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Feel the Way You Feel My Love Novel

Chapter 1364
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Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 1364

“Yes, Madam?” Sigmund stepped forward.

“How can Ihelp?”

“I remember you have a license to practice law, right?” Natalie asked.

“Yes.” Sigmund nodded and responded with a wry smile.

“But it’s just a junior attorney’s license.”

“That’s good enough, no worries.Do you think I did wrong when I asked Ms.Rivers to compensate me since she

spread rumors about me?” Natalie asked Sigmund while pointing at Lucy.

Sigmund nodded.

“All right, madam.”

He walked over and sat about six feet away from Lucy.

With a deadpan expression, he began questioning her as if he was an impartial lawyer, “Do you think

Mrs.Thompson shouldn’t demand compensation from you?”

“Of course.I didn’t hit her or do anything that hurt her physically.I’ve only made a few remarks about her.Why

should I compensate her?” Lucy said while shrugging her shoulders.

Sigmund narrowed his eyes.

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“All right.It’s clear that you, Ms.Rivers, refused to compensate Mrs.Thompson.Now, listen carefully.It’s a fact that

you spread rumors about Mrs.Thompson.Before this, Ms.Smith had not done anything that offended you, so you’re

the instigator.Am I right, Ms.Rivers?”

Lucy opened her mouth but did not know what to say.

“Do you agree with what I said?”

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Sigmund stared into her eyes and questioned her.

As a bodyguard, Sigmund was already authoritative by nature.He was even more authoritative when he questioned

Lucy like a stern lawyer.

Lucy’s heart skipped a beat when she met his icy gaze.

Initially, she wanted to defend herself but found it hard to continue.

Sigmund did not know if Lucy was intimidated by his words, but he could care less.

Since the woman could not even phrase a proper sentence, Sigmund continued, “Since you remained silent, I

supposed you agree with what I’ve said, Ms.Rivers? All in all, Mrs.Thompson is the victim here.You,

as the perpetrator, will be held accountable for all your actions.According to the country’s law, you could be

charged with rumor-mongering.Though it’s not a serious criminal offense, the court could still detain you and make

you pay the fines.


Lucy’s expression changed all of a sudden.

“Detain? How is that possible? Don’t you dare lie to me.How can the court detain me merely because I made a few

remarks about her?”

As the conversation between Sigmund and Lucy continued, another bodyguard walked over and gave

Natalie a glass of water.

She took a sip and said nonchalantly, “Teach Ms.Rivers some law basics, Sigmund.It seems like she really needs

some help.”

“All right, Mrs.Thompson.”

Sigmund nodded and continued, “Yes, Ms.Rivers.You can be detained for rumor-mongering, but that’s for severe

cases.As for minor cases, you will be verbally admonished by the court.The court will also order you to pay a fine to

cover the victim’s emotional distress damages.”

Lucy heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing that because she thought what she did was not a serious offense.

But still, she was unhappy with the fact that she had to pay the fine.

When Lucy felt relieved knowing she would not be detained, Sigmund dropped a bombshell that caused her to jump

out of her skin.He said, “But in your case, Ms.Rivers, the court will issue a warrant of arrest to detain you for sure.”

Lucy’s eyes widened in disbelief.

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“What did you say? I’ll be detained?”

“That’s right” Sigmund said affirmatively.

“No! No way!”

Lucy roared emotionally.

Did he say I’ll be detained? How is that possible? How could they detain me just because I uttered a few words?

Though Lucy was unwilling to pay the fine, she would still do it to get out of trouble.

But she would not admit her offense if they threatened to detain her!

“Tell her why she’d be detained, Sigmund”

Natalie said while gently putting her glass of water on the table.

Sigmund nodded and glared at Lucy as if he was not talking to a human.

“What you did wasn’t exactly a serious offense, and by right, a fine should suffice.But when you were spreading

rumors about Mrs.Thompson, the flight had yet to take off.Many economy-class passengers recorded the video and

shared it on the internet.According to the country’s law, once a defamatory statement hits at least five hundred

likes and shares, the court could issue a warrant of arrest to detain the offender.Coincidentally, there was an

influencer among the economy-class passengers, and she recorded the video and put it on her social media.That

video alone had received more than five hundred likes and shares”
