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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90

The two women suspected that Qiao Fenger’s arm had recovered as it had been that night, but they had a little expectation in their hearts. If they could really grow in strength in a short three days, they would naturally like to.

As bodyguards, although they are relaxed most of the time, they may lose their lives at any time in the case of assassinations like yesterday. It’s no exaggeration to say that they are fighting for their lives. If they have stronger skills, they will have a greater chance to live in danger.

"Can you really double our strength in three days?" Qiao Fenger finally asked.

"Believe it or not." Summer doesn’t like to be doubted, and he is too lazy to explain. If it wasn’t for his wife, he would be too lazy to deal with the two girls.

Qiao huanger bit her teeth and finally made a decision: "OK, we’ll learn from you!"

After all, the two women still can’t resist the temptation of doubling their strength. Even if they still have doubts in their hearts, it’s only three days after all. After three days, they will know whether what they said in summer is true or not. If everything comes true, they will make a lot of money. Even if it’s fake, it’s just three days, no big loss.

Just half an hour later, looking at dozens of circles on the ground, the two women feel a little dizzy. This is the martial arts they need to teach them in summer?

In summer, I drew a big circle with a diameter of about one foot, and then drew sixty-four small circles in the big circle. Each circle was marked with numbers, from one to sixty-four. Then I told them that what they had to do was to walk in the circle, from the first circle to the sixty fourth circle, and keep cycling, but But there is a requirement that the body cannot leave the range of the big circle.

"What kind of martial arts is it?" Qiao Fenger couldn’t help asking.

Summer this time is explained: "this is a kind of footwork, with your qualifications, if you practice hard for three days, you will have a small success. As long as you keep practicing, it is not difficult to avoid bullets."

"Can you dodge bullets by practicing this footwork?" Qiao huanger was even more skeptical in her surprise.

"Of course, this is what the fairy sister taught me. Apart from me, you two are the first to learn." Summer is very dissatisfied with Qiao Yuer’s suspicion, "you hurry to practice, I will go back to accompany Xiao Qiao."

After saying this in summer, he left the temporary training room and went back to Qiao Xiaoqiao’s bedroom.

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"Do you really want to practice?" Qiao feng’er looks at Qiao huang’er and looks at the circle suspiciously.

"That Coyote seems to be pretty powerful. Let’s try it." Said Jo huang’er hesitantly.

"That’s right. What kind of magic skill should it really be?" Qiao Fenger walked into the circle, step by step slowly.

"Feng’er, do you think this is Lingbo’s micro step in the ?" Qiao huang’er also follows Qiao feng’er to step on those small circles.

"Who knows? No matter what, just practice for three days to see the effect." Qiao Fenger steps on the circle, and suddenly, with a cry, her body is askew and almost falls to the ground.

"Damn it, the circle drawn by the wolf seems to be a bit of a doorway. It’s not easy to walk it again!" Qiao huang’er also immediately found something wrong. This so-called footwork requires high coordination of the body. If you want to walk down by the way, you need to constantly adjust your body. It’s not easy.

"Yes, I find it’s not easy!" Qiao feng’er, who almost fell, also paid attention to her. She was a little excited. "Huang’er, maybe we really found the treasure!"

"Then let’s practice!" This time, the two finally put themselves into footwork training.


When sun Xinxin learned that the last bunch of flowers had also been delivered, she couldn’t help but relax. At this time, it was more than six o’clock in the evening.

"Fat man, please have a good meal later." Sun Xinxin handed the fat man two thousand yuan, "it’s hard for them."

"Sister in law, how can you invite us to dinner?" Fat people dare not answer, "do things for you, it’s their duty. How dare you ask for your money?"

"Take it. I know you haven’t done this kind of thing in normal times. You should have given me more money, but I only have so much cash in hand. I’ll make do with it." Sun Xinxin’s income today is nearly 20000 yuan, but it’s all on the card, and there’s no time to get the money. There are more than 2000 cash left.

"Sister in law, I really can’t ask for your money." Fat man’s face is bitter. If you help the eldest brother to do such a thing, you need money. Younger brother is not such a pawn.

"Let you take it. Are you too few?" Fang Xiaoru said angrily.

"Fang Xiaoru, do you have such a rumor?" The fat man was in a hurry. "How can I be too few? I’m afraid big brother will beat me! "

"Come on, your eldest brother doesn’t care about this money. Take it, or I’ll go to your eldest brother and complain!" Sun Xinxin looks unhappy.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." The fat man had to take the money, and he dared not refuse.

When the fat man left, sun Xinxin gave Fang Xiaoru another 500 yuan: "Xiaoru, this should be the bonus for you."

