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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 149
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Chapter 17

Bronx's POV

As I rush out of the office, I get a text. I look down to see who could possibly interrupt me right now.

Lenora: Code Violet


Code Violet means Kas is in a catatonic state. She's having a vision about some sort of traumatic event

in her life. I have given orders that no one is to touch her when she has a vision because she could

accidentally use her powers on them.

Carly informs the driver that I am headed to the garage and in a hurry. He is ready and waiting for me

by the time the elevator opens. I jump in the back of the SUV and call Lenora as he drives.

"Lenora, what's happening?”

“From what we can tell, Kas attacked James on purpose, but she didn't know who she was attacking.

Marco says as soon as he entered the apartment and saw Kas with her claws in him, he told her it was

James and not an intruder. She stopped immediately and tried to heal him," she explains.

“What do you mean ‘tried to heal him? Don't tell me he died," I feel a pit in my stomach at the thought.

"Well, she started to, and at some point, she fell into a vision. We aren't exactly sure when."

“She started having a vision while she was healing James?"

“Yeah. She was able to heal all of James's physical injuries, but he lost a lot of blood. She went all

mannequin before she could finish that part," she pauses before she continues, "His wolf is trying to

heal him, but James lost a lot of blood. He is pretty weak. He's in the hospital wing now getting a

transfusion. Delilah is down there with him.” 1

"How did you separate James from Kas without touching her?” I wonder out loud.

"We pulled James by his feet until he was out from under Kas. She's still on the floor of your


"Oh my Goddess. Where are you?”

“Sitting at your breakfast bar watching her." "Anyone else with you?”

“Just Tyree right outside the door. Marco was completely freaked out, Bronx. I sent him and Musu

home. You're going to need to speak with him. Make sure he's okay."

"Alright. You okay?" I ask.

“Yeah. I-It's a lot of blood Bronx. Like, a lot. I don't know how he didn't die,” I hear her swallow hard.

"Okay. Hang in there, Leni. I'm on my way. Thank you for being there for her.”

"No thanks needed, Bronx. She's my Luna. She's my like little sister. I will see you when you get here."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

There is a touch of sadness in her voice. She doesn't wait for me to say goodbye, she just hangs up. 1

"Go faster," I order the driver.

"Sorry, Alpha, not until we are on pack territory. We have two cars full of paparazzi tailing us. Going too

fast will attract attention or get us pulled over. The gatehouse guards will be able to stop the paps from

following us. Then I can race up to the packhouse,” the driver apologizes without looking away from the

road. I look at my watch. We should be on pack territory in less than ten minutes. Then another five or

so to get to the pack house. I rub my hands over my face with a frustrated growl. If we weren't being

followed, I would jump out, shift, and get home in five minutes.

After what seems like an eternity, we finally pull up to the packhouse. I jump out before we even come

to a full stop and sprint upstairs to the apartment.

Tyree moves out of the way when he sees me racing down the hallway. I throw open the door and get

slammed with the powerful scent of blood.

Lenora climbs off of the stool she is perched on. She looks like she might have been crying, but Lenora

never cries. It must be worse than I thought. She observes me as I approach my mate.

Any feelings of anger or frustration melt away as I absorb what I'm seeing. My heart suddenly feels like

it's in a vice and I'm frozen on the spot. It is a gruesome sight.

Kas is on her hands and knees, in the middle of the biggest puddle of blood I have ever seen. It has

absorbed up onto the pant legs and edges of the oversized t-shirt she's wearing. I look closer and

realize it's my shirt. Not just my shirt, my favorite shirt. It's the one she wore when she first came here

because we didn't have any clothes small enough for her. The one she puts on when she is tired and

doesn't want to pick something from her drawers. She calls it our' shirt.

There is blood coating the hair on the back of her head and all the way down her back. Lenora didn't

mention Kas being injured. It must be James's. She's staring blankly at the ground, lips parted slightly.

A clearly defined purple aura surrounding her. I step closer, trying to avoid the blood as long as

possible. When I reach the edge of the stain, I pause.

“What are you doing, dummy? Our mate needs us!” Saint growls at me.

I hastily slip off my suit jacket and roll up the sleeves of my shirt. Then I take off my shoes and socks

before I drop to my hands and knees so I can crawl through the puddle to my mate. I feel the partially

congealed blood stick to me like a grotesque sticky jelly.

"Kas?" I whisper.

It never gets easier. Seeing her like this, I mean. I know when I touch her she is going to be cold. I

won't feel our sparks. Her scent isn't even distinguishable. The only part of her in the room is her body.

