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Don't Mess with the Rock Chicks by F BOY’s DOLL

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87

In the next scene, Viona is helped to the sofa in the living room, and Mrs. Evert’s nurse helps her apply


Mrs. Evert sat majestically, only Jolene stood aside with her head down, as if she were a sinner

through the ages.

Bowen came over to her and said, “You go back first.”

Jolene wanted to go, but she dared not move.

Because Mrs. Evert was staring at her aggressively.

“Bowen, I’ll give her a chance to explain now, get out of the way, or I won’t give her this chance again in

the future.”

Jolene and Bowen smiled helplessly. How she explained it was all indisputable and unreasonable at all.

She secretly looked at her phone just now, and the truth was what the gossip news said.

Jolene was silent, and Mrs. Evert sneered: “Jolene, who is smart and agile, has nothing to say now? I

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have done my best to you, and I have endured it again and again, but you are good, you hooked up

with me on your wedding night…”

Mrs. Evert breathed more and more, clutching her chest and panting.

Bowen and Viona hurried over to check, Nurse Li hurried to get medicine, the housekeeper went to

pour water, and after a busy time, Mrs. Evert finally calmed down.


Chapter 87

88 Vouchers

Jolene stood dumbfounded as the crowd turned their backs.

Mrs. Evert took a deep breath and pointed at Jolene. “I won’t listen to your explanation. You take your

family and leave J city…”

Just as Bowen was about to speak, Mrs. Evert said sternly: “Bowen, if I find out that you are still

protecting her, the love between our mother and son will end here!”

Mrs. Evert said something so heavy that Viona couldn’t say it without opening her mouth.

She sat by Mrs. Evert’s side and stroked her chest: “Mom, this must be a misunderstanding, you know

that some paparazzi are staring at us, for fear that our days will be calm, and it will be over if it passes.

I believe Jolene is not the kind of woman who is entangled.”

What Viona said, Jolene looked down and listened.

She knew it was a trap and a pit, but she had already fallen into it. What else could she say? She

thought she was unlucky.

Mrs. Evert sighed faintly and touched Viona’s hand: “I know you are a sensible child, Bowen, did you

hear me? Having a wife like Viona is your conviction, you give me a word today, from today onwards,

treat Viona wholeheartedly!”

Bowen didn’t speak, he played with a lighter in his hand.

He never disobeyed Mrs. Evert’s words.

Perhaps, it’s okay to let the surface pass.

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But he still didn’t speak.

Chapter 87

1288 Vouchers

Jolene said before Mrs. Evert’s attack: “Mrs. Evert, Miss Gellar, I may not be able to take my family

away immediately, but I promise I won’t see Bowen in private.”

Mrs. Evert looked up at Jolene, her eyes as sharp as a scalpel.

She looked at Jolene for a few seconds: “Jolene, I hope you don’t say one thing and do another.”

“Absolutely not.”

Mrs. Evert was also tired and raised her hand: “Okay, Jolene, I trust you again, you go.”

If Jolene was granted amnesty, she bowed to Mrs. Evert and said to Viona, “Sorry Miss Gellar, I will go

to Oriental Group to submit my resignation report tomorrow.””

After saying that, she turned and walked out of the Evert Family mansion.

Bowen stood still, he didn’t chase after him, and Viona took it

as soon as she saw it.

She helped Mrs. Evert up and said softly, “Mom, let me help you upstairs to rest.”

Mrs. Evert walked over to Bowen and whispered, “Take a shower tonight and wash the things off your
