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Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 463 Zhou Hong Makes A Move
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"Chen Yong, if you don't listen to me, don't blame me for being impolite to you."

"Using your life in exchange for my wealth and glory, that would be perfect!"

Zhou Hong stared at Chen Yong's figure with cold, menacing eyes.

Shen Dongshan not only promised him a high position but also gave him a deposit.

The deposit alone amounted to one million!

If he could eliminate Chen Yong, Shen Dongshan would give him another two million.

This money was enough for someone like him, a commoner, to take risks and commit murder.

As Chen Yong ran, he heard the sound of a motorcycle engine and immediately turned to look.

This glance left him terrified.

Zhou Hong was driving a motorcycle, charging straight at him.

He quickly leaped to the side of the road to dodge the collision.

Zhou Hong quickly applied the brakes as he approached, leaving a conspicuous black tire mark on the road.

"You bastard, Zhou Hong, are you trying to kill me?" Chen Yong angrily exclaimed.

"How is that possible? Chen Yong, I treated you as my own big brother," Zhou Hong patted the rear seat and said in a deep voice, "Quickly, sit here, and I'll take you away."

"You want to take me away?" Chen Yong was taken aback.

Zhou Hong's gaze became anxious as he said, "Of course! You poisoned Director Wang, and now he's in the hospital receiving gastric lavage treatment because of the poisoning. Shen Dongshan has reported to the police, and they're currently searching for you."

"Even if Director Wang didn't die, if you fall into the hands of the police, you won't be able to escape an attempted murder charge."

"If you keep running like this, you won't get far, and the police will definitely catch up to you."

"Get on, and I'll take you out of this city."

"Hurry up, if you dawdle, it'll be too late."

Chen Yong had originally intended to go to the location designated by Wang Chao. However, Zhou Hong's urging made him uncertain.

"Chen Yong, think about your future. You still have a wife and child. If you get caught by the police, it will leave a record. By then, your wife and child will never be able to live a normal life." Zhou Hong urged him.

Chen Yong's face twisted in conflict. After thinking for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and sat on the back of Zhou Hong's motorcycle.

"Hold on tight. I'll take you out of the city now," Zhou Hong said.

With that, he revved the throttle, and the motorcycle sped off like a flash.

The motorcycle was fast, and within an hour, they had already left the outskirts of Canton City and entered the suburbs.

Zhou Hong didn't slow down, carrying Chen Yong as they charged into the mountainous area.

"Why are we in the mountains?" Chen Yong looked puzzled.

While driving, Zhou Hong explained, "Chen Yong, you don't understand. Shen Dongshan and the others have already reported to the police. They will set up checkpoints at various exits of the city. If we take the main road, we'll definitely be caught."

"So, I'm taking you on the mountain road to bypass the police."

Chen Yong furrowed his brow slightly.

Zhou Hong's reasoning made sense, so Chen Yong didn't argue and took out his phone. He sent a message to Wang Chao, informing him of the direction he was heading.

After sending the message, he put away his phone, his eyes filled with struggle.

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Zhou Hong rode the motorcycle for another fifteen minutes until they reached a secluded and uninhabited area in the mountains. He immediately stopped.

Looking around and confirming that there was no one in sight, Zhou Hong's eyes turned icy and filled with killing intent.

"Why did we stop?" Chen Yong looked puzzled.

"Chen Yong, the motorcycle is running out of fuel. You'll have to go the rest of the way on your own. This is as far as I can take you," Zhou Hong said.

As he spoke, he got off the motorcycle and reached into his pocket, saying, "We were once brothers, so let me give you some money."

He pretended to take out money but actually retrieved the hidden dagger in his pocket. Taking advantage of Chen Yong's inattentiveness, he viciously thrust the dagger towards Chen Yong's heart.


The blade pierced through Chen Yong's clothes and made a "ding" sound, failing to penetrate his skin.

"You!" Chen Yong's eyes widened in disbelief.

He never expected Zhou Hong to try to kill him.


Zhou Hong raised an eyebrow.

The fatal strike he had intended had failed?

