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Divorce is the Best Choice

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91 You shouldn’t suspect Sarah Not long after the message was sent out, she received a call from grandpa Noth.

“Grandpa.” Sarah answered it without hesitation.

“Am I bothering you?”


“Are you free tomorrow night?” Grandpa Noth asked. “Your parents has come back after they finished


work. I wanted to have dinner with you since you and Jason is going to divorce.”

Sarah was silent for a moment.

She had a meal with him on Friday…

Although there were only grandpa Noth, Edwin and her, it could still be called a family meeting.

“Your mother misses you very much. She has been talking about you since she came back yesterday.”

Grandpa Noth added, “you might want to have a talk with her.”

“No, thanks.” Sarah refused; she would yield to Mrs. Noth’s passion. “I’ll come tomorrow evening.”

“Okay!” said he happily.

Then she waited for grandpa Noth to hang up first. The thought that she would have to go to the Noth


mansion for dinner tomorrow made her fell kind of tired.

She rubbed her temples, put the phone on the bedside table to charge, and then went to wash up.

The night fell.

Sarah fell into a sound sleep.

Running around all day had drained her strength.

When she was sleeping. Jason was tossing about on his bed.

He didn’t think about whether Jenny’s words were true or not. All he could think about was how Sarah


when she was with Robert. Did she know what kind of person he was?

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic his mind became.

In the end, sleepiness overwhelmed him. He fell asleep.

The second day.

Sarah asked the cleaner to clean her house while Jason went to the company.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

At ten o’clock, Robert arrived at the gate of the Noth Group on time. Then he was let in after he

reported his name to the safety guard.

Chris took him to Jason’s office. Standing beside, Chris looked at the two men sitting opposite each


Get Bout

his heart was beating fast, too nervous to say a word.

He was afraid that his boss and Robert would fight in the office.

He didn’t know who was more powerful since there was little difference between the two’s heights and


“Go ahead with your business,” said Jason to Chris. “I have something to discuss with Mr. Shawn.”

“Yes, boss.”

Chris left decisively.

He understood what his boss meant. He didn’t want anyone to disturb his serious conversation with


during this period of time.

The moment the door was closed, Jason stood up and walked to the sofa. Sitting opposite Robert, he

said. “If

I were you, I wouldn’t come there.”

“What do you mean by that, Mr. Noth?” Robert pretended not to understand Jason’s undertone.

“What happened between you and Sarah yesterday? I don’t think there is a need to repeat it.” Said

Jason; his

long, narrow eyes were much more aloof than usual.

Robert pushed his gold rimmed glasses up his nose. A slight smile lifted the corner of his lip.

Jason wrinkled his nose in disgust.

He hated it the most.

He hated the hypocritical Robert. He always discussed with people in the most relaxed tone and

expression. Even if someone exposed his disguise, he would only retort with a faint smile, “So what?”

Jason couldn’t figure out how could Sarah have something to do with someone like Robert.

Didn’t she see through this despicable man’s shrewdness and baseness?

“Pumpkin told me that you think that we slept together in the hotel.” Robert said in a very matter-of-fact


He didn’t address Sarah as her name.

“Isn’t it true?”

“If Pumpkin divorced now, I’d definitely say yes to piss you off,” said Robert with a half-joking smile. His


exuded elegance and confidence. “But she’s still your wife. I can’t ruin her reputation.

You will know what happened between us after you watch this video.”

Robert took out his phone.

He clicked on the video he had copied and handed it to Jason.

“I edited the video, leaving only the key parts. If you want the complete version, I can send it to you. But


length is more than an hour.” Robert said while Jason was watching the video.

Cm Boy!

Jason didn’t respond. He fixed his eyes on the phone screen.

The video showed that several people entered a room, followed by Sarah.

Then a man in mask and peaked cap knocked on the door of Robert’s room, leaving a room card and a

letter on the ground.

Jason couldn’t see the man’s face clearly.

Then Robert came out to pick up the letter. After reading it, he also went into Sarah’s room.

Ten minutes later, he came out with Sarah. He walked her to the hotel door, sent her in the car and left.

You can check the time in the video.” Robert said, thinking that Jason should have finished watching it.

“And then?” Asked Jason.

His face was still emotionless.

Actually he had believed what Robert just said. But he just disliked when Robert acted like everything

was in his control.

“I spent less than ten minutes in the room with Sarah.” Robert cut to the chase. “I didn’t even have time


take a shower, let alone to do anything else.”

“Take a shower for five minutes and do what you want to do in two minutes.” said Jason seriously. 0

Robert adjusted his glasses and said with a smile, “It seems that you are very experienced in this

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Jason raised a questioning eyebrow.

He glared at Robert.

He handed Robert’s phone to him and said, “I’m just evaluating your ability.”

“Except for business, your assessment of other things is far from the truth.” Robert’s voice was heavy



Jason didn’t answer.

He knew that Robert was accusing him of wronging Sarah.

“Who were those guys who entered Sarah’s room ahead of time?” he asked, his eyes darkened. “Have

you found the person’s identity who sent you the letter?”

“I’m still investigating.” Robert didn’t hide it from him. “Yesterday, I’ve been asking my man to restore

the surveillance video. As for the people who entered Sarah’s room, they are just ordinary people, and

they take

money to do things. They misunderstood that Sarah was a bad person.”

Speaking of this, Robert could tell from Jason’s expression that Jason believed him.

Now it was the right time for him to tell Jason the whole story.

He recounted what had happened In the hotel.

Get Bogus

He didn’t mean to explain anything, he just thought that it was better for Jason to investigate this


Something was out of his reach.

Ten minutes later.

Jason heard Robert out.

What he said was the same as Sarah’s narration. It was the truth, not an excuse that the two of them


come up with to deal with him.

That was why he felt kind of uncomfortable.

The misunderstanding that Sarah had illicit love with Robert caused his grudge against her. Yesterday

outside her residential complex, he even said that what he cared about was only the marriage


He must have broken Sarah’s heart…

“You know what kind of person Sarah is since you two are married for two years.” Robert continued,

“You can suspect me, but you shouldn’t suspect Sarah.”