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Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 113 113: The Faust Manor [2]
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The travel wasn't long, but for some reason, all the cars would avoid the one that Raven was riding, and he found it strange.

He felt the engine halt with the sleepy Lilith leaning against his body, his shoulder gently nudging her.

Raven hoped to awaken her before she was spotted, her lips dripping with a shining thread of drool.


"Wake up, princess; they will take away your snacks."

"Mmmm... my snacks... Raven, fight them..."

Once again, his elbow pushed into her stomach, causing her to burp, but still, she didn't wake up, rather grabbing his arm and getting comfier.

'Silly girl.' Raven thought, hearing the footsteps from outside as the door was slammed.


He gave up the gentle approach and instead reached into her cute dress.

His fingers grasped her left cherry, the tip soft and squishy, before he twisted on it with his finger and thumb, the soft flesh turning red under pressure.

"Ahhhn, eh what!?"

Instantly she cried out with an alluring moan, followed by a punch to his abdomen, which only hurt her fist.

"Bastard orc... Steal snacks... rape me while sleeping, stupid abs too strong!"

Raven let her thrash around as the old man with the strange beard walked forward and opened the door on Lilith's side.

"I will get revenge!" She whispered before sliding out of the fancy car. Her little butt was still imprinted in the seat, causing Raven to giggle.

Slowly, he moved to leave the car, finding themselves in a huge garden.

Although it might have been glorious in the past, now it was badly managed, with broken statues of a gallant male and several females around him.

·ƈθm Around were various colours of bushes and flowers as if planted with magic, even in the dead courtyard.

When Raven stepped on the ground, they began to writhe and move gently as if reacting to him.

"Raven, look, that blue flower is really pretty, like your eyes!"

  He moved his head to see that Lilith and her dress swayed in the strong wind, her tail swaying and batting the various flowers and leaves.

However, they didn't break or fall apart, just swaying with her like an adult comforting a child's play.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

'It's truly a beautiful garden; even with the broken statue, the fountain looks amazing.'

"Lilith stop playing, we need to enter the mansion."

"Mm!" She replied before skipping towards him, each step a beautiful blossom blooming from the ground below.

"But Raven the flowers looked really happy, like Emily when she sees you!"

"Haha, true I wonder why."

The main statue was a man, his hair seeming long with pointed ears and a fierce face like a gangster, but somehow he seemed familiar to Raven.

'Looks like dad when he was younger...'

Beside the man was three women; they didn't seem human. Rather he was sure they were dryads as all three were covered in flowers, vine-like carvings and branches.

'A man who looks like my father and three dryads...'

He stepped forward, looking for the epitaph, only to find it mostly damaged by the rain and weathered.

"Home of Alexan... Faust.... and his three Dryad.... ives..."

'At least it's not hard to translate. Alexander Faust and his three Dryad wives. He must be an amazing man.'

At this moment, Raven forgot he was a man with a dryad, manticore and Succubus princess as his lover.

"Raven~ come, let's go. I want to eat!" Lilith broke his focus as she stood beside the huge mansion that he avoided before.

Tall black walls, with beautiful gothic architecture, were like an evil prince's mansion from a dark fairytale. 

The windows were huge but created so he couldn't see inside, likely only one way.

Along the walls were beautiful vines filled with a strange red flower, seeming to be a rose but different as the vines and petals seemed to throb and pulsate with a strange red liquid.

'Is that blood? How strange.' He thought, sadly dragged into the mansion by Lilith.

His large body almost touched the top of the black wooden doors with silver metal reinforcements.

On the front of the door were two knockers.

A silver knocker with a lion's head and a huge ring.

A gold knocker with a tiger's head.

Raven enjoyed this atmospheric place; even if it turned into a hell hole or battle, he was perfectly relaxed and wanted to explore more.

They were guided inside by Rembrandt. The carpet was ruby red, with gold highlights and edges. 

He could feel the quality even with his shoes as his body sank into the soft material soothing his feet while taking most of his weight.

On the walls, he could see various pictures of beautiful women, but rarely was there any of a man.

There were only two pictures that had males.

One is a tall male with long white hair, his face with emerald eyes and red lips, wearing a strange suit with tattoos down his arm and chest. 

Beside him was a beautiful woman with black hair and neon-blue eyes.

'They look like the two from that strange vision...'

Then the second male was a boy in the same picture with sleek black hair and piercing eyes. He stared with a half smile. 

'It's my dad, for sure!'

Raven could never forget his dad's look but always wondered why there were no pictures from his childhood or information on his father's family.

Suddenly as he was too engrossed in the picture, his body pushed past the large braisers with crackling flames and halfway up the stairs to the second floor.

A female voice called him.

It was ethereal and soothing.

His body turned around to find that Lilith was nowhere to be found; at first, he worried and looked frantically, almost ignoring the silver-haired woman with red eyes.

"Do not worry, Lord Bellcross; your partner is already waiting in the dining room."

"If you would please avoid going to the upper floors as they are private, I would greatly appreciate it."

Raven nodded to her, his hand sliding down the smooth oak bannister returning to the ground floor and following the woman's voluptuous figure.

'A maid outfit, with a cute pair of black Alice shoes...'

'But why does she remind me of that weird girl from the DMPA?'

The hallway was dark and slightly gloomy, with only a rare torch or two lighting the path, the torch covered with a dull glass cage. 

'Like a Halloween mansion...'

He checked the windows along the hallway and could see the garden outside; even now, the lovely flowers seemed to greet him inside as they danced along the window.

"How do you like the mansion, Lord Bellcross?"

"Honestly, it's a bit on the dark side, however..."

"However?" She asked with a curious gaze looking back towards him, her heels tapping the ground.

"It has its wonderful little charm, and I like it."

"Mmm. I am glad." The woman whispered before turning back.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

They walked along the corridor for a few minutes before Lilith was heard from a large double doored room. 

Heavy brown doors and large gargoyles were engraved into the frame.

"Ah! Don't eat; that's my meat!" Lilith whined.

"Heh~ this meat was bought by me, with my money and hands!" A cute voice argued with her.

The sound of bickering made Raven feel a sense of amusement; even if she was brought to an upstanding place like this, she still acted the same.

He felt relieved.

'Always my little Manticore.'


A loud sound of two bodies being thrown about and slamming into the wall sounded as the doors opened.

Two women were half embedded into the wall, their plump butts poking out as their short legs dangled, trying to get out.

One Lilith.

The other he didn't know.

Standing in the centre of the room was a beautiful woman with long white hair tied into a half-braid.

"Heh, your fat ass is stuck in the wall!" The other girl teased.

"Haha, your ugly cow tits are stuck in the wall too!" Lilith responded.

She looked a little angry, watching the two girls who still bickered while embedded into the wall.

"Girls should be graceful!"

With the flick of her hand, the two were dragged from the wall, then flung around as they whimpered and whined before slumping on their chairs half dead.

"Now behave; the guest of honour is yet to arrive!"

Raven stepped forward the moment she spoke, noticing the beautiful girl sitting beside Lilith, both girls with long white hair, messy but beautiful and shining in the light.

Her striking red eyes turned to look at him as she opened her mouth, looking shocked.

Lilith looked at him with sad eyes, like she was wrongly accused of murder or something. It caused him to feel a little pain inside his chest.

However, the girl beside her caught his attention more; her beauty rivalled Lilith's, just like her attitude.

The girl noticed him and stood up, her arm lifting quickly.

"Ah!? Blood donor!"

"Ohh, cute vampire girl!"

They pointed at each other before the woman in the centre covered her face with her palm with a sigh.

The door behind closed by the alluring maid, who also shook her head looking at the situation.