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Femdom Island

Chapter 219 Just Wait There And Watch
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"It's no use, we can't break this," Alva shouted her eyes looking rather depressed.

She didn't know why, but that smile of Nikol's didn't feel right to her, so she wanted to get to him, as fast as she can and hug him tightly so he won't disappear again.

"Let's take a different route, he must have only used barriers in this place," Eva shouted, as she knew a few things about barriers from Nym and observed her.

They went around the forest with their horses. Even for a moment, they didn't slow down as Nikol kept fighting and they knew any moment now, things would be either favour Nikol or disfigured Leviathan.

The aim was to break through his protective shield and provide him with much-needed assistance in his ongoing battle against a disfigured and menacing monster, who was supposed to be Nikol's loving sister.

As they weaved through the dense foliage, the girls marvelled at the beauty of the forest, its ancient trees whispering secrets in the wind. But with every step, their sense of urgency grew, their eyes darting around in search of a hidden haven that Nikol had overlooked.

Hope was beginning to wane when suddenly, by some mystical twist of fate, all the girls found themselves at the same spot. Their breaths synchronized, they exchanged glances of astonishment.

It seemed as though destiny had brought them together for a purpose greater than they could fathom.

'No way! He applied a barrier to the whole area, does that mean even if we took another route this result will be the same?" Emily questioned with her hand clenching in pain.

However, their surprise was instantly shattered by a deafening boom that echoed through the forest. Startled, they turned their attention towards the source of the commotion.

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Their eyes widened in horror as they beheld Nikol, their valiant ally, locked in a fierce struggle with the disfigured monster. Its grotesque form twisted and writhed, bellowing with an otherworldly fury.

Fear gripped their hearts, but their love and loyalty for Nikol surged within them, overpowering their doubts. In unison, they raised their voices, desperately calling out to him.

"Nikol! Remove the barrier! We are here to support you!" cried out Lydia, her voice filled with a mix of determination and concern.

Usha, her eyes blazing with unwavering resolve, added, "We won't let you face this horror alone! Trust in us!"

The rest of the girls joined in, their voices blending into a harmonious symphony of conviction and unity. Their plea reverberated through the forest, carrying their unwavering support to Nikol's ears.

Nikol, momentarily distracted from his intense battle, strained to hear their words. The weight of the creature's grasp tightened around him, threatening to crush his spirit. But the sound of his comrades' voices ignited the idea of wanting to feel their warmth again.

It was a hard decision for Nikol, as the idea of having to give up everything and everyone, because of this absurd power he inherited, if he could he would have not taken this power or kept the seal if he knew what it would bring him.

With the power to do anything he desired, he got the responsibility of not being able to do anything and it bothered him, so much.


"What am I going to do with these two? I can kill them or freeze them, but that's only until he appears," Nikol muttered to himself while Leviathan x Phoenix Chimera tried to kill him.

He suddenly kicked them and froze them without letting them move, and he knew they would stay like that for at least another ten or twenty minutes and then he gazed at the sky.

"In one hour, he will be here, what does he want from me? I hope it's not the thing, I'm expecting," Turning his head toward the direction, where the girls are looking at him with worried eyes, he decided to talk with them and explain. He knew it would be cruel for them, if he left like this, without even giving them the reason why he left.

Nikol, his body strained from the relentless battle, approached the girls with a sense of urgency. Despite their pleas and his own desperate need for support, he chose to keep the barrier intact, creating a temporary respite to converse with his determined allies.

Confusion and concern flickered in the eyes of the girls as they awaited Nikol's explanation. Lisa, her voice filled with both worry and determination, spoke first, "Nikol, why won't you let us support you? We're here, ready to fight alongside you!"

Elena, her brow furrowed with concern, added, "We've trained together, fought together. We're a team. Why do you push us away now when you need us the most?"

Nikol, his gaze filled with a mix of love and sorrow, met their eyes. He knew his decision weighed heavily on their hearts, but he also understood the magnitude of the impending danger. With a heavy sigh, he began to explain, his voice laced with a sense of profound sadness.

"I love each and every one of you with all my heart," Nikol began, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "But this battle, this struggle—it surpasses anything we've ever faced before. It's a force so dark, so formidable, that I cannot in good conscience expose you to it."

He paused, his eyes searching the faces of his comrades, hoping they would understand. "I cannot allow you to face a peril that lies beyond your reach, beyond anything we've ever encountered. It's a danger that even I, with all my training and power, struggle to comprehend."

A pained silence settled over the group as they absorbed his words. Tears welled up in Lisa's eyes, her voice trembling as she spoke, "But Nikol, we're not afraid. We're willing to face any danger by your side. Please, let us support you."

Nikol's voice softened, his gaze filled with a mixture of admiration and heartache. "I know your courage knows no bounds, and it pains me to deny your help. But all of you have something you want to protect now, protect our kids and our home,"

He reached out, gently touching Elena's trembling hand, his voice filled with sincerity. "Believe me when I say that keeping you safe, away from this threat, is the greatest act of love and protection I can offer. You are my strength, my reason to fight, and I cannot bear the thought of losing any of you."

A collective understanding washed over the girls' faces, mingled with tears and a sense of acceptance. They may not fully comprehend the depth of the danger, but they recognized Nikol's unwavering love and concern for their well-being.

With a heavy heart, Nikol continued talking with them until Eva and Lydia brought up the question they have been dying to ask.

"Nikol, why didn't you impregnate us? You promised that you will," They didn't want him to leave, but they had to ask that question as it brought an inferiority complex in them to the others, who had children with Nikol.

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"What are you talking about?" He asked with a smile. "All seven of you are already pregnant, I didn't have to do it again because of that,"

Eva and Lydia looked at each other with surprise upon hearing his words.

"Well, I won't die even though I'm talking like I'm going to die, so don't worry, I might come back,"

Tisha was silent and didn't say anything, which saddened Nikol a little bit, but he went ahead and touched everyone's face including the normal warriors and kissed them all giving them a special gift.

"My gift, take this," Nikol gave them the little egg-like tools, which were quite familiar to him as he saw them in adult movies in his original worlds.

"These are vibrators filled with my mana, when you remember about me, just keep this near your vagina and you will be able to have hundreds of orgasms, but don't forget too much is bad for your body," Everyone blushed hearing his words.

At that time he didn't know these small actions would cause the noble families to have vibrators as heirlooms of their families and people will start looking at them like they were tools of worship, but for now, it was useful.

"Nikol, why are you giving all this and talking like this? Are you going to leave us? Please don't go," Alva begged, but Nikol just smiled at her words.

"I won't leave, don't worry, but I might disappear for a little time," Everyone felt sad hearing his words, but if he returns they knew they can wait for him, even if it took forever until their death.

As the last words left Nikol's lips, a deep rumble echoed through the forest, signifying the monster's release from his temporary spell. Time seemed to slow as Nikol turned away, resolute in his decision, and faced the resurgent threat.

The girls watched, their hearts heavy yet filled with a newfound understanding and admiration for their valiant comrade. Though they yearned to support him, they knew that sometimes the greatest act of love was to trust and respect the choices made by those we hold dear.

Silently, they stood together, their unwavering support radiating towards Nikol, their hero, as he prepared to face the disfigured monster once more. In the midst of uncertainty.

"Time is up! You can either wait here and watch what's going to happen or you can go back," Nikol said and turned around, before seeing Tisha acting all suspicious.

"Well, whatever, let's see if anyone is foolishly in love with me to take the hint I gave them,"