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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 36
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Chapter 36

This chapter contains trigger themes. Please proceed reading with caution..


“So, how was it?” Damian asked as we ascended the porch landing of my

parent’s place.

“The movie?” I asked, hunting for the keys inside my messenger bag.

It was a good thing the Drive-in movie they played was Ghost, starring Patrick

Swayze and Demi Moore. If I hadn’t watched that movie a million times. Damian

would have caughtred-handed watching him the entire night instead of the


Who wouldn’t? He admitted wanting to k*ss me. After that confession, nothing

apart from him made sense. I was starving. but even the food tasted bland

“That.” Damian parked himself on the side of the door as I slotted the key in the

keyhole. his gaze burning the side of my face. He shoved his hands in his pocket

and continued. “And the dinner date.”

I bite my lower l*p, concentrating on slotting the freaking key into the hole as

though opening a door needed my one hundred and ten percent attention. I

badly needed to get inside the house, run to my room, and hide under the

blanket. My hands were shaking. Hell, my entire b*dy had been in shambles

since that almost k*ss,

“Date” a tense laugh fell off my l*ps. “I thought that was only dinner. I peered at

Damian, finally able to slot the key in. Wrong move. The intensity of his eyes

quickly suckedin. “Not a dinner date….”

He shrugged. leaning against the door frame. “Isn’t that a thing lovers do?”

Once the door unlatched, I lifted my chin and gave Damian a steady look.

“Damian, we talked about this.”

“We did.”

“So stop givingthe wrong signals.”

This was starting to feel real, like he was truly mine. It’s getting hard not to step

over the line of our deal. He takes care of m the way a lover would. We were

fake dating, and he made wild promises of protectingwhen I needed it the

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most. He admitted he wanted to k*ss me, and right now, he was looking at me

like I was the only girl in the world, yet the fact remain that we are only together

because we were faking things.

Damian stood straight, his broad shoulder squared. “What signals are those,

exactly?” He looked confused.

I searched for the right words, my forefinger pointing at him and me. “This the

date, the protecting me. This is starting to feel real.” His eyebrows creased.

“Like… like you really care for me, more than a friend should.”

The air between us shifted. Damian’s eyes darkened. He removed the distance

between us in one steady step. “We are more than friends, Millicent

1 stepped back. His arm coiling around my waist preventedfrom doing so.


“What the f uck do you think we’re doing?” he rasped.

“What we have is not real,” I reasoned, lifting my hands to his chest, pushing

him away.

He didn’t let me. Instead, he drewclover to his b*dy. A surprise squeak got

trapped in my throat. Damian’s pine and waterfall scent intoxicating me. “Does

this feel unreal to you?”

1 09:27 Sat,

Chapter 36

His question clouded my reasoning. Was his question rhetorical? But then he

lifted a hand to my ch*ck to my jaw down to my chin with his knuckles.

face, caressing the slope of

“Does this feel unreal to you?” His actions conveyed a different meaning to his

questions. His green eyes rested on mine, reading my soul. “Because this feels

real as you and I, Millicent.

He got my mind reeling with his statement. This had been real tosince the

beginning. I was just too stubborn to admit that to myself, afraid I’d fall and

Damian wouldn’t be there to catch me. Does this mean he’d be there to catch

me? Was he implying that we make everything real and forget about our deal?

The incessant ringing of his phone cut off our staring contest. He huffed,

releasing me, answering the call.

I remained rooted in my spot, rubbing my hand over my forearms as Damian

talked to his assistant. It sounded urgent.

“I have to go.” Damian removed the distance between us once again and k*ssed

my forehead. The gesture was so guileless it felt like we’d been doing this

before. “You go inside. I’ll pick you up tomorrow.

I nodded and followed suit, grateful to be finally alone. Inside, I headed straight

to my room and stayed under the shower until my skin pruned. A white towel

wrapped around my b*dy, Ilanguidly walked back to my room, my mind still busy

processing everything Damian had done and said.

While I plucked out underwear and nightwear from my closet, the hair on the

back of my n*eck rose. The feeling of being trapped and assaulted in the

bathroom was still fresh in my memory. I stiffened, suddenly aware of my

surroundings. The only light inside was coming from the bedside lamp. There

was nothing but clothes and hangers inside my closet. I stepped back from the

closet, aiming to make a run for the door, but a shadow emerged from the side

of my closet.

Huge hands coiled on my waist and n*eck, trappingin a chokehold.

“I warned you. I’d recognize that voice anywhere. It was the sguy from the

hotel. His wall of muscles kept against his front as he switched our position and

shovedinto the closet door.

I clutch the towel on my chest, clawing at his arm around my throat

“I never said anything to the cops!” My angry tone opposes the trembling on my

hands and legs.

“You were told to f u cking stay away from Damian, he groaned, pullingaway

from the closet door only to slamback on it. My forehead hit the wood. I

cried, a biting pain registered on my head, my vision blurring.

“What do you want from me?!” I yelped. “Ah!” He slammed my head on the door,

then he tossedlike a rag doll on my


The towel sl*pped from my hold. I scrambled back from the guy and secured the

towel to cover my upper region. I’ve neve gotten a good view of him in the hotel.

He was larger than I remember, wearing all black. The hood of his jacket

shadowing his eyes. There was a cut on his upper l*p, and his menacing sneer

as he licked his l*ps sent fear vibrating through my entire b*dy.

“You’re a pretty little thing,” he murmured, stalking around the bed like an agile

lion taunting its prey.

I hopped out of the bed, my back hitting the wall, the curtains on the window

dancing gently with the summer night wind. No one had resided in this house

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since I graduated from high school. The alarm replacement was a decade too

late. No wonder he got in and out without triggering the alarm.

He paused for a moment, head tipping to the side. His wicked stare licked me

from head to foot. “He never said not to play with you.”

“F uck you!” I screamed and made a run for the open window. It didn’t matter to

from this monster!

He lunged at me. His rough hands locked around my ankle. Dread spiraled

through my b*dy from his touch. He pulledaway from the window, hurling

bed. I hissed from the pain, my vision turning dimming, but my other senses

were hyper aware of my surroundings.


Sat, Feb

Chapter 36

I kicked him, my hands fiailing against his face as he straddledon the waist.

“Feisty. You’re getting my dic k harder.”

“F uck you!” I kicked and screamed, but he was bigger and stronger than me. My

towel had long fiown away from my b*dy. and he was feasting on my n*kedness

like a starved man. One moment, I was fighting him with everything I had, and

then his huge b*dy pinningdown was no more. Nothing but cold air was

licking my skin.

I grabbed the bed covers and wrapped it around my b*dy, trying to assess what

was happening. Two bulky guys were brawling at the foot of the bed. Though the

room was dimmed, I quickly recognized Damian jackhammering his fist on the

guy under him. He remindedof a killing machine. He didn’t fiinch or grunt

when the guy managed to land a punch or two. He didn’t stop until the guy was

unmoving beneath him.

“D.. Damian…”I called. I was surprised he even heard me. Anger, menace, and

danger swirled in his eyes as he looked over his shoulder. It quickly morphed to

concern once he took in my state.

Abandoning the unconscious b*dy behind, Damian rushed to me. His wet hand

cradled my head, guiding my forehead to his chest. My knees gave out, and the

last thing I remember was Damian’s words. “I’m sorry. I’m so f ucking sorry,
