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Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 670: End of the Figh
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Alex raised his spear, pulled as if drawing an arrow, and released a mighty attack from his spear.

"Mythical Spear Cannon!"

Aileen furrowed her eyebrows and simply brushed it off by creating a few Space Plates. Alex smiled and raised his hand as a Spatial Gate appeared right in front of his attack. He opened another gate behind Aileen.

"Hmm… your summoning speed is good, but it's not enough to match an expert. " Aileen assessed his technique once more. The Mythical Spear Cannon was still making its way toward her head, but she paid no heed. She simply smiled as she summoned a Spatial Gate without looking at Alex's attack.

"You need to have speed like this. Besides, what I demonstrated just now was to make a portal to the Blue Layered realm. You need more speed to make a portal that connects one gate to another instantly. And how about making many portals at the same time? Can you do that?"

Alex shook his head. "I never tried it once."

"Then, you should try it." She raised her hands as fifty Spatial Gates leading to the Blue Layered Realm appeared at once. And one of them shot out his Mythical Spear Cannon.

"!!!" Alex was taken aback and leaped backward. Unfortunately, the attack was caught by Aileen once again because she created another Spatial Gate right before the attack exploded on the ground. This would store the attack once more, and she could release it at another time.

"Those Spatial Gates could mask your attack because it would be hard to sense which gate would release your attack. However, there is another thing that can be put into consideration. That is…" She waved her hands and created another fifty Spatial Gates, but there was a big difference from the previous Spatial Gates.

Unlike the earlier Spatial Gates, these fifty gates didn't lead to the Blue Layered Realm. Instead, it looked like it was connected with each other.

One of them shot out his Mythical Spear Cannon while the other caught it, and it continued a few hundred times in a span of a few seconds. "You can also do it like this. By randomly continuing your attack, you can also confuse your enemy. This technique will be more effective if you are fighting numerous enemies because you can massacre them like there is no tomorrow.

"At the same time, you can also attack their leader in the meantime. I usually use this as a support of my arrow, killing many enemies with a single arrow. Still, if you took a close look at these two skills, you should be able to know why we were hunted a few thousand years ago. The history only recorded it because of our ability to make the Space Ring, but this was the real truth.

"Space Element is very versatile in terms of attack, defense, and support. Unfortunately, the fight was very crazy back then. It was ten thousand people against five hundred thousand. And the enemies even had two Pure Elements back then. So… Yeah, don't be blinded by history. We were strong." Aileen explained with a sad expression.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "I can see many strategies with this Spatial Gate…."

"It's good then. You can even create multiple layers with a set of distance to move your attack to another place, confusing your enemies even further."

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Alex nodded and thought. 'I wonder if I should ask Rose to come here to get some instruction from her… Her bow is one thing, but if she can have a Space Element and combine it with Lightning Element… This will certainly be good. I will ask her later, maybe after she reaches Martial Monarch.'

When he was in deep thought, Aileen continued. "You can also cut people's arms by having them enter their hand inside and close the gate. Of course, if they are using some Martial Arts, there is still a possibility of them preventing us from closing the gate. That's why I don't do it very often.

"I can even teleport a mountain over and blast my enemies… It just... Cutting mountain is not that easy because there is a possibility of the mountain containing hard ore, preventing you from cutting them. Besides, it takes a huge amount of Spiritual Energy to create a big Space Gate. It has the same principle as Space Plates, the bigger it's the brittle Spatial Gate is and the more Spiritual Energy needed."

Alex really had much to learn after this. He thought for a moment and asked. "Great Elder, how can my Master acquire his Space Element here?"

"We have our way… But mostly it's an inheritance from our Elders and Great Elders. Our predecessors normally died in a sitting posture, leaving their inheritances behind. The reason is simple, we need to keep getting stronger, so later, we might be able to return to the surface with our banner and live there without fear anymore. If I remember correctly, your Master acquired it from his own acquaintances, so it was basically free."

"If I want to acquire a Space Element, how much will it cost?" Alex asked with a serious expression.

"You want what? You already have one and a stronger one than me. Why would you want one? I can't understand."

"It's not for me." Alex shook his head. "It's for my disciple."

"It's not really for sale though."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yeah. Your Master could get one because of his past relationship and status. As for you? Your status is not enough to get one." She let out a long sigh.

"I see… That is not possible, huh…" Alex shook his head in disappointment. "She also uses a bow… And a genius on top of that. She can practice her bow at the speed that no one has seen before (Because of my Bow Mastery), and she also has a quite strong Lightning Element. That's why I think it's good to have a Space Element."

"Unfortunately, it's impossible. Only some extraordinary disciples in this place can receive their inheritance. As for your disciple, I am sure she will also pursue the same goal as yours, so it's basically impossible. We have our rules as well, so please respect that."