Any other part of her essence is in some other part of the universe.

"Kas, I'm going to get you out of here, okay? You can't stay like this,” I don't know if she can hear me or

not, but on the off chance that she can, I want her to know I am there taking care of her. I also don't

know if she realizes she's covered in blood or if she knows just how badly James is hurt. I have to

protect her, even if it's from herself, until she's ready to find out. That's what I was born to do, be Kas's

mate. It's my job to take care of her.

I sit up on my knees and gently pull her up by her armpits. She turns limp like a rag doll as I settle her

into my lap. I lift my hand to brush hair out of her face, but it's covered in partially congealed blood so I

pull it back. I scoot myself to the edge of the giant crimson blemish on the carpet and carefully stand


“Lenora, follow me," I say quietly, “Let's get washed up before we try to snap her out of it. I don't want

her to see all this blood."

We silently make our way to the bathroom. Without being asked, Lenora pulls the wooden stool from

the vanity into the shower and turns the water on. When I see the steam, I step into the shower with my

clothes on and sit down. I sit Kas on my lap, supporting her against my body.

Lenora sees I need help and steps into the shower with her clothes on, too. She helps pull Kas's shirt

and pants off, leaving her in her underwear. I hold Kas while Lenora grabs a washcloth and starts

cleaning her. She starts with Kas's scarred back and moves to the rest of her body, then finally washes

her hair. As Lenora works, I realize she's crying. Other than when Codi was born, I haven't seen Lenora

cry since she was nine.

“It's gonna be okay, Leni. We have to have faith in the Moon Goddess. All of this is happening for a

reason," I try to comfort her, knowing no words could be enough right now.

She nods as the water cascades down her hair and face, hiding the extent of her tears. She continues

scrubbing the blood off silently, as if her voice will trigger an avalanche of emotions. My sister prefers

her emotions to be shoved deep down inside, where no one can see them. Seeing this side of her is a

testament to how much Kas means to her. When she feels like she has sufficiently gotten all the blood

off of Kas, she shuts off the water and grabs a towel to help me wrap a towel around Kas.

"You good, Leni?"

“As soon as you tell me Kas is good, then I'll be good,” she sniffles curtly.

“She's gonna snap out of it any minute now. I don't know how I know, I can just feel it. Let's get her to

bed. Come on."

I take Kas to the bedroom and lay her down on the bed. Her glassy violet eyes are cold and empty

against her pale face. Just like the other day, when it seemed like there was something deeper in her

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

eyes, it seems like this vision episode is different too. Like I told Lenora, she is waking up soon. I don't

know how I know, I can just feel it.

Lenora drapes a towel over me and goes into the closet to find dry clothes for herself and Kas.

I'm finally able to brush Kas's hair out of her face. I try to feel for the sparks of our mate bond, but there

is still nothing there.

"Kas, Baby. Come on. I'm here. If you can hear me, come toward my voice," I whisper to her. I take her

hand in mine and close my eyes. I concentrate on our connection, trying to get some sort of reaction

from her. Still nothing.

"Please, Kas, wherever you are, please. I need you to come back to me,” I plead with her. I put my

other hand on top and enclose hers in between mine. Her little fingers barely stick out from between my

hands, but it is enough for me to give them a little kiss.

A sharp spike of heat sparks off my lips when they touch her fingers.

"Kas?" I look at her again, hope renewed. There is a little more color in her face but her eyes still look

distant and hollow.

"Kas, fight your way back to me, Baby. You can do it." I smile as I speak louder now.

Lenora comes running out of the closet in one of my sweatshirts and a pair of gym shorts, "Is she


“I think she's trying,” I nod, not taking my eyes off of


Lenora jumps to the other side of the bed and takes Kas's other hand, knowing full well Kas could burn

her, “Kas, enough is enough. You get your ass back here right now. No more messing around, no more

scaring us. That's an order, Little Sister!"

Even in the severity of the moment, I can't help but smile upon hearing Lenora use Milo's nickname for

Kas. She must feel better if she is bossing Kas around.

Lenora's face changes to one of discomfort as she feels the same spiking heat that I do, but she

refuses to let go

Without warning, Kas gives a loud gasp, sucking in a deep breath of air. There is a strong burst of

energy from her whole body. Her aura glows brightly then dims down again.

“Bronx? Lenora?" she finally squeaks at us. Our sparks finally start flowing between our hands. I reach

out for Kas, but Lenora grabs her first and hugs her tightly against her chest. Kas hugs her back just as


“Bitch, don't you dare scare me like that again," Lenora scolds her Luna.