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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 408
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Chapter 408

Qiao Xiaoqiao’s Volvo car soon drove out of Jianghai University. It was lunchtime. There were so many people in Jianghai University. The restaurant must be full, so they just went out to find a restaurant.

In view of Qiao feng’er’s great opinions on summer, Qiao huang’er takes the task of driving. She sits in the back with Qiao Xiaoqiao in summer and stares at Qiao feng’er indirectly through the rearview mirror. However, Qiao feng’er is surprised to find that the rogue who just bullied the girls in summer looks bored and unhappy.

Qiao Fenger is eager to have a summer meal. It’s like he’s been offended by others. How can there be such a person in the world?

Even Qiao Fenger can find that she is unhappy in summer. Qiao Xiaoqiao beside him can also find it. She asked softly, "honey, what’s wrong with you? Why not? "

"I kind of Miss fairy sister." Summer looks listless.

These days, the summer is still very moist, and he has found many beautiful wives. So although he thinks of fairy sister from time to time, most of the time, he doesn’t affect his mood very much. But when he met Yang Shan and learned that she actually came from Qingfeng mountain, he unconsciously thought of the fairy sister on Qingfeng mountain, even if Qiao Xiaoqiao was around at the moment , he still can’t help missing the fairy sister.

For sixteen years, in sixteen years, he never left fairy sister for more than twenty-four hours. But this time, he has been away from fairy sister for two months. Although the sound and smile of fairy sister are all recorded in his mind, he did not see fairy sister for a long time, but he was a little bit uncomfortable, just like the habit he had developed for many years, suddenly changed Like.

"Then, why don’t you go back?" Qiao Xiaoqiao hesitated a little, then suggested softly.

Summer almost nodded, but finally he shook his head: "well, I haven’t learned the fifth needle against the sky, so I can’t cure the immortal sister, or I won’t go back."

I remember that sister Shenxian said that chance is very important. In summer, I believe that sister Shenxian’s words very much. Moreover, after he went down the mountain, he did encounter chance. He found a LIUMENG with the same spirit of ice and fire, which is LIUMENG, so that he can successfully perform the third stitch against the sky. In summer, I think that if he can encounter similar chance several times, he might be able to do it soon The fifth stitch against the sky is on display. By that time, the illness of sister Shenxian will be cured completely.

"Husband, when are you going back?" Qiao Xiaoqiao asked hesitantly.

"Oh, if I can cure the fairy sister, I’ll go back right away." Summer did not hesitate to answer, "however, I also agreed with fairy sister, at most one year, I will go back."

"Then when you get back, do you still come out?" Asked Qiao Xiaoqiao.

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"Well, I don’t know. Maybe I won’t come out." In summer, I scratched my head. "I found that there is no fun under the mountain."

Qiao Fenger can’t help but say, "Hey, then you’ll go back to the mountain and never care about Miss Qiao again?"

Qiao feng’er regretted this. Why should she ask? If this hooligan doesn’t come out again, it should be something she can’t get!

"Have I ever said that I don’t care about Joe?" Summer a little dissatisfied looking at Qiao Fenger, "you have ear problem?"

"You have ear problems!" Qiaofenger said angrily, "you said clearly that you would not come out again if you went back. That is to say, you don’t care about Miss Qiao?"

"You are so stupid. It seems that I really need to enlarge your chest, so that you are really big and brainless." Summer looks at Qiao Fenger with disdainful eyes.

"You..." Qiao feng’er was furious. "Why am I stupid? You are stupid! "

"You are not convinced that you are stupid. Even if I don’t come out again, can’t I take Xiao Qiao back?" Summer looks at Qiao Fenger’s eyes still with contempt.

Qiao Fenger feels a little crazy. She always thinks that summer is a real fool. But now this fool looks at her with this kind of eyes and says that she is a fool. It’s unreasonable!

"How can you take Miss Joe to such a place? There’s no Internet, no phone, no TV! " Qiao Fenger said angrily.

Summer glared at Qiao Fenger: "it’s none of your business, anyway, it’s not to take you!"

"What’s not to take me? I’m miss Qiao’s bodyguard. I have to go where she goes! " Qiao Fenger said unconvinced.

"My wife is with me, and what do I need bodyguards for?" Summer not good gas said.

Qiao Fenger crooned: "you have so many wives, can you take care of them? It’s better for us to protect Miss Joe. "

"I don’t want to argue with you, but I won’t take you there." Summer said lazily.

"I’m going!" Qiaofenger said angrily, "you are so angry!"

This time in summer, Qiao feng’er didn’t pay attention to her at all. Now, Qiao feng’er felt bored and didn’t say anything, just scolded her at heart.

