now, I wonder if you can provide them?”

“Does master really want those seeds?” Celine originally thought it was just an excuse to meet, and she pondered for a moment, “This matter is a little bit difficult. Originally, the restrictions on these seeds were not so strict. It was only after the land was improved that Her Majesty Empress deliberately restricted it as strategic materials and controlled its sale to outsiders. I have a certain quota on hand which can be given to the master. There are about 300 seeds.”

Land improvement? Chen Rui didn’t expect to be caught in his own trap. It seems that Catherine’s restricted sale to outsiders is mainly for the Dark Moon.

Despite the cooperation, the Dark Moon and the Dark Shadow Empire were still in a contest…