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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 487 - Spy and Crisis
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Chapter 487: Spy and Crisis

In the blink of an eye, another 3 days passed.

The Dark Moon City became more and more lively because Princess Royal Highness’ birthday was around the corner.

Although Princess Royal did not hold a corresponding celebration, the people of the estate took the initiative to organize numerous celebrations. In the eyes of the people of the Dark Moon Army, although the Dark Moon’s current development and prosperity were due to Chen Rui, Aguile, and Tim’s help, the most important central figure was Lord Shea.

Without Shea’s strenuous support, under Obsidian’s oppression and control over the years, the Dark Moon would not have the glory today. Fortunately, her persistence and hard work had finally paid off. The Dark Moon had become the most prosperous estate in the Fallen Angel Empire and even the Demon Realm. This was an outright miracle, but it did happen.

Those merchants were the happiest. Each of them offered discounts and promotions in conjunction with Princess Royal’s birthday. The people naturally went on a shopping spree happily, and everyone was delighted. The entire Dark Moon Estate was like celebrating a festival. It was almost comparable to the lively scene of the previous trade fair.

However, Krobelus, who liked the liveliness the most, couldn’t see this kind of scene for the time being as she was “behind closed doors”. When she researched the goldman with Zola last time, she got a lot of pointers. Her water element magic power had become more and more refined, and there were signs of improvement in her territory power. Since Chen Rui’s identity of “Charles” had been exposed to Isabella, there was no need to hide the black potions from Krobelus. He gave her a set of Eternal Potions. Ms. Emerald Dragon, who was overjoyed, was full of ambition. With the encouragement of Paglio, she decided to train behind closed doors again to advance a small realm to the intermediate stage of the Demon Overlord.

Chen Rui knew why the dead duck dragon encouraged Krobelus to do closed training so much. Isn’t it to pursue the so-called “freedom”?

In fact, after knowing that Olypheus and Chen Rui were only employer-bodyguard relationship, this guy showed great hospitality to Ms. Black Dragon.

It was a pity that Ms. Black Dragon was not only unflattered, but she also asked a few fatal questions such as “What is a date; can I eat it?” and “Are you rich?” in front of Ms. Emerald Dragon.

Master Poison Dragon was stunned at that time. The most important thing was the financial problem. He did have treasures, and he also had a share of the “fundraising money” as well as a share of the Crystal Valley’s crystal mine, but these were all with Chen Rui. The human had already sold many Master Poison Dragon’s treasures to Ms. Emerald Dragon. Now that he decided to have a private small vault, he was naturally unwilling to reveal it. Therefore, he could only retreat in the innocent eyes of Ms. Black Dragon.

What made Paglio speechless was that this incident caused Ms. Emerald Dragon to be highly vigilant. Before she went behind closed doors, she took away all the money from him. Even the gold crystal bed was taken away. Female’s sensitivity was quite amazing indeed.

In order to prevent the guy from hooking up outside, Krobelus also made a killing move which was to spend money to hire Olypheus to spy on Paglio secretly.

Of course, Ms. Miser was always willing to accept this kind of easy-pay work. She secretly followed the poison dragon every day and carefully recorded his every move. Even if Paglio slipped away, she would stop at every place that he would possibly appear. Sometimes, she even asked for Zola’s help. After a period of time, she was thoroughly familiar with the Dark Moon City, but Master Poison Dragon sighed all day long. He was really caught in his own trap.

Chen Rui had no time to bother about Paglio. During this time, he was busy with learning mechanic skills and the goldman production related matters. The production line was divided into several parts. Chen Rui had arranged the taurens and the Cloak Gang, and now he was looking for the Terry Family.

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The Terry Family was one of the several major families of the Dark Moon, second only to the Saiful Family. They had always been on Shea’s side previously. They now controlled more than half of the Dark Moon’s production industry. There were a large number of skilled craftsmen under their hands which would be the backbone of the goldman’s parts manufacturing.

The Terry Family received an order from Princess Royal Shea. They attached great importance to this matter and sent Jason, the main person in charge of the family’s manufacturing industry, to contact Chen Rui.

Jason was of the Lucifer Royal Family, and his wife was the eldest daughter of the Terry Family’s patriarch. This was equivalent to marrying into the bride’s family. This kind of marriage was very common in the Demon Realm. It was mainly a political marriage that deepened relationships and controls. They could give birth to a royal family member or become a family heir.

Jason’s appearance was about 30 years old. His facial features were well-shaped, and his brows revealed shrewdness and capability. Chen Rui had seen him several times previously, but it was the first time that he really contacted Jason.

Accompanied by Jason, Chen Rui came to an exclusive workshop of Terry Family in the mountains outside the Dark Moon City.