Alex nodded. "It's fine. If she can't get it, it just means she is not fated with it. No big deal."

"That's good then." She nodded with a smile.

"That's right. How about this? If she can get a Space Element outside by accident, do you think she will be treated the same as me here?" Alex asked.

"If she can, then sure. I will probably issue the token for her and teach her. She will surely become another me, later on." Aileen smirked.

Alex shrugged. "As long as she can get stronger, I don't really mind."

He only wanted the best for her, and if she couldn't get it due to circumstances, then he could only let go of this matter.

"That's right. What are we going to do now?" Alex asked. "Are we going to continue this?"

"No. I have seen your techniques and can somehow make your training menu for you. Just make sure you don't exhaust your Spiritual Energy today since we are going to practice tomorrow in the morning."

"I won't."

"Then, I think it's time to end this." Aileen smiled while raising her bow and drawing her arrow.

To his surprise, Alex could see the movement of her Spiritual Energy and realized that she was planning to use her Spatial Gate the moment she released her arrow.

"Silver Arrow!"

Alex moved to the side as if he knew there would be fifty Spatial Gates around him, making him their target. And the reason he moved to the side was that he realized that the arrow energy went toward his back.

However, the arrow went inside one of the portals and attacked him again. Alex continuously dodged each attack as if he knew they were coming.

Aileen didn't say anything and released the second, third, and fourth arrows. She kept adding it more and more, making it hard for Alex to move. Suddenly, Alex created a Spatial Gate, surrounding him and released all the arrows toward Aileen.

"!!!" She could only smile upon seeing this. "You are very good. Although it's not stable, you can already achieve something like this. It also shows your comprehension. Still, it's not enough."

Another Spatial Gate appeared and caught every single arrow before releasing them separately. It was a never-ending cycle until she made another move.

"!!!" Feeling the danger coming from his surroundings, Alex activated his Spiritual Weapon and created a small barrier to protect him.

Suddenly, his Spatial Gate cracked before it was shred to pieces as if someone ruptured it with their hands. Around a hundred arrows attacked him simultaneously, albeit stopped right in front of him.

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"Hmm… I never thought you could handle these arrows… I wanted to use my Space Plates to stop them, but it seemed it was not necessary." Aileen furrowed her eyebrows, looking at Alex's barrier that managed to stop every single arrow from an 8-Star Martial Saint.

*Crack!* They suddenly heard a cracking sound, specifically his barrier's cracking sound. As expected of an 8-Star Martial Saint, his energy alone wasn't enough to stop this attack by calling the barrier from his Spiritual Weapons.

'My power is not enough to block an attack from 8-Star Martial Saint… At least, she doesn't have any intention to kill me. I will be too late if she decides to kill me." Alex felt relieved and thought. 'It seems coming here is the right choice because I can learn many things. Mastering these two skills alone might take a few months. I also need to increase my cultivation in the meantime while learning one or two more Space Ability.

"Firia said she and Alicia want to meet Father-in-law and Mother-in-law in the lower world, I should also polish my understanding about Space Element so I can seal their power and go to the Lower World." Alex nodded as he pumped his fist, determined to do it.

"Anyway, I have given you the basic information about Space Element…" Aileen walked toward him before stretching her hand.

"How much do I need to pay?" Alex twitched his eyebrows and asked.

"I'm not charging you that much. First of all, the house and Spatial Gate are free. You only need to pay for the Space Element Basic and Space Plates. I will teach the rest to you later, but do you want to pay it upfront or not?"

"I will pay it right now since I don't like to be disturbed with this type of matter later." Alex nodded.

"Then, the total will be three million Spirit Gems."

"Three million?" Alex blinked his eyes a few times. He only had around forty million Spirit Gems, and to think it almost asked for ten percent of his wealth… Yet, he couldn't think it was a waste of money. There was simply no one who could teach him about Space Element out there, so he nodded and handed the money.

"Hmm… You are truly wealthy." Aileen was amazed. "Anyway, I will accept the payment and teach you the basics tomorrow… I want you to settle down first for today."

Alex nodded. "Yes. I need to see the surroundings of my house and other things."

"As long as you are not saying rude things or whatever, no disciple will make trouble for you. If they are making trouble, I will punish them personally. How's that sound?"

"According to the Great Elder's arrangement."

"By the way, you might get called by the Council because of your status."

Alex thought for a moment and asked. "Is it related to Great Elder Viola and my Master?"

"Probably, I will be there as well." Aileen nodded before reassuring him. "Don't worry. It's most likely to have a meeting on how to protect you since you are his disciple."

Alex nodded and cupped his hands. "Thank you for the guidance earlier, Great Elder."

Aileen waved her hand, creating a Spatial Gate in front of him. "That is your house. I will see you tomorrow."

"Yes." Alex slightly bowed his head and entered the gate.