"Thank you, sister Xin!" Fang Xiaoru did not refuse at all. She took over with a happy face. For her, it was a large amount of income.

"Well, close the shop ahead of time today, and we’ll go back to have a rest early." Sun Xinxin is really tired today, so she wants to go home early.

A police car drove into Jianghai University and stopped at the gate of Xinxin flower shop.

"Who is in charge of Xinxin flower shop?" Two policemen came out of the police car and the older one asked.

Sun Xinxin can’t help but be shocked: "I am, excuse me..."

"I’m Xu Zhongjian, deputy leader of the network police detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. This is my ID card." Xu Zhongjian takes out his certificate and hands it to sun Xinxin. "Your Xinxin flower shop is suspected of participating in a large-scale hacker attack. Please follow me to the police station for investigation. In addition, we need to take your computer and other Internet devices for search. This is a search warrant."

Sun Xinxin is at a loss. Hacker attack?

"Officer, is that a mistake? We are computer Xiaobai at all. At best, we just chat online. How can we get involved with hackers? " Fang Xiaoru said in a hurry.

"This lady, are you also an employee of Xinxin flower shop?" Asked Xu Zhongjian.

"Yes." Fang Xiaoru nodded quickly, "officer, do you make a mistake when you check again?"

"Then please come with us to the police station. It’s not a mistake. We’ll know when we find out." Xu Zhongjian was unmoved. At the same time, he told the police beside him, "Xiao Hong, go and seal the computer and other equipment and take them to the detachment."

The policeman had to order that he should go in and move out his laptop soon.

"Ladies, please get in the car." Xu Zhongjian is polite.

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"Sister Xin, what can I do?" Fang Xiaoru is a little anxious.

"It’s OK. Let’s make it clear." Although sun Xinxin was a little uneasy, she soon calmed down. She felt that since she hadn’t done it, she didn’t have to worry.

"Would you like to call summer?" Fang Xiaoru asked in a low voice.

"Wait until the police station." Sun Xinxin feels that she can’t go to summer for everything, hesitates for a moment, and finally doesn’t call summer at once.

They got on the police car, went to the building of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and finally came to the office of the online police detachment. Sun Xinxin and Fang Xiaoru were soon taken to the interrogation room respectively. It was Xu Zhongjian who was in charge of questioning sun Xinxin, and there was a policewoman next to them who was in charge of recording.

Xu Zhongjian asked sun Xinxin about her basic information, such as her name and age, and then came to the point.

"Sun Xinxin, have you opened an online flower shop with the same name?" Asked Xu Zhongjian.

"Yes, it just opened last night." Sun Xinxin has a bad feeling in her heart. She has begun to realize that it has something to do with today’s weird orders.

"Your online flower shop received 48 orders in one day today. Is that the case?" Xu Zhongjian asked again.

Sun Xinxin nodded again: "yes."

"Do you think it’s normal for you to open a new online flower shop and receive so many orders on such a common day?" Xu Zhongjian’s tone is quite peaceful. Maybe it’s because sun Xinxin is a beautiful woman.

"It’s not normal. When I went to the flower shop in the morning, I thought there was a prank." Sun Xinxin told the truth, "but since there are orders and the guests have paid, I have to send flowers, or others will say that our Florist doesn’t tell us our reputation."

"Sun Xinxin, I won’t beat around the bush with you either. We have found out that someone has used hacker means to transfer all orders of online flower shops in Jianghai city to your website. Those people didn’t want to order flowers in your online flower shop, but they were finally guided to your website by a hacker means. Most of them, even I haven’t heard the name of your flower shop at all. " Xu Zhongjian stares at Sun Xinxin, as if trying to put some pressure on her. "If you say it has nothing to do with you, do you think someone will believe it?"

"But it really has nothing to do with me!" Sun Xinxin quickly explained, "I don’t have that ability at all. When I go online, I only talk about QQ’s fighting against landlords."

"Sun Xinxin, maybe you didn’t do it yourself, but I believe that the hacker must be someone you know." Xu Zhongjian pauses a little, and then slowly says, "maybe, that hacker, is what you ordered!"

"Officer, it really has nothing to do with me. Where do I know any hackers?" Sun Xinxin is in a hurry. "Besides, my income is less than 20000 yuan all day, and I have invited many people to send flowers temporarily, and I have earned thousands of yuan. Which hacker can attack so many websites just for such a small amount of money?"

"It’s hard to say. Some hackers may be just for fun." The policewoman who made the record interposed, "besides, who knows how many hacks you haven’t been caught? You are afraid of tens of thousands of rings. You can make money by opening a small flower shop? "