“Sir Chen Rui, what is the project assigned to be produced this time?”

Chen Rui smiled slightly, “It’s a special component. Princess Royal has ordered that this matter is classified as highly confidential, so please forgive me for not being able to say more. Also, the craftsman must be instructed to keep it strictly confidential.”

Jason nodded, “Understood, how about sir meet Terry Family’s craftsmanship director, Sarandi, first? You can tell him any technical requirements or questions. Sarandi has served the Terry Family for 150 years. He is absolutely trustworthy.”


Jason immediately asked the people around to leave. Soon, a great demon walked into the room.

This great demon was tall and stern with a scar on his brow bone. Chen Rui only glanced at him, and his pupils suddenly shrank. An odd expression flashed past his eyes.

“Jason, this is Director Sarandi?”

Jason nodded, “Sarandi, this is Sir Chen Rui, the top minister of the Demon Realm whom you have long admired. From now on, you must unconditionally obey all his orders.”

“Jason, go down first. For the sake of confidentiality, ask the irrelevant people to leave this place. By the way, please go to the Flame Legion again and pass this letter to the legion commander Athena for me as quickly as possible. Also, tell her that I will be coming back a bit later today.” Chen Rui took out an envelope and handed it to Jason.

Sarandi stopped Jason unexpectedly and said, “Wait, show me that letter.”

Jason paused. He actually did not dare to disobey, and he handed the letter to Sarandi respectfully. Chen Rui slightly squinted his eyes; he calmly placed his hands behind his back.

Sarandi opened the letter, but nothing was written in it. It was just a blank sheet of paper.

“Is this a warning of some kind of danger?” Sarandi gave a faint smile, “Sir Chen Rui seems to have spotted some kind of flaw. It’s really surprising. You’re worthy of being a rare sage minister of the Demon Realm. Unfortunately, even if there is no problem with the letter, I will not let it go. My trip to the Dark Moon must be successful this time; no mistakes are allowed. I advise sir to give up unrealistic delusions. In the face of absolute strength, neither wisdom nor strategy has any effect.”

“Really?” The reason Chen Rui found the flaw was simple. Intuition. Sarandi made him feel a kind of danger instinctively when he first came in, and the [Analytical Eyes] clearly explained the reason for this danger.

Race: Pride Royal Family (mutated), Comprehensive Strength Assessment: C (S+).

He is actually of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord from the Lucifer Royal Family! Apart from the Fallen Angel Capital, Chen Rui couldn’t think of a place that could send such a top-level Lucifer Royal Family. When he thought of the intel that Isabella said a few days ago, he suddenly understood that this Demon Overlord of the peak stage came for him, and he came faster than expected.

The previous assassins were only the Great Demon King or Demon Emperor. They actually sent the strongest Demon Overlord this time. It seemed that “the Demon Realm’s No. 1 Minister of Internal Affairs” was really quite prestigious.

The letter just now was indeed a warning that only he and Athena could understand, but to his surprise, the royal family member, Jason, whom Shea had always valued, was actually a spy!

“Sir Chen Rui is overthinking. Other than sir, we do not intend to do anything to Ms. Athena for our trip to the Dark Moon this time. General George has great control over the military and is the most prestigious general in the military. Even the capital is also fearful of him.”

We? Chen Rui’s heart moved: It’s not just Sarandi who came here!

“Jason, before I am killed, answer my last few questions.” Chen Rui looked like he was taking death calmly, “Did you or the entire Terry Family betrayed Princess Royal?”

“I’m not the only one who has betrayed, but it’s not the entire family. However, it is not only the Terry Family who has someone like me.” Jason’s spooky sneer shocked Chen Rui secretly, “I’m a royal family member. I should have the qualification to inherit an estate initially. However, I was suppressed by the Crown Prince Grimm at that time, so I was married into a family with a very small influence. Because of the blood relationship, I can’t even inherit this family despite my outstanding talents! Not only that, the Dark Moon seems to be stronger step by step now, but the stronger it is, the closer it is to destruction. Once you exceed the bottom line of the capital, do you think that the Dark Moon can really rival the entire Fallen Angel Empire?”

“The capital does not represent the entire Fallen Angel Empire. The Blue Lava Estate, one of the four major estates, is already under the control of the Dark Moon. The Dark Moon also has a secret agreement with the White Feather Estate already. There is only the Red Spirit Estate left who has suffered a huge setback.” Chen Rui deliberately discredited the White Feather Estate to confuse Sarandi again and again. As expected, Sarandi showed confusion and did not stop him from continuing.

