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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 113
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Chapter 113

Even if he had a girlfriend, it didn’t matter as long as she was given the opportunity; she would

definitely make him fall in love with her. But how can she have a chance to see Jason again?

The weather was getting hotter, Estelle indulged in eating ice cream to keep cool. As a result, when her

period came, she was in so much pain and couldn’t get out of bed.

She had been exercising since the age of five, and her overall health had always been good, except for

the inherent physiological issues of being a woman that she couldn’t manage to overcome.

Magdalen called her and knew she was on her period after hearing Estelle’s weak voice.

She had someone make chicken soup and deliver it to the Royal Mansion.

Magdalen had been here a few times, so she knew her way around. Entering the bedroom, she saw

Estelle curled up on the bed, feeling both distressed and annoyed, “You’re asking for trouble, aren’t

you? How can you have the air conditioning on so cold when you get cramps?”

Estelle blinked, “Can you please be gentle with a patient?”

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“Yes, I can buy you two boxes of Häagen–Dazs and feed you one after one with a spoon. Do you want

that?” Magdalen turned off the air conditioner and scoffed.

Hearing about two boxes, Estelle suddenly thought about the time when Jonathan bought a whole box

of “essentials“. She couldn’t help but bury her head in the blanket and chuckle quietly.

“You can still laugh. Perhaps the pain isn’t that bad. Get up and drink the soup,” Magdalen said while

trying to lift her blanket.

Estelle had just taken a painkiller, so she felt better. She tidied her hair and got out of bed to have the


Magdalen poured the soup into a bowl and handed it to Estelle, “Drink it while it’s hot, and you’ll feel


Estelle looked pale, holding the bowl and slowly drinking the soup. The hot chicken soup relieved her

discomfort almost instantly.

Magdalen said, “Don’t cook for yourself in the next couple of days, and I’ll have someone bring you

food on time.”

Estelle looked up, “Would it be too much trouble?”

“Then you can stay at my house. My mom keeps talking about you these days anyway.”

“No, I can take care of myself,” Estelle refused. The weather was already hot, and she was afraid of

melting under Mrs. Sampson’s


Magdalen sighed, “I’ll just have someone bring you food then, and you’re not allowed to refuse again.”

Estelle raised her eyebrows, not saying a word.

Magdalen glanced around the room and casually asked, “How often does Jonathan come over?”

Estelle took small sips of the hot soup, “He comes over about three or four times a week.”

Magdalen instantly chuckled and said meaningfully, “He used to come only once every ten days or so.

Things have progressed so quickly?”

Estelle’s cheeks were flushed by the hot steam, and she paused while drinking the soup. Indeed, at

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first, Jonathan only came over every several days. She didn’t know when he started coming more


Magdalen winked, visibly excited by the gossip, “Ella, do you think you might fall in love with


Estelle put down the bowl, calmly saying, “We agreed not to talk about money, or emotions when we’re


Magdalen snorted, not buying it, “You think you can keep it that way?”

If feelings could be easily controlled, there wouldn’t be so much hatred born out of love in this world.

Estelle thought for a moment and said frankly, “If there wasn’t any affection, we wouldn’t have

developed this sort of relationship. But I’m very clear that he doesn’t love me. As long as I keep

reminding myself of that, I won’t get too involved.”

However, Magdalen thought Estelle was being too simplistic. They already shared a husband–wife

relationship, and although Jonathan didn’t know abou that, it’s very likely that they would develop

genuine feelings for each other.

It was past 11 pm when Jonathan came over.