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El enigmatico regreso

Chapter 1281
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Capitulo 1281

Los celos, la ira, el descontento y el resentimiento surgieron dentro de ella.

Una multitud de emociones la abrumaron y su corazén dolia inmensamente.

Pero después de un breve momento, logré reprimir sus emociones nuevamente. ;Y qué pasa si Jean es

increiblemente influyente? Su influencia se limita a Kingsview. En la entidad aislada que es Phison, no tiene

ningun poder. No importa lo popular que sea en Kingsview, aqui es insignificante. En términos de influencia, ni

siquiera se compara con un miembro menor de una familia menos conocida. Después de todo, esta en tierra

extranjera. Una vez aqui, incluso él debe conformarse. Si se enfrenta a la intimidacién aqui, todo lo que puede

hacer es tragarse su orgullo y ceder.

Con eso en mente, se sintié algo mas en paz.

“iQué pasa con Neera? Escuché que es la hija abandonada de la familia Garcia. La familia Garcia no es mas que

un hogar menor e insignificante, y ahora han atravesado tiempos dificiles. He oido que no les queda nada”, dijo


“Si. La familia Garcia ha quebrado y ahora no hay rastro de ellos en Kingsview. He oido que es una doctora

excelente y se rumorea que es la doctora milagrosa, Nancy. Todavia no he investigado completamente los

detalles. ;Deberia profundizar mas en esto?

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Phoebe se burl, “No es necesario. Incluso si sabe un poco de habilidades médicas, es simplemente una

practicante mediocre. Salvar a esa persona de Lordsworth Estate probablemente fue solo un golpe de suerte. Lo

logré por accidente. ;Cémo podria ser ella el renombrado gemédico, Nancy?

En aquel entonces, cuando se enteré de Neera, ya habia enviado a alguien a investigar la identidad de Neera.

Sin embargo, en ese momento, dado que Neera estaba en Essley, solo investigd los antecedentes de Neera en

Essley y también se enter de algunos asuntos relacionados con la familia Garcia.

Mas alla de eso, Phoebe no tenia ni idea como la mayorfa de la gente en Phison sobre la sensacién causada en


Por lo tanto, sentia que Neera simplemente no era digna de su estimada prima, Avery. Esta fue la razon de su

confusion y descontento internos.

Al otro lado de la llamada, el hombre tomé la iniciativa de preguntar: “Entonces, sefiora Cox, ;qué le gustaria

que hiciera a continuacion?”.

Phoebe estaba atrapada en la suavidad de la gran cama, una chispa de brillo brotaba de sus ojos mientras

miraba fijamente al techo, claramente tramando alguna travesura.

“Ya no quedan muchos expertos en la familia Gordon, verdad?”

Upon hearing her question, the other party immediately responded, “Yes, this mission is of great importance to

Mr. Cox. The head of the Gordon family has dispatched most of the family’s elite to assist. Now, at the Gordon

family’s headquarters, apart from her personal bodyguard, there are only a few skilled individuals left. The rest,

although they are also quite capable, are not particularly formidable opponents.”


Phoebe let out a scornful laugh.

“Unexpectedly, she seems quite naive. As the head of the Gordon family, holding significant power, she only

keeps a handful of elite guards by her side. Is it a lack of awareness of potential threats, or is she so confident

that she believes no one would dare to touch her?” She was talking to herself and quickly added, “But no matter

what she thinks, it doesn’t matter. For me, the current situation is actually a good thing. Without those people

getting in the way, it’s much easier to deal with her...”

As for Jean, since he has traveled a long distance to chere, looking as if he’s deeply in love, then let him

accompany that wretch and see this gthrough to the end. Soon, Phoebe shared with the other person what

she wanted to do.

The person’s nwas Nicolas Lehman, who she had bought as a trusted aide from Freé Market.

The so-called Freo Market was somewhat similar to the black market abroad, involving illegal transactions.

Previously, in order to deal with those women who were after Avery, and not wanting to dirty her own hands or

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tarnish her public image, she had disguised herself and gone to that place to purchase Nicolas.

After that, Nicolas did quite a few things for her. She orchestrated all those underhanded schemes while he did

the dirty work.

This taround, she wanted to use her old tricks again, but with a slight difference.

“Listen carefully. | want that b*tch dead. As for the man, if he gets in the way, kill him too and be done with it,”

she ordered.

However, Nicolas hesitated for a moment. “Ms. Cox, Jean's status is quite extraordinary. If we kill him, I'm afraid

it will bring considerable trouble.”

“What's there to fear?” Phoebe dismissed nonchalantly. “No matter how formidable he is, or how great his

background, he can’t do much in Phison. The entry and exit requirements here are extremely strict. He must

have been brought in by the Gordon family. He didn’t bring many people with him, did he?”

Nicolas recalled the information he had gathered. “He probably didn’t bring his confidants with him.”

Phoebe sneered contemptuously and said, “I knew it. No matter how noble his status, once he’s in Phison, he has

to abide by its rules! Even if he dies here, no one will care. His people shouldn't even think about causing any

trouble in Phison. If there's anyone to blame, it’s him for being blind and falling for that b*tch, Neera. If you're

still worried, you can hire speople from Freo Market for extra security. In any case, | don’t want to see that

b*tch ever again!”