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Even After Death

Chapter 1569
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Ethan placed a flower and remained quiet next to Janice.

The Procters noticed her and were, in fact, more surprised than Olivia to see her here.

Enna, Janice's mother, had mixed feelings seeing her daughter here.

Enna walked over, her body shaking.

"What are you doing here, you ungrateful one?" Janice raised her head and took in Enna's haggard face.

Her chest tightened.

She didn't spend her tright all these years.

Now, she finally realized how foolish she was for not being a filial daughter.

"Mom," she called.

"Don't callthat.

As I said that year, I'll pretend that I don't have a daughter like you." "Enough, Mom.

Now that she's here, I bet she knows that she was at fault.

It's been years.

Are you still angry at her?" Derrick Procter tried to calm Enna down.

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Ryder Procter attempted to shift the topic.

"This must be Ethan.

I never had the chance to meet you since you're mostly working in Arlandia.

I'm your uncle." Derrick and Ryder were Janice's brothers.

The funeral beca family reunion all of a sudden.

"Uncle Derrick, Uncle Ryder," greeted Ethan politely.

Despite the lack of enthusiasm in his greeting, his uncles liked him.

"It's nice to see you cback, Ethan.

Your grandparents keep saying how much they miss you at home.

We never had the chance to get close to each other because of your mother's incident.

But I think she has figured it out now.

Your grandparents can finally have peace of mind." "Who says I'm forgiving this ungrateful child?" Enna's expression remained stoic.

"Don't mind your grandmother.

She's soft on the inside.

You should call her 'Grandma'."” Ethan, who grew up in a loveless environment, actually yearned for his family.

Besides, Janice was the one who hurt the Procters.

They didn't hate him, and they barely interacted with each other.

"Grandma," Ethan called gently.

Enna's frown lifted a fraction.

The glint in her eyes becgentle.

She held his hands with teary eyes.

"There, there.

Glad to see you back.

You're much better than your mother." Next, she faced Janice.

"How long are you planning to stand there?" Derrick and Ryder held Janice's hands.

"Mom has been waiting for you for years.

She wouldn't hold a grudge against you.

She still loves you." One thing Janice learned from the three decades of suffering was how precious family was.

"Where's Wendell?" Wendell was her third eldest brother.

"He's helping the Fordhams.

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Bet you don't know this yet, but his son is engaged to Ms.


He's considered as one of them, I guess.

Were it not for this, they would've discussed the wedding already.

What a shame..." Mixed feelings churned in Janice.

This marriage between the two families actually made up for the regret she left that year.

The Procters were equally upset to learn how turbulence had caught up with the Fordhams.

"Janice, you're finally back!" It was a gentle male voice.

Olivia looked back to see a middle-aged man in black.

"That's..." her voice drawled.

Sean whispered to her, "Mr. Wendell." In other words, that was Ethan's uncle.

Janice was the closest with Wendell when she was young.

After years, they had all grown up.

Light and fast steps carried her to him.

"Wendell!" "Janice, you're finally back! How could you bring yourself to do that back then? You abandoned all of us, even me!" "Wendell..." Tears welled up in Janice's eyes.

When Olivia finally saw his face, her mind went blank.
