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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 175: raid
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  Chapter 175 Raid

  When setting off again, Samwell decisively pulled down his double-headed eagle flag.

   At the same time, the knights of Hornhill and Valley also put away all the flags and replaced them with the previously captured Kogel family flag—

  Three black scorpions on a red background.

   In fact, this can only be regarded as a rough camouflage. If the Dornish people take a closer look, they will be able to find the differences in their appearance, body shape, weapons and equipment, etc.

  However, if you are far away, it will be difficult to see the abnormality.

  But then because of Samwell's disguise strategy, a dumbfounding oolong incident happened.

  The reason was that a group of sentinel cavalry he sent out had gone too far and got lost. Just at this time, they encountered a cavalry team with a red scorpion flag. They thought they were their own, so they went up to meet them.

   Unexpectedly, the fake Li Gui met the real Li Kui—that cavalry team was actually from the Kogel family!

  These two naive sentry cavalry actually regarded the enemy as their own family.

   It wasn't until they realized that there were obviously more than two hundred cavalry in the team that they realized that something was wrong. In a panic, they made an even stupider decision—turn around and run away.

  In fact, if they didn’t run away, kept a certain distance and continued to follow the Kogel family’s team for a while, and then left slowly, the Dornish people would probably think that they were their sentry cavalry.

   But now they ran away as soon as they met, the Dornish people would definitely not look at it stupidly, and immediately sent out a dozen horses to catch up.

  So, when Samwell saw that his sentry cavalry actually led the enemy over, he cursed angrily.

   "My lord! We found the Dornishmen! Four hundred riders! Four hundred riders!" The two naive sentry riders roared as they ran.

  Samwell decisively ordered:


   I have to say that there are always various accidents in war.

   Today, it seems that the bad taste of the gods has not ended yet.

   Just when the two cavalry teams found each other and were engaged in a fierce chase.

  The wind suddenly picked up, the sky was full of yellow sand, and there was a sandstorm!

  A yellow sand curtain wall swept from the western sky, sweeping past at an extremely fast speed.

  The two cavalry squads were instantly devoured like tiny ants in such a vision of heaven and earth.

  Samwell covered his mouth and nose with a gauze scarf, unable to open his eyes, and quickly called his cavalry to gather together, and surrounded the horses in a circle to block the wind and sand.

  At this time, the hatred between the enemy and us is not worth mentioning.

   Surviving the sandstorm is the most important thing.

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  Samwell and the cavalry held hands and gathered together. The only thing they could do was to pray silently.

  The sandstorm lasted for nearly two hours.

   When the wind and sand subsided, Samwell opened his eyes, only to find that the world had changed.

  The surrounding sand dunes are not in their original shape. If you don’t know that you are not moving, you will mistakenly think that you were blown to another place by the wind.

   But this also has an advantage, that is, all the traces left by their march are also erased.

  Samwell asked his brother to count the number of people, and at the same time released the falcon to investigate at high altitude.

   Soon, the younger brother came back to report that there were no one missing, only two horses got stuck in the quicksand, struggled wildly and were swallowed.

  This situation is better than Samwell expected.

   As long as there is no loss of people, as for the horses, they are equipped with one man and two horses anyway, so that they will not change from cavalry to infantry after losing a few horses.

   After a little repair, Samwell sent out sentry cavalry again, and told them not to go too far this time.

  In order to prevent any more Hanhan from crashing into the enemy's line, he also released the falcon on purpose to confirm the current location of the Dornishmen.

   But this time, the Falcon quickly found the team of Dornish cavalry. Strangely, the other party ran ahead of them!

   That is to say, at a certain point just now, the two sides were almost face to face, shoulder to shoulder and passing by each other, and no one noticed the other!

   Moreover, the opponent's commander didn't know whether it was because of carelessness, or because of a fixed mindset, he didn't send a sentry behind him to investigate!

  In fact, under normal circumstances, no one would stand guard and ride behind. After all, the vision of the place just passed is "bright", so why bother to check it out.

  But now, this negligence of the enemy immediately made Samwell short of breath!

  He knows, the fighter plane is coming!

   "Lucas!" Samwell called out to his knights, "Let all sentry knights withdraw immediately!"

  Lucas was a little confused: "My lord, how do we go without sentry cavalry?"

"Come with me!"

  Although Lucas did not understand the intention of the lord, he faithfully carried out the order.

  After all the sentry riders withdrew, Samwell followed the guidance of the Falcon and led the team slowly to the south.

   Soon, they saw the traces left by the Dornishmen.

   All of a sudden, everyone in the team was short of breath.

   Without Samwell's order, no one in the cavalry talked anymore, and they all tried to reduce the noise made during the march as much as possible.

  The biting murderous aura began to accumulate in silence, only waiting for an appropriate time to vent it out.

