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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 746- Guiding Lights
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Chapter 746- Guiding Lights

The waters of the River of Destiny that looked still but were instead moving at a speed inconceivable to time was just a few inches away from Simon. It was now or never.

If he wanted to survive, he had to activate it without fail and so, Simon took a deep breath and erupted forth with a loud crisp voice.

"I am the Zenith of all creation, the very peak of existence. Everything that transpires in this vast universe is dancing in the palm of my hands"…

[Pride has been activated, all other emotions have been forcibly snuffed].

"Remember, your current level and strength are insufficient to use the [Authorities] of the Fragments of Pride. To use it you will need to agitate your innate arrogance and raise it to a whole new level. There needs to be no doubt left inside you and only then can you activate the second [Authority]. When you get out there, make sure to scream those words at the top of your lungs. Hehe... it will work"

These were the words that his other self told him. At that time, he wanted to ask the other party if saying those embarrassing words would even work. However, before he could do, his other self sent him back. To have absolute confidence in himself and not even a shred of doubt should be left within him. Simon did not know what to do to achieve such a state as such, the fastest thing he could think of in that sublime moment was to utter those self inspirational corny words that his other self told him to do.



Words can sometimes hold power, far beyond the simple conveyance of information. They possess the remarkable ability to shape one's thoughts, feelings, and actions, often influencing the reality in profound ways.

They can also serve as affirmations of one's capabilities and potential. For example, when someone declares, "I can do it" or "I am strong," they're reinforcing their self belief.

These affirmations, even if seemingly corny, can combat the inner critic that fuels self-doubt. The words uttered by Simon might sound corny, but to him, it had the magical effect of bolstering his confidence.

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It transformed his doubts into unwavering belief, hesitation into resolve, demotivation into inspiration, negative emotion into positive emotion and despair into hope.

Words that could rally him, boost his focus, and help his psyche and disperse all of his fears, was what he needed the most at this moment facing the despair inducing River of Destiny.

So in essence, saying those words worked wonders, it propelled his arrogance to colossal heights, conquered his doubts, swelled his ego and gave him a faux sense of invincibility. It was then that the second [Authority] of the Fragments of Pride—[[Stellar Eclipse]] was activated.

An enigmatic and profound change occurred, space around Simon solidified and quickly turned black. Like a cocoon, the black shroud enveloped Simon protecting him and severing him from the outside world.

Cryptic letters and patterns appeared around the surface of the black shroud. Like a closely knit entity, they stretched and spiralled around the black shroud. These patterns seemed to mirror the vast stars and constellations of the universe and their mysteries.

The appearance of the Black Shroud around Simon caused the gravitational pull and even the Fateweaver's Energy around the River to Destiny to tremble.

The River, which seemed like an immutable force that dictated the flow of destinies, pasts, and futures, now quivered in the presence of Simon's [Authority]. Its waters, which had once seemed invincible and all-encompassing, became malleable, unable to do anything to Simon.

Inside the black shroud, Simon gazed at the shell covering him. It was impossible to see within the shroud from the outside. However, from the inside, Simon could see everything just fine.

He could tell that he fell into the river of destiny. However, thanks to the Second Authority, [[Stellar Eclipse]], he was able to still live even after falling into it. The currents of the River of Destiny was unable to tear him apart.

"It's as if I have severed the threads of causality itself"

Simon could tell that an unparalleled power was flowing through the black shroud. This power that grasped the laws of causality and severed the very cause and effect relationship that bound the entire world, was the very thing that was currently saving him from the river of Destiny.

Simon marvelled at the power of the Second Authority, he vaguely felt that severing the cause and effect and shielding him like that, wasn't everything that this power was capable. It had a much more profound use.

Unfortunately, his current level was too low to even understand it.

Although that was the case, the second authority was still one of the powers of his Fragments as such, he felt a faint familiarity with it. He felt like he could manipulate this power somewhat in his current state.

"Let's give it a try" To his pleasant surprise, he really was able to control this power. The [[Stellar Eclipse]] moved just as the way he willed it.

Now Simon could move freely inside the River of Destiny without getting carried away by its currents. And so he tried to get out of the River of Destiny. However, no matter how he moved or in which direction he went, he was unable to get out.

The River of Destiny was so vast that it was impossible to make sense of where one was going. Not only that, but its unfathomable nature that merged all laws and defied all concepts, made it a treacherous stretch to navigate.

The more Simon struggled to find an exit, the more he felt as though he was trapped in an eternal loop, forever ensnared by the river's grasp. It became increasingly apparent that escaping the River of Destiny was no simple feat.

Simon's attempts to devise strategies to break out of the River all proved futile. It was as if the river itself had consciousness of its own, deliberately trapping him and resisting his attempts to break free.

This was not good, although he was safe from the Fateweaver's Energy of the River of Destiny, he was now trapped in here.

"Dammit, you should have told me a way to get out of here"

Simon cursed. His other self only taught him the method to activate the Second authority. They did not say anything about a situation like this where he would be trapped.

What should he do? In the midst of his panic and frustration, Simon noticed two luminous orbs of light swimming against the relentless tides of the River of Destiny, swiftly drawing near him.

These luminous orbs of light when they reached a certain visible distance, he was able to make out that it was two black and white lights.

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In just a few couple of seconds, they were already in front of Simon and circled outside the protective cocoon of his [[Stellar Eclipse]]. The true nature of the Black and white light also became clear at this moment.

They were none other than Yin Yang Koi fish. Simon already knew that the River of Destiny had given birth to many enigmatic life forms. However, the ones in front of him were different.

Seeing how he felt a sense of familiarity from them, he realised that these Yin Yang Koi Fish were the very same ones he had summoned inside his dungeon. It appeared that they returned to the River of Destiny after sensing his predicament.

"Hm? What are they trying to do?"

Simon saw that the two koi fish were acting a little unusual. They swam around in a deliberate pattern almost as if trying to communicate with him through their movements.

Could it be that the Yin Yang Koi fish were guiding him?

Did they know how to exit this place?

Simon suddenly realised that the Yin Yang Koi fish might be the ticket to his exit. After all, if you think about it, these Yin Yang Koi Fish were a life form that was born in the River of Destiny. This place was their home, so of course they would know all about this place.

Simon trusted his instincts and followed these mysterious existences which according to Irene had connected with his fate and destiny and were a good symbol that would one day have a great impact on his destiny.

The Yin Yang Koi Fish led him through a breathtaking and fantastical path that defied his imagination. The River of Destiny that stretched out endlessly, contained many mystical phenomenons and creatures with otherworldly appearances.

Some resembled ancient beings with no form, some had forms that could hardly be described, while others embodied different aspects of things.

Simon observed all sorts of creatures as he made his passage through the River of Destiny. Thanks to the [[Stellar Eclipse]] isolating him from the outside, these creatures weren't able to sense him or else, things might have not gone this smoothly.

As for the Yin yang Koi Fish, from colossal creatures to even the weirdest organisms, gave way to them as if showing their respects.

With Yin yang koi fish as his guide, they ventured deeper into the heart of the river. At that place, Simon's senses were overwhelmed by the sight of a peculiar realm that appeared and disappeared within the mist.

It was a place that seemed to exist in a perpetual state of flux, an intersection between the real and the surreal. When Simon looked closely, he noticed that at the very centre of this ethereal realm, an 

awe-inspiring palace stood imposingly.