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Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 404 Hot Commodity
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Pei Buji had lost both hands, severely diminishing his combat ability. He was pinned down by Silver Fox and had no way to resist.

His body was covered in wounds, with not a single inch of intact skin left. He looked like a beaten dog, bloodied and battered.

However, he still wore a terrifying and sinister expression, grinning madly. "I understand now. You must have been harmed by me before, right?"

"Was it me who raped you or killed your parents?"

"Hahaha, it wouldn't be a waste for me to rape a beauty like you!"

He laughed maniacally and then fixed his gaze on Silver Fox, sneering. "Beauty, how about it? My sexual prowess must have wounded you deeply, right?"

"You bastard!"

Silver Fox raged like thunder. She thrust her dagger downward, piercing through Pei Buji's chest, pinning him to the floor.

Immediately, another dagger swung down, severing Pei Buji's left ear.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" Pei Buji screamed, his face contorted in pain.

Silver Fox stepped on his chest, looking down coldly from above. "Pei Buji, do you remember the richest man in Marai Kingdom ten years ago?"

Pei Buji's pupils contracted for a moment, then he burst into laughter. "I remember now, hahaha! At that time, I went to plunder the wealth of Marai Kingdom. After transferring the assets, I silenced your entire family."

"I strangled your parents to death, and your sister was raped a hundred times by my subordinates before she committed suicide."

"I released dogs on your brother, and he was bitten to death."

"Later, I learned that there was one girl who hadn't died. Unfortunately, no matter what I did, I couldn't find her whereabouts. You, were you that girl? How did you survive back then?"

"Come on, kill me and avenge your loved ones."

His voice was incredibly arrogant and domineering, like a malevolent ghost, continuing to sneer.

Wang Chao, Shen Bing, and the others suddenly realized the truth upon hearing this.

No wonder Silver Fox held such a grudge against Pei Buji. He was the killer of her parents!

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Wang Chao looked at Silver Fox, his eyes filled with sympathy and heartache.

He had experienced countless hardships and suffered in the abyss, but his parents were still alive, and his loved ones were still in this world. His life could still be considered warm and loving.

But Silver Fox had suffered greatly.

All her loved ones were already dead, and she lived alone in this world.

No wonder every time Silver Fox joined the Gates of Hell and became an assassin, she showed no mercy to those damned individuals she targeted, being cruel and ruthless.

No wonder Silver Fox had traveled a long way to the Dragon Kingdom and asked him for help.

It was all because of the vendetta of a slaughtered family.


With cold and fierce eyes, Silver Fox's dagger swiftly pierced one of Pei Buji's eyes.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" Pei Buji immediately screamed in agonizing pain, his face contorted.

Silver Fox's gaze was as sharp as a knife. She wiped the blood off the dagger with her sleeve, coldly saying, "Want to die? It won't be that easy!"

"Pei Buji, you destroyed my entire family, and now I will make you taste what hell feels like."

After speaking, she turned to look at Wang Chao. "Do you have any way to stop his bleeding and save his life?"

"Yes," Wang Chao nodded.

Afterward, he took out several silver needles and flicked his hands.

The silver needles, like lightning, pierced the acupoints near Pei Buji's heart, protecting it. He then shot out several more needles, targeting the acupoints in his legs.

Next, he swiftly released a dozen more needles, sealing many of Pei Buji's acupoints.

"His acupoints are sealed, rendering him powerless, and the major blood vessels won't bleed anymore. As for what to do next, it's up to you. I can only assist you to this extent," Wang Chao said.

He had countless methods to torment people, making them wish for death.

However, seeking revenge and satisfying hatred were tasks better undertaken by Silver Fox herself.

"That's enough, thank you!" Silver Fox nodded, then picked up a battle sword from the ground. With a swift motion, she severed both of Pei Buji's thighs.

Strangely, there was no significant bleeding after his legs were severed.





"Hahaha!!" Pei Buji's eyes widened, veins popping, as he endured excruciating pain and let out a heart-wrenching scream.I think you should take a look at

He tried to roll, but without hands and feet, and being pinned down by Silver Fox on his chest, he could not move and could only scream in agony.

"All ship doctors, come with me and suture his wounds!"

Silver Fox's eyes turned crimson with hatred. She grabbed Pei Buji by the hair, as if holding a dead dog, and dragged him away.

Along the way, no one dared to obstruct her.

"Are there any ship doctors here? Follow her, and I will cover all expenses," Wang Chao shouted.

Two foreign doctors in the vicinity stood up and chased after Silver Fox.

Clearly, Silver Fox intended to take Pei Buji to the infirmary to torture him and exact revenge for her slaughtered family.

As she departed, the people at the scene finally breathed a sigh of relief.

All the mercenaries were dead, and they had escaped the danger.

"Help! Is there anyone? Help us!"

At this moment, a scream caught the attention of many.

Wang Chao turned around and saw several people lying in a pool of blood, screaming for help.

Although Zhou Xinghe, Silver Fox, Scarlett, and others had decimated the mercenaries, the resistance from the mercenaries had caused some innocent bystanders to get injured.

A small number of people had died as a result.

"Is there any doctor here? Save them!"

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Wang Chao rushed to the side of an injured person and began providing emergency aid.

In the crowd, no one stepped forward.

"Hurry, go to the infirmary and see if there are any doctors. Bring them here immediately. I will reward anyone who brings a doctor with 200,000!" Shen Bing made a decisive decision and instructed one of the dealers.

The dealer's eyes brightened at the offer and quickly left to fetch a doctor.

"Anyone who can bring a doctor to save lives will be rewarded with 200,000!" Shen Bing shouted.

With such a substantial reward, many people rushed out.

Not long after, they brought some doctors who began rescuing the injured.

About an hour later, under Wang Chao's leadership, aside from those who died from head and heart shots, everyone else was successfully rescued and out of danger.

After completing everything, Wang Chao finally breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed a piece of cloth to wipe the blood off his hands.

"Mr. Wang, I'm truly grateful to you," Joseph walked over, showing great respect.

"We are grateful for Mr. Wang's lifesaving grace," Liu Xiangqing also expressed his thanks to Wang Chao.

"I do not need any thanks. Mr. Wang, if you ever need anything, just ask, and I will definitely help."

"We'll bear in mind Mr. Wang's lifesaving grace."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

"If it weren't for Mr. Wang's righteous intervention to eliminate the villains, we would have faced great danger. Mr. Wang saved our lives. I express my deepest gratitude."

"Mr. Wang, I do not know if you are interested in joining my company. I can offer you a salary of 1 billion US dollars for one year."

After Joseph and Liu Xiangqing spoke, all the billionaires present snapped back to reality and bowed to Wang Chao, expressing their gratitude and appreciation.

Nearly thirty billionaires surrounded Wang Chao like stars surrounding the moon, their eyes filled with gratitude and admiration.

The scene was truly spectacular!

Furthermore, some billionaires looked at Wang Chao with sparkling eyes and extended job invitations.

"I offer 1.5 billion US dollars!"

"I offer 1.8 billion US dollars!"

"I offer 2 billion US dollars!"

Upon hearing the bid from that billionaire, all the billionaires understood and their eyes lit up, each offering a higher price, inviting Wang Chao to work for their company.

In an instant, Wang Chao became a highly sought-after commodity by everyone.