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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 736
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Were they really all taken care of by them? The thought made her heart race even faster.

Meanwhile, Beck finally sprang into action. With just a wave of his hand, a horde of men burst into the room, pinning Abbey and Elijah down in seconds! They whipped out ropes, quickly tying their legs together. With a rough yank, they dragged them over to the windowsill. Below them was a dizzying twenty-story drop. The darkness seemed like a bottomless pit.

"Let us go!" Elijah screamed in terror. "What do you want from us?!" Their legs bound tightly, hanging in mid-air, the wind howling around them. Abbey clung to the windowsill for dear life, her nerves stretched to the breaking point, her voice trembling: "Beck!" How could they dare! Beck sat nonchalantly on the windowsill, pulling on the rope and looking down. "Ms. Abbey, consider this a little lesson. The boss said if there's a next time, it won't be so simple." "Ms. Abbey, here's a friendly piece of advice: don't mess with Ms. Flora again. She's way out of your league." With that, he casually pulled out two stinky socks and stuffed them into Abbey and Elijah's mouths. Then, with a swift kick, sent them plummeting down.

Abbey and Elijah tried to scream, but their gagged mouths could only manage muffled whimpers of pain. The wind whipped around them, scattering their cries.

The rope slid down nearly two meters before jerking to a stop. They dangled in the air, below them an endless void, the cold wind biting at their sanity. Even Abbey, usually so proud and composed, was reduced to tears. After snapping a couple of photos, Beck hopped down from the windowsill, throwing an arm around Moss's shoulder like they were old pals.

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"Alright, let's get out of here." This night would be enough for them.

That was the price for crossing Flora.

The next morning.

Flora didn't wake up until nine. After freshening up, she went downstairs to find Connor lounging on the couch in a cozy sweater, a laptop perched on his knees, engrossed in work.

The moment he saw her, he quickly set the laptop on the coffee table, stood up, and headed to the kitchen to retrieve sfood from the microwave.

"Flora, ceat," he called out in a hoarse voice.

Flora frowned, walking over to him, noticing his pale face. "Did you catch a cold?" Connor nodded weakly.

Flora's frown deepened. "Isn't there air conditioning in the guest room? How did you catch a cold?" "I can't sleep well without you." "Oh." Flora shot him a glance and didn't say more. Ah, pulling the sympathy card now? He can't sleep well without her, so he caught a cold? "Flora, I feel awful." The man looked genuinely pitiful, his usual strong presence dimmed by his illness, making him appear frail and helpless. It gave Flora the ridiculous feeling that she was somehow at fault for his misery! Unbelievable! Flora immediately turned her head away, refusing to look at him. "I'm eating now, don't bother me." With that, she started eating her porridge.

Connor sat across from her, just watching her in silence. His gaze et was so intense that Flora couldn't take it. She pulled out her phone to distract herself.

A message from Crimson popped up.

Crimson: Flora baby! Check this out! Your Connor is ruthless! Flora clicked the link.

It was a news story.

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Two women found hanging outside the twenty-first floor of a hotel overnight, discovered, ne from the cold, and still in critical condition.

The article included several blurry photos, but Flora recognized thèm immediately. It was Abbey and her housekeeper.

Abbey was a big nin the medical field. If Flora could recognize Rer, so could anyone else. This was major public humiliation for Abbey.

Flora's lips curled into a smile, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes.

Only Connor could pull off something like this.

She set her phone face down on the table and looked up at the man m Ner across from her. "Feeling terrible, huh?"