But originally because miss immortal elder sister and the mood is not good summer, by Qiao Fenger so noisy, the mood seemed to pour many good.


although Qiao Xiaoqiao has an unusual identity, he doesn’t have high requirements for the place to eat, as long as it’s clean and quiet, and there’s no requirement for summer, so they quickly found a restaurant, and after a simple lunch, they went back to Jianghai university again.

In the afternoon, Qiao Xiaoqiao continues to receive new students with her roommates. In the summer, he also acts as a porter again. However, in the afternoon, there is no one, and there is nothing to do in the summer. When there is nothing to do, his eyes keep staring at the girls passing by to see if there are any beauties who can be his wife.

It’s a pity that he didn’t get anything in the whole afternoon. Although most of the girls in this school have correct facial features and won’t be intimidating to walk out, they are still far away from the standard of being his wife.

There is no doubt that this afternoon is quite boring for summer. However, by five o’clock, this boring thing can finally be over, because the last freshman of the Chinese Department has come to sign, which means that there will be no more freshmen coming, and the mission of this new reception point is over.

"Little Joe, why don’t you all go to dinner?" Cui Yan suggested.

Qiao Xiaoqiao is trying to talk, but her mobile phone rings at this time. After she answers the phone, she says to Cui Yan, "I’m sorry, you can go. I have something to do. I can’t go."

"Oh, that will do." Cui Yan didn’t ask either. She also knew that she couldn’t ask. In the capacity of Qiao Xiaoqiao, it’s pretty good to be able to communicate with them like this.

I’m very happy in summer. He doesn’t want to eat with those people. They are not beautiful. Eating with them will affect his appetite.

"Husband, Fang Ying just called and asked us to have dinner together. I have promised her." Qiao Xiaoqiao turned to summer.

"Fang Ying?" Summer thought about it, and then finally remembered, "Oh, it’s sun Bowu’s girlfriend!"

"It’s sun Bowen!" Qiao feng’er said angrily, how does this hooligan like to change his name to others?

"Husband, if you don’t want to go, I can take you home first." Qiao Xiaoqiao knows that the other side is not interested in summer.

However, he shook his head a little unexpectedly in summer: "wife, I’d better go with you!"

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"Well, well, let’s go!" Qiao Xiaoqiao has a sweet smile on her face. She would like to go with her in summer. Of course, she is very happy.

More than ten minutes later, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Xia Xia arrived at the western restaurant they had arranged with Fang Ying and entered the private room. Fang Ying was already waiting for them, and her boyfriend sun Bowen was also there.

"Here you are, Little Joe. Come on, sit here!" Seeing Qiao Xiaoqiao, Fang Ying immediately gets up and takes Qiao Xiaoqiao to sit down beside her.

"Hello, Miss Joe." Sun Bowen also said hello to Qiao Xiaoqiao politely, and then looked to summer, "summer, Hello, nice to meet you."

"Oh, sun Bowu, so are you." Summer casually back a sentence.

"Er..." Sun Bowen looks embarrassed. "That summer, in fact, my name is sun Bowen."

"Oh, I know." Summer is very casual back to a sentence.

Qiao Fenger can’t help but take a look at summer. The rascal is ill. He knows that his name is sun Bowen, but he wants to call him sun Bowen.

But summer added at this time: "I still think it’s better to call you sun Bowu. I’ll call you sun Bowu later."

Sun Bowen couldn’t laugh or cry for a while. It was the first time that he met such a thing.

"Why are you like this? How to change other people’s names? " On one side, Fang Ying can’t bear it. She is going to show up for her boyfriend.

"It’s none of your business. I haven’t changed your name!" Summer is not happy to say.

This sentence almost didn’t support Fang Ying to death. She retorted angrily, "blog is my boyfriend. Why isn’t it my business?"

"It’s just a boyfriend, not a husband." In the summer, I yawned, "and he will not be your husband in the future, so it doesn’t matter to you."

"You, what do you mean by that?" Fang Ying’s face turned pink with anger.

"You don’t understand?" Summer a little strange look at Fang Ying, "I really don’t know how to choose your name, return Fang Ying, not clever at all, it’s better to call Fang buying."

"You!" Fang Ying was so angry that she was about to explode.

Fortunately, Qiao Xiaoqiao’s voice rang at the right time: "husband, don’t say it, quickly sit down and prepare for dinner."

"Well, for your sake, I won’t say she’s stupid." Summer nodded and sat down beside Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Enough!" Finally, Fang Ying couldn’t bear it. She stood up and said, "little Qiao, I don’t know how you found such a man. You have no education!"