He looked closely and noticed a metal plate beneath Chen Yong's clothes. His earlier strike had hit the metal plate precisely.

With murderous intent already in his heart, Zhou Hong didn't wait for Chen Yong to react. He smoothly drew an arc with the dagger in his hand, aiming for Chen Yong's neck.

It was a ruthless move, aimed directly at the vital spot!

His speed was lightning fast.


However, before he could make his move, Chen Yong had already reacted. He launched a flying kick, striking Zhou Hong in the abdomen and causing him to stagger back two steps.

Chen Yong got off the motorcycle and touched the torn part of his clothes, his gaze ice-cold. "Zhou Hong, I treated you so well before, and now you want to kill me?"

"I misjudged you!"

As he spoke, he tore off his clothes, glaring at Zhou Hong.

Zhou Hong sneered, his voice cold. "Chen Yong, don't blame me. Shen Vice President offered too much. Today, you must die!"

After saying that, he threw away the dagger.

Chen Yong looked puzzled. He hadn't even made a move, so why did Zhou Hong discard his weapon?

At that moment, Zhou Hong suddenly pulled out a handgun, pointing it at Chen Yong with a sinister smile. "Chen Yong, I'm sorry!"

Chen Yong's expression changed.


Before Chen Yong could react, Zhou Hong pulled the trigger.

The gunshot echoed through the mountains, startling a flock of birds.

However, the bullet missed its target.

At the critical moment, a figure flashed by, pulling Chen Yong to the side and narrowly evading Zhou Hong's attack.

"What?" Zhou Hong's expression changed.

He had made various preparations, even purchasing firearms. He planned to shoot and kill Chen Yong, then place the weapon in Chen Yong's hand to create the appearance of a suicide.

To that end, he had already put on gloves before handling the gun to avoid leaving his fingerprints.

He thought it was a surefire plan, as long as he shot and killed Chen Yong. But Chen Yong had managed to dodge?




Chen Yong was also surprised and quickly looked to the side.

Standing beside him was Zhou Xinghe.

"You are..." Chen Yong looked at Zhou Xinghe, his eyes filled with confusion.

"I am Zhou Xinghe. I'm here on the orders of Brother Wang to save you," Zhou Xinghe said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Chen Yong's eyes lit up.

"You ruined my plan. Fuck you! Then you'll die too."

Zhou Hong became insane. He aimed the gun at Zhou Xinghe and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Killing one person was killing, killing two people was also killing.

Either way, it was still murder.


Zhou Xinghe remained expressionless as he drew out his battle knife and split the bullet in his hand into two halves.


Zhou Hong was dumbfounded, his eyes widened in disbelief.

How was it possible to split a bullet in half with a knife?

Wasn't this too incredible?

Was it like writing a ?

"Damn it, it's luck, it must be luck! I refuse to believe that you can have such luck every time," Zhou Hong gritted his teeth, completely unwilling to accept that someone like Zhou Xinghe could exist. He pointed the handgun at Zhou Xinghe and continuously pulled the trigger, firing five shots in a row.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Zhou Xinghe swung his knife five times, splitting the five bullets, leaving himself and Chen Yong unscathed.

The shattered bullets grazed past them, creating holes in the trees behind.

"This!" Zhou Hong was dumbfounded.

To split a bullet with a knife once could be considered luck.

But to consecutively block five shots, it couldn't be attributed to luck anymore, but rather to skill!

This level of strength was simply monstrous!

"Is your attack over?" Zhou Xinghe's gaze turned cold as he coldly stared at Zhou Hong.

Zhou Hong stared at Zhou Xinghe for several seconds, his eyes filled with terror and dread. Without saying a word, he immediately got on the motorcycle, revved the engine to the maximum, and fled frantically.

Zhou Xinghe was too powerful. He could even split bullets with a knife. His strength was overwhelmingly strong, and Zhou Hong had no chance of winning. If he didn't leave now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"We can't let him escape. He has someone behind him. Capture him!" Chen Yong quickly said.

Zhou Hong had come to kill him, and it was no doubt that he was being instigated by Shen Dongshan or someone else.