“Besides, how can you know that it’s not going to work if you never try it? Every possibility has been conceived from the impossible.” Chen Rui shook his head, “Are you sure that you see the future of the empire clearly before betraying? We are now developing swiftly while the capital is struggling in a predicament. One is going down and the other is getting stronger. It’s clear at a glance. Not only the economy, the Dark Moon has unlimited potential even in the military. The capital has the peak stage of the Demon Overlord powerhouses, we have it too! Moreover, do you think the Demon Overlords of the capital are loyally siding around Obsidian? Do you think Obsidian can mobilize those elder Demon Overlords of the elder family at will? I’m afraid Obsidian has exerted a lot of effort to ask Sir Sarandi to come here! Besides, even if Obsidian defeats the Dark Moon, do you think you will gain power and be valued? You’re just a chess piece of temporary value. You can betray Shea for profit this time, it is possible that you will betray Obsidian for profit; who will keep a dog that may bite his owner at any time?”

With the last sentence, Jason’s face turned pale. Sarandi said: “As expected of Sir Chen Rui, just a few words made this betrayer hesitate. Furthermore, being in the Dark Moon, you actually know the situation and interest of the capital so well. You can even see through my strength, but you can rest assured that my purpose this time is not to kill you, but to invite you to the capital as a financial officer.”

Chen Rui had guessed that Sarandi’s purpose was to capture him to the capital, otherwise he would not talk nonsense for so long.

However, Sarandi’s next sentence made Chen Rui’s expression suddenly change, “Your wisdom is extraordinary. My trip is not in vain. Unfortunately, it’s useless to delay time. Don’t expect the Dark Demon will send a message to the Dark Moon to send a powerhouse to save you. The capital has already sensed the threat of the Dark Moon. Our purpose this time is not only to take you away, but also to uproot the annoying Dark Demon.”

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Chen Rui’s thoughts quickly shifted: The Dark Demon’s contact point is extremely secretive, and there are various magic circles. However, Jason said just now, “It’s not only the Terry Family who has people like me.” Then, someone in the Dark Demon must have chosen the same path as Jason!

Delia is in danger! And Isabella!

In fact, the Dark Moon has eliminated many dissidents and families that are on the capital’s side this year. With the rapid development of the power, the top management can be described to reach an unprecedented cohesion, but this situation has occurred. This is my negligence!

The people’s mind is indeed the most unpredictable thing.

No matter how flexible Chen Rui’s brain was, no matter how he had knowledge of another world, his intelligence and energy were limited after all. It was impossible to be proficient in all aspects. This eventually led to such mistakes.

At this moment, Sarandi’s face suddenly changed. Another person appeared in the room out of thin air.

A man with short hair and tawny skin. As soon as this man appeared, Sarandi immediately developed an instinctive sense of vigilance. The strength of this man was definitely not simple. Even his peak stage of the Demon Overlord had a palpitations feeling.

It must be the hidden powerhouse of the Dark Moon. He is even comparable to my level of strength. There is indeed a powerhouse of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord in the Dark Moon! How did this person find this place? Has he been protecting Chen Rui closely?

It was just that the man didn’t have the demeanor of a powerhouse at all. He took a sip from the wine bottle and snorted with an alcohol breath, “That chick really has a good sense of smell. I finally got rid of her tracking, but I was summoned before I could sit still. I want to see which blind fellow disturbed my free time!”

“Free your ass. Something is going to happen to Delia!” Chen Rui had no time to deal with the complaints of this guy.

Catch alive? Kill? Hostility flicked through Sarandi’s eyes. The peak stage of the Demon Overlord’s power quickly charged. Just as he was about to take Chen Rui first, the man instantly blocked in front of him, and the terrifying fierce light in his eyes made Sarandi shudder. He had to go with all his strength.

Just when Sarandi focused completely on Paglio, there was a faint light flashing behind this powerful enemy. When he looked again, the human had actually disappeared!

Sarandi was taken aback. Before he had time to investigate the whereabouts of the human, the man in front of him had already taken advantage of his distraction. In an instant, his fist turned into hundreds of black shadows that struck at various vital points. His body was wrapped inside in the blink of an eye. The strength of the onslaught and the fierce attack in this round suppressed Sarandi firmly even though he had charged his strength and defense long ago. He was in a disadvantage situation for a while.

Chen Rui had already crushed a piece of Paglio’s dragon scale when he put his hands behind his back just now. This allowed the poison dragon to come quickly within an effective range. That was the reason he kept delaying Sarandi. He did not ignore Isabella’s warning a few days ago, and he prepared the corresponding precautions. It really came in handy now.

Chen Rui used the [Star Gate] to leave the room just now because the star point set by the [Star Gate] was much closer to the contact point of the Dark Demon than this place. Although it might be seen by Sarandi, he could not be bothered about it now.

I must be at the Dark Demon’ headquarters as soon as possible!

‘To uproot the Dark Demon’, who was the terrifying enemy being sent?