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Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 185 Take What You Killed
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Clyde who remembered something important immediately shot towards a building behind Samuel and his party members.

"Where did he go?" Leyan asked. "Are there any enemies left?"

Leyan's question made them all alarmed again. Indeed, the possibility is still quite large.

"It's possible," said Samuel. "We'd better wait here."

They immediately agreed with Samuel's words. If Clyde is indeed approaching another enemy, then it is better to minimize the risk they have to accept. Knowing how strong the enemy they are facing before.

Clyde looked back. When he saw Samuel and the rest of his party silently staring at him getting further away, Clyde heaved a sigh of relief.

'It's good that they didn't follow me.'

He had little idea as to why they didn't follow him even though he was going alone. They must have wanted to have him take on the enemy alone so they wouldn't have to bother taking the risk.

Clyde snorted. But he's also grateful because it means he doesn't have to bother looking for excuses so they don't follow him. If they knew what he was going to do, it could be a problem.

After a while of searching, Clyde finally found Asqa waving at him from a building. The distance between these buildings and the battle just now wasn't too far which means Asqa must have seen the battle.

Clyde landed in front of Asqa.

"I killed your party mates," Clyde said. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"Not really." Asqa shook her head. "I just have to say that they died and I was lucky to escape."

Clyde nodded with a relieved expression. "So there's not exactly your friend?"

"We just met a few days to carry out this mission," said Asqa.

Clyde and Asqa stared at each other for a few moments. Clyde wanted to ask her a lot of things. But for now, they don't have time for that.

Asqa saw Clyde biting his lip nervously. She said. "Don't worry. I will be fine when I return to Archangel Uriel's domain. But I have to ask you something."

"What's that?"

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"You have to wound me quite badly."

Clyde frowned rapidly for a moment. But a moment later that stunned expression turned into one of understanding. It didn't take long for Clyde to understand Asqa's goal.

"Alright." Clyde drew his sword.

Asqa gulped because every time Clyde held a sword like that he always looked like he wanted to kill something.

"Don't kill me," Asqa said.

Clyde smiled. "Of course not. I just going to hurt you a little. At least enough to keep you from being suspected when you're the only one back alive."

Asqa nodded. "Alright. Do it!"

So Clyde springs into action. He swung his sword carefully to deal enough damage, but not too badly.

Clyde winced when he saw that. He is now cutting the body of someone he considers a friend. But he also knows that he doesn't have time to afford hesitation.

'This is something necessary,' Clyde said to himself.

After a few moments of going through the painful process, Clyde finally stopped. Asqa fell on the dusty floor with wounds all over her body.

Blood oozed from the cuts Clyde had inflicted on her. But nothing fatal from all the wounds.

"I'm sorry."

"No. I need this. Or I could have gotten much worse from the Archangel."

Clyde saw that Asqa had grown very far from the first time they met. The Asqa that he saw at this time looked so strong, even she accepted all the wounds on her body as something good for her.

"I'll be back now," Asqa said standing up. She took a gold ring from her pocket. 

Clyde nodded his head.

"Are you sure you'll be able to reach me with the necklace I gave you?" Asqa asked while looking at Clyde.

Clyde looked unsure. Because basically, he is not sure about it.

"I don't know. I hope so," replied Clyde.

"What if you can't?"

"I'll find another way." Clyde turned to check if Samuel and his friends were approaching here. He didn't see them. "It's better for you to go now."

Asqa nodded her head. Then she closed her eyes while wiping the gold ring she was wearing. A moment later a golden portal appeared beside her.

"I'll go now," Asqa said in a sad tone. She still wanted to spend more time with Clyde. However, Asqa knows she can't do that, at least for now.

She turned and took a glance at Clyde for a second. Then stepped into the portal. Almost as soon as Asqa enters, the golden portal disappears.

After that, Clyde started to wreak havoc around the building. He released his fire and lightning to rage until it destroys several buildings. Before he finally decided that was enough and returned to Samuel and his friends.

"You managed to kill her?" Leyan asked. "I remember that there were four of them. And their healers haven't been seen since earlier."

Clyde nodded curtly. Then said. "Our job is done, right?"

Samuel, Leyan, Kiara, Haru, and, Kei exchanged glances. Then they sighed because what Clyde said was true.

"Yeah, we did it," said Samuel.

Leyan fell to the ground. "I don't think we can possibly complete this mission without anyone dying."

Seeing this, Haru and Kei fell and sat on the ground. They leaned their heads against each other.

"It's all thanks to you, Clyde," Kiara said accompanied by a sincere grateful smile.

Clyde, of course, realizes that he is indeed the only person who determines the success of this mission. He fought and cornered Uriel's party alone, and they just took care of the rest.

But Clyde knew that if he said that, he would only offend them. Although it is true. So Clyde just nodded and forced a small smile.

Samuel walked over to Colmano's corpse, which was still in a sitting position. Then took the big box that was on his back.

The box seemed to be burnt in several parts because of the lightning that Clyde had released earlier. But overall the box is still fine.

Samuel put the box on the ground and prepared to open it. But it turns out it's impossible to do that. Because this box doesn't have anything to open.

The box also seems to have no lid. It just looks like an ordinary black block. But Samuel was sure that the inside of the box was hollow and there was something in it.

"What's wrong?" Clyde who saw the contorted look on Samuel's face asked.

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"I... I don't know how to open this box," Samuel replied.

They all immediately gathered around him after hearing what he said. And finally, they realized that there really wasn't anything to indicate that the box could be opened.

"Let's just take it back to the fortress," Kiara said.

"Yeah." Samuel nodded and stood up. He slung the rope that tied the box on his back and they exited the city area.

But before he left the city, Clyde did not forget to take the flaming sword that previously belonged to Alessio. The sword looked like a good weapon so Clyde couldn't just let it stay in this Ruin.

Samuel opened a portal after they exited the city area. When they looked back, they could see the sight of a city that had been in ruins even worse than before.

Most of the buildings have been destroyed and leveled with sandy ground. While the buildings that are still standing can only be said they barely made it. And maybe even a little stronger wind would knock them over.

Samuel opened the portal and they entered. But before going inside, Clyde received a shocking notification that made his steps stop.

[ You have killed a warrior of Archangel Uriel! ]

A notification appears. Clyde immediately knew why he was getting that notification.

He can't help an excited grin appear on his lips. 'So, what do I get for that?'

[ You have obtained power from Alessio Pietri (Rank: Apprentice.) ]

A new surge of power flowed through Clyde's body. He felt a warm power that resonated with his fire power.

Clyde nodded full of satisfaction. 'It turns out that I can gain power from the people sent by the Celestials I killed.'

[ You gain 500 (x10) Exp! ]

[ You leveled up! ]

If he had killed the other two, then Clyde would have gone up two levels and gained power from both of them. But instead, Samuel and his friends killed them both once he had weakened them.

Clyde slightly felt that Samuel and his friends stole his kill. But it can't be helped. 

Clyde also felt that he didn't want to talk about it because it would potentially create a dispute. After all, he still has more advantages than them.

"Is something wrong?" Samuel who saw Clyde pensively asked.

"No. Nothing," Clyde replied. "I was just shocked to find out that I get powers from the people I kill."

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you about that," Samuel said. "Come on."

Clyde nodded and walked through the portal.