   I have to say that Samwell's move is actually somewhat risky.

  He bet that the enemy didn't know that the target they were chasing after so hard ran behind him.

  He bet that the enemy's commander-in-chief would not send sentries to investigate where he passed behind him.

  He bet that he could sneak a distance suitable for charging before the enemy found out!

  Although the enemy has almost twice as many cavalry as their own, as long as they are caught off guard, the victory must belong to their own side.

  Actually, at the beginning, Samwell didn't intend to take any risks in this operation. What he pursued was stability.

   But at this time, the Goddess of Victory has already sent such a fighter plane to his arms, if he doesn't catch it, it will be a crime.

   Moreover, according to his estimation, the cavalry squad in front should be the only cavalry force of the Kogel family. Sandstone City is not a rich place, and cavalry supporting three or four hundred people should be the limit.

  In fact, Samwell was a little surprised that such a cavalry force, the Kogel family, was not dispatched to the forefront of the war.

  But as long as Samwell eats up all the cavalry in front of him this time, he will be allowed to roam freely in the sand sea around Sandstone City.

  The remaining infantrymen of the Kogel family could only follow behind them and eat sand.

  In that case, this harassment will no longer have any risks for him.

  In order to achieve such a strategic goal, it is completely worth taking a little risk at this time.

  The sun gradually sinks to the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun renders this sandy sea into an intoxicating golden yellow.

  Samwell stopped suddenly, and the cavalry behind him also stopped almost at the same time.

  Because he saw through the falcon, the Dornish cavalry in front also stopped.

   "Get off the horse and rest, eat something, and don't make a fire." Although he knew that he was still far away from the enemy, Samwell still unconsciously lowered his voice and ordered.

  The cavalry dismounted one after another, silently nibbling hard jerky, drinking clear water, accumulating strength, and waiting for the upcoming battle.

  Time passed unusually slowly in the silent waiting.

  Finally, when the sun had completely sunk into the horizon, Samwell was the first to get on his horse, and the cavalry did not need orders when they saw this, and followed suit one after another.

  Amidst the sound of Xixi Suosu, a personal image swayed in the darkness like a ghost.

  They left all the extra horses and luggage in place, put on their armor, and then slowly leaned up along the trail left by the Dornish cavalry.

  At this time, the sun has just set, the moon has not yet risen, and only a few stars exude a faint brilliance.

   Near, near.

  Samwell could already smell the smell of horseshoe wafting in the air and the unique smell of spices from the Dornish people.

  The gods really favored him, even the wind direction tonight is more favorable to him.

   After moving forward, Samwell could already see the shadowy figure in front of him!

  The Dornishmen did not light a fire out of caution, but they probably didn't know that the **** of death in the darkness was quietly approaching.

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  Dickon couldn't help touching his brother's arm, and asked with his eyes if it was time to charge.

  Samwell shook his head.

   Continue to lead the army forward.

   is closer.

  At this time, as long as the Dornish people stood up and looked in this direction, they might be able to find the abnormality.

Too dangerous!

  But Samwell was extremely calm at this time, and the hand holding the rein did not tremble at all.

  He found that he really had a big heart in this life, and the more dangerous the moment, the calmer he became.

  Dickon felt that he couldn't breathe at this time, it was too close!

  Even the prudent Lucas couldn't help but want to persuade Feng Jun not to get any closer!

   At this moment, Samwell finally clamped his horse belly and started to accelerate.

  The wind on the battlefield suddenly became violent.

  Two hundred cavalry began to charge almost at the same time, and the dense sound of horseshoes sounded in the desert, and finally there was nothing to hide.

   At this time, the Dornish people still don't know what happened.

  They had just finished their dinner and were about to go to bed when they suddenly felt the ground shake.

   "Woof! Woah! Woah!" The first thing to be alert was the hunting dogs in the camp

   "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Finally, the Duo Benevolent shouted hoarsely.

   But more people were at a loss. They couldn't understand why the enemy they were looking for suddenly appeared behind them, and they rushed to such a short distance!

   After the daze, panic and anger.

   At this time, many Dornishmen had already taken off their armor, but seeing the enemies who were about to rush forward, they didn't have time to put it on again, so they picked up the scimitar and hurriedly looked for their horses.

   But even if they were on horses, they would have no time to line up, let alone speed up the charge.

  Some people even fled in panic.

  Several Dornish officers tried to stop, and even drew their knives to kill, but they still couldn't control the spread of panic.

  The whole camp was in chaos.

   And at this time, Samwell had already led the army to kill.

   Two hundred cavalry formed a sharp wedge-shaped array, sweeping past with sprinting speed and terrifying inertia.

  At the front of the array, a fiery red light suddenly lit up, like the dawn of dawn, tearing apart the deep darkness.

   What it brought was the breath of death.

  (end of this chapter)