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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 460
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Mr. Abbott and Mr. Foss had mentioned Flora to him numerous times.

They both said this young lady was a genius in computer science. Mr. Foss, in particular, got pretty emotional, saying it was such a waste for Flora to be in the medical department. He even went to Mr. Garcia twice, trying to get her transferred, but naturally, the dean of the medical department showed him the door.

Mr. Abbott and Mr. Foss made Flora sound like skind of legend. While he thought they might be exaggerating, he couldn't help but be super curious about her.

"Today, we're starting with a quick quiz. Squestions are beyond competition level, so if you find stoo tough to crack, no worries. Just do your best." Mr. Jurado picked up a stack of papers from the lectern and handed them to Ivan to pass out.

As soon as everyone got their papers, they glanced at the questions, and their faces fell.

These questions...

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Were they even meant for humans? Up front, Mr. Jurado continued, "There's no tlimit for this test. Just hand it in when you're done, and I'll grade it." Hearing this, everyone stopped grumbling about the difficulty and got down to work. No matter how hard it was, they had to give it a shot.

Flora took her paper, looked over the questions, and then started working at her own pace.

A half-hour later, most people were stuck on the last two big questions.

Brianna couldn't help but glance at Flora, seeing her still on the first two pages. A hint of disdain flashed in her eyes.

With that speed, she thought she could compete? Brianna realized she had overestimated her.

Flora's skills were so lacking they weren't worth her concern.

She turned her attention back to her own paper.

The last two big questions were indeed tough; even Ivan was scratching his head in frustration.

Twenty minutes later, Ivan looked at the blank space under the last question's second part and sighed.

Somewhat defeated, he stood up, took his paper, and handed it to Mr. Jurado.

Mr. Jurado took the paper, glanced over it briefly, and seemed quite satisfied.

He had set the questions, so he knew how tough the last two would be for Ivan and the others.

That Ivan managed to solve the first part of the last question was already impressive.

Ivan was the first to submit his paper. After him, Brianna also stood up and handed hers to Mr. Jurado. She felt a bit down but seeing Flora's paper still mostly blank made her feel better.

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No matter what, she was still better than Flora.

Ha, almost an hour had passed, and Flora still had so much left undone. Clearly, she couldn't solve them. Gradually, everyone else handed in their papers. Despite Mr. Jurado saying there was no tlimit, if you couldn't solve a problem, there was no point in hanging around.

Flora was the last to submit. She packed up her bag, handed her paper to Mr. Jurado, and then strode out of the classroom.

"Mr. Jurado's getting more twisted by the day. Look at those questions; I almost threw up trying to solve them." "Yeah, especially the last two big ones, utterly inhumane..." Outside in the hallway, Ivan and the others hadn't left yet, gathered together discussing the questions.

Ivan saw Flora coming out and quickly walked up to her, "Hey Flora, those questions were pretty tough. It's okay if you couldn't solve them. Don't lose heart, alright? I couldn't even solve the last big one myself..." Ivan was worried Flora might lose confidence.

He had paid special attention to Flora earlier; her slow pace suggested she found the questions challenging.

After all, Flora wasn't a computer science major, and her theoretical knowledge might not be up to par. ́Jurado's twisted Running into Met upto par questions on her first go, someone more fragile might have broken down.

Flora, unaware of his thoughts, simply stated, "The questions this Live trequired sflexibility and thinking outside the box, but they weren't too bad, not excessively difficult. If there's anything you're stuck on, I can help you out."