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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 164
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Chapter 164 Go out

288 Vouchers

Chapter 164 Go out

She felt that her throat was fishy and sweet, and she wanted to moan in pain, but she didn’t expect a

stream of hot blood to overflow.

Is it stomach bleeding?

Monica couldn’t tell anymore.

Seeing that she had already rolled to the guardrail, Cherry didn’t need to do it himself, saving a lot of


Cherry picked her up and threw her straight out.

Monica clung to the railing tightly and hung on the edge of the cruise ship.

su cker Punch? It’s really interesting.

Cherry was in good spirits and was not in a hurry to push her down.

She wants to see how long she can last.

And at this moment, Vivian searched the entire hall, but couldn’t find Monica, so he couldn’t help but

feel a little strange.

She put on the headset, and found that there was a faint sound of breathing coming from the opposite

side, which came from time to time.

“Is she still sleeping?” Vivian was a little puzzled, and planned to go upstairs to


She knocked on the door, and Leo responded, so she opened the door and went in.

“Where’s Monica?”

“She went down to eat, didn’t you see?”

“No. Monica, are you across the way? Can you hear me?”

She adjusted the headset and started calling for Monica.

Monica heard it, but didn’t have the energy to answer.



Chapter 164 Go out

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She couldn’t hold it anymore, she should have eaten less and lost weight if she

knew earlier.

Seeing that Vivian couldn’t contact Monica, Leo couldn’t help frowning fiercely, and quickly got off the


“try to find!”


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Just then, Monica let go of a hand.

Cherry couldn’t help applauding, “I thought you couldn’t last ten seconds, but I didn’t expect you to last

that long. You only have one hand left now, I want to see how long you can last this time.”

“It’s Cherry’s voice, no, Monica is in danger!”

Vivian said hastily.

Monica was very excited when she heard it over there, but at the last moment of excitement, she fell


They just realized that something was wrong with them, and by the time they arrived, they probably had

already sunk into the sea.

She was not yet twenty years old, and she was not married to Leo, so how could

she have died.

Seeing her fall, Cherry raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly, “You can feed

the fish for me!”

And here, Vivian also turned on the positioning system. Fortunately, the headset was modified by her,

and a positioning chip was installed in it.

“On the back deck of that cruise ship!”

Leo rushed over as fast as he could, and when he went, he happened to see Cherry carrying a bucket

and preparing to wipe the blood on the ground.

At this moment, the moonlight reflected on the ground, which was covered with blood.

The blood spread all the way to the guardrail, and the guardrail was covered with


13.00 5

Chapter 164 Go out


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His heart sank violently, and he couldn’t restrain himself anymore, and jumped down suddenly.

“elder brother!”

Vivian was also anxious when she saw this scene.

Leo has had an aversion to water since that incident happened four years ago.

He used to be very good at water, but now when he encounters water, his whole body becomes stiff

and unable to move.

If he plunged down like this, he would definitely die.

Vivian immediately asked the most professional diving team to come over and rush into the water to

find people.

But at this moment, Leo plunged into the sea, he was eager to save people, and he couldn’t control his

body anymore.

But the instinct of the body is stronger than his will.

He couldn’t give up halfway until he found Monica.

Now there is no wind on the sea surface, and there is no undercurrent on the

bottom of the sea.

And Monica was injured and definitely couldn’t swim, and there was only one result, which was to sink


I don’t know how long he’s late, but as long as he sinks fast enough, he’ll be able to

find Monica.

He gave up swimming, held his breath, and let himself sink.

Finally he saw the figure at the bottom of the water.

Monica seemed to be asleep, very quiet.

He also hoped that she was just asleep.

Finally, he approached Monica and pulled her into his arms forcefully.



Chapter 164 Go out

He can’t die, he must save her back.

But the scene from four years ago reappeared in my mind.

288 ¡Vouchers

He grabbed Monica tightly with one hand, and pressed his head with the other desperately.

Karl, if your undead really existed in the sea, you wouldn’t let me die in the sea back then, and you

wouldn’t let me die in the sea now.

I can’t die, and nothing can happen to Monica!

Perhaps his heart to save her was too firm, and his body was gradually able to move freely.

He quickly accelerated to the surface of the water.

The rescue team has all launched into the water and salvaged the two men onto

the deck.

The deck was full of people at the moment.

The doctor came over to check on the injury, and his face became extremely


“The patient was bleeding too much, and there was no equipment on the yacht, so he had to go ashore

as soon as possible.”

“I’ve already prepared the speedboat, take Monica and leave first!”

Vivian has already thought of all the possibilities, so she is naturally ready.

Leo quickly picked up Monica carefully and walked away quickly.

He suddenly thought of something, and only looked back at Cherry coldly.

“Field family, pay with blood!”

Then he left with Monica, and soon disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When Cherry heard this, she fell to the ground and didn’t get up for a long time.

She was pale and bloodless.

She stared blankly at the grandpa in the crowd.



Chapter 164 Go out

Old Mr. Field was so heartbroken that he…avoided her gaze.

288 ¡Vouchers

Even if he wanted to save him, there was nothing he could do. Now that everyone was watching and

there were witnesses and evidence, this was a crime of murder.

When Cherry saw that the old man turned his eyes and refused to look at her, his heart was already


She looked around and found that those people were pointing at herself.

What happens to an attempted murder?

Fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment.

But one thing is certain, she will go to jail.

It’s a joke that the dignified Miss Field family went to jail.

Even if she dies, she won’t go to jail!

Cherry got up suddenly and was about to jump into the sea.

But Vivian had already expected it, and shot immediately.

She clasped Cherry’s shoulders and pulled her back heavily.

Cherry fell on the deck, no one felt sorry for her, but applauded Vivian’s behavior


“We can’t let this murderer just settle it, it’s too light!”

“It’s scary to be so vicious at such a young age!”

“For this kind of person, going to jail is not enough to appease her evil deeds!”

“How does the Field family teach such a daughter?”

Cherry’s eyes went dark at the end, and she completely lost her breath.

Old Mr. Field wanted to go to have a look, but was stopped by Andrew.

“Leo said, the blood should be paid with blood, this matter should be handed over to the police, and

you should not interfere.”

“Andrew, we have been friends for many years, are you going to just sit there…”



Chapter 164 Go out

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“Then you just indulged your granddaughter and harmed my daughter-in-law?”

Andrew interrupted him coldly, his voice low and vicious.

Not to mention that Leo couldn’t swallow this tone, he couldn’t even swallow it.

The Field family’s love for so many years can’t compare to the life of their own daughter-in-law.

His granddaughter’s life is his life, but his daughter-in-law’s life is not his life?