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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 505
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pickup the last box and glance around my room. This room has been my sanctuary fo the last two years.

Ithad been my room when was silla ‘small gir, but over the years 1 changed it as grew to become. woman, The décor, the paintand the furniture. changed everything to fit the woman became.

“This is the room I cried n when first learned that Rowan had slept with Ava Years later, in this same room, licked my wounds after realizing all the pain and hurt I caused.

Itbecame my source of comfort, The one place could run and hide. The one place could break down with 10 one to witness me unravel. If the walls could talk, they'd say just how much they witnessed. The.

secrets Thid. The terrifying thoughts of ending tall

Now though, I was leaving it behind. 1 now that ll sil be sleeping here on the occasions spend the night at home, but for some reason it felt Hike Iwas saying Bo0dbye ot. There was a kind o nay Asi finaly, 1 was letting goof the memories rom th as to years. t et ke vas ending chaps.

Ate you ready?" Teavis's vice bres through my thoughts ay eyes shift briefly to him before going.

backto my room. Maybe when am more emotionally table, 1 find time and come to change the décor again. This way Ian get rid of the memories that were etched on the walls You know, give the room abrand-newstart because we both need “es, finally whisper Lie sid, it feels werd. This is my Home. This will always bey room io matter what.. but it fels like Lam saying goodbyeroit Mn

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turn my back on it. Travis takes the box from me and walks out. I don't look behind me again, instead 1 follow him.

‘We walkin silence until we get downstairs, “My baby,” Mom cris, tears laying on the edge of her eyes. tsas if they stubbornly refused to all down.

“Mom, [walk to her and pull her into hug, “Why are you so emotional?” “lt feel ike you are leaving home for college all over again. | remember when we first had to let you go. Your dad cred more than 1 did.” My heartaches atthe thought of my father. I¢s been two years since he died. | still think of him. 1 stil love ir. That will never change.

“1 miss him, L whisper, my voice thick with emotion Mom grabs my hand and squeezes I. ‘We.

all do, but am sure he's watching over Tod my head and squeeze he Hand: “Areyou ready for this?" Travis comes to stand next o me, his eyes searching Haugh nervously as twiddle my thumb.

“Not by along shot, but 1 have todo this, Ihave to make an effort or Gunner's sake" “Youareright” Unlike me, Gunner accepted bis grandmother and uncle wholeheartedly.

don’t mind it though. A bit jealous, but | don’t mind tT understand, They didn't hurt him like 1 did “Okay ids,” my mom beams with excitement. “It's ime to go." She walks towards the doe with Travis and following behind her. This sa huge.

step for me. 1am nervous and excited at

the same time.

We get inside Travis's Range with me in the passenger seat and mom in the back.

Soon we are cruising n the streets heading to what will be my nes home.

“10s really nice what Ava did for you,” ‘Travis begins mid-journey, “I wish she.

could give me a chance too.” There i longing in bis voice, 1 know haw Te feels. Our situations are different but similar at the same time. We've both done hurtful things to people we thought we didn't care about, By the melt hit us, twas already too late.

We haven't talked mich about t because Pye been lost in my own guilt and misery, but ow Travis longs to havea.

relationship with Ava. He once told me hati ils him to know that Ava forgave Rowan and the entire Wood family, but she hasn't forgiven him and won't let him be a part of her life. She only allows him access to Noah through Rowan, but

that’s it. Same with Mom. a “Dot worry about,” 1 ry o console im, feeling His decp hurt and regret “She came to vist us a couple of weeks 280. She even talked wih morn. That's progress. Give her time. Shell come.

around when she’s ready.” “Buti been two years If she hasn't forgiven meet, doubt shell ever will His voice catches as F's clogged with emotion.

His sadness pls th strings of my heart Tani to case his pan. want to help him, but now can't. All can dois make him understand.

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“You know, 've talked lo with Mia.

One thing she told me was not to expect forgiveness instantly. Some ake years before they are ready to forgive She old meif really cared for Gunner and Calvin, then 1 should be patient with them Pushing and trying t have my way will only make things worse and slowdown

theit healing process. Do you care for ar already knew the answer, but [had to ask anyway.

His gives me brie look before his ees move back on the road. His brows were furrowed ashe cold’ believe Id 35k such an obvious question.

po “Then you have tobe patient with hr.

Don't try to push things when she's not ready. She'll probably end up resenting.

youmore.” His hands tighten on thestering whee, but he doesn't say anything ele.

“Emma right, Travis,” mom adds. “We were the ones inthe wrong with how we treated her We can't expect her to play to our tune, We have to move at her pace.

For once, let's think about what she needs and not about what we want. We've

‘been selfish for too long.” tum in my seat and look at my mother, giving hea smile, She grins back— Tam so glad that she finally understood things Just ike Travis, she used ta complain about Ava refusing to forgive them even though they spologized ‘countless times. is refreshing to sec hee in this new light.

“Travis looks at mo in the rearview mirror. He takes a deep breath and lets it out before nodding. “Okay, Pllbe patient.” Mom gives him a satisfied smile before: answering an incoming call from her phone, My heart feels at peace.

Even as look at them with smile on my.

face, can't help but think that maybe there is hope for this family after al.