As long as they caught Zhou Hong, it would be one of the cards to topple Shen Dongshan!

"Don't worry, he won't escape." Zhou Xinghe remained expressionless as he swung his knife.

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The blade was as fast as lightning, splitting the ground and striking before the others. It cleaved the two tires of Zhou Hong's motorcycle in half.

With the tires shattered, the motorcycle could no longer move forward. The strong inertia sent Zhou Hong flying, and after tumbling for seven or eight meters, he finally lay on the ground, covered in blood, his body aching as if it had fallen apart.

"Blade Qi?"

Chen Yong's eyes widened, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

A forty-meter-long Blade Qi!

He had only ever seen it in s and on television, never expecting to witness it in reality.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Zhou Xinghe said proudly.

"Very impressive!" Chen Yong sincerely responded.

"To be honest, my big brother can do even better."

"Can Minister Wang also do this?"

"Not only can he do it, my big brother is a hundred times more powerful than me."

Chen Yong was stunned by this revelation.

Zhou Xinghe's ability to split a forty-meter Blade Qi already made him an extremely formidable existence in his eyes, possibly even approaching the level of a Great King. But Zhou Xinghe claimed that Wang Chao was a hundred times more amazing.

In other words, could Wang Chao unleash a four-thousand-meter Blade Qi?

The mere thought of such a scene left Chen Yong in awe.

If a blade could reach such a distance, it would be hundreds of times more powerful than a sniper.

"I won't talk to you about this now. Let's subdue this person first," Zhou Xinghe said, his face expressionless.

Zhou Xinghe smiled and disappeared in front of Chen Yong. The next moment, he reappeared in front of Zhou Hong like a ghost.

At this moment, Zhou Hong was already battered and covered in blood, his face unrecognizable. His ears, head, and body were severely scraped, drenched in blood.

He looked at Zhou Xinghe with a horrified expression. "Are you... are you human or ghost?"

"I am a god!" Zhou Xinghe's voice was ice-cold as he looked down on Zhou Hong from above.

After speaking, he kicked Zhou Hong, rendering him unconscious.

Zhou Xinghe squatted down and, as if carrying a dead dog, lifted Zhou Hong up with one hand. He turned to Chen Yong and said, "Little Chen, the mission is completed. Let's go."

Little Chen?

Chen Yong raised an eyebrow, feeling particularly uneasy. Though he might be weaker than Zhou Xinghe, he was at least ten years older. And now, according to Zhou Xinghe, he was called Little Chen?

"What are you waiting for? Let's go," Zhou Xinghe said, hoisting Zhou Hong over his shoulder. He glanced at Chen Yong and turned to leave.

Although Chen Yong felt a bit uncomfortable, he didn't say much and hurriedly followed.

Even though Zhou Xinghe had taken advantage of him verbally, he had saved Chen Yong's life. The debt of gratitude was enough for Chen Yong to remember for a lifetime.

As Zhou Xinghe carried Zhou Hong, he took out the mobile phone from Zhou Hong's pocket and handed it to Chen Yong. "I do not know who Shen Dongshan is, so you handle it yourself."

Chen Yong took the phone and used Zhou Hong's fingerprint to unlock it. He found Shen Dongshan's WeChat and sent a message, "It's done. Chen Yong won't appear again for sure. I got injured and need treatment. I'll return after everything is over."

After sending the message, he stared at the phone screen, seething with hatred.

As Wang Chao had anticipated, Shen Dongshan would not let him off the hook.

The chat records were clear, documenting Shen Dongshan's intention to kill and cover it up.

"I never expected that you, who I had followed so obediently before, would kill someone who had once helped you. You're heartless, so do not blame me for being unjust!" Chen Yong gritted his teeth.

He took screenshots of the conversations between Zhou Hong and Shen Dongshan and saved all the evidence on his phone.

After completing these actions, Shen Dongshan finally replied, "Okay, find a place to hide for now. I'll notify you of your work schedule after everything settles tomorrow."

Chen Yong looked at the message and chuckled coldly, thinking, "Haha, everything settling down? I think it will be you who settles down tomorrow!"