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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 236: encounter
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  Chapter 236 Encounter

   "What happened again?"

  On the King's Road, Kevan Lannister could not hide his fatigue in his tone.

   "My lord, it was our soldiers who trampled on the farmland, and a group of stormy farmers came, clamoring for compensation."

  Kevon rubbed his eyebrows and said:

   "Find out the soldiers who trampled on the farmland, chop them off, and give their heads to the Stormlanders."

   "But my lord..." the herald said carefully, "There are dozens of soldiers trampling on the farmland..."

  Kevon waved his hands impatiently and said:

   "Then find the first one to step on the farmland and cut it down. Give the others a warning, and give the Stormlanders an explanation."


   After dismissing his subordinates, Kefeng sighed, feeling extremely tired.

  This kind of "army", he never wants to lead the second time.

  Now he just wants to reach Tongmen City as soon as possible, and spend the cannon fodder in the city defense battle.

   "How long will it be?"

   "My lord, according to this speed, we should be able to reach Tongmen City before sunset tomorrow."

   "Okay." Kefeng was not very satisfied with this speed, but there was nothing he could do. If he rashly accelerated the marching speed, he was worried that more soldiers would "scatter".

   After walking for a while, he asked again: "Has there been any news from the Stormlanders? Where is the Riverbend army now?"

   "No. The day before yesterday, Stormland sent a messenger to say that there would be a decisive battle. At that time, the army of the River Bend..."

   "No news yesterday or today?" Kefeng suddenly became vigilant.


  Kevon became uneasy, and he immediately ordered to the herald:

   "You send someone to inform the former army, tell them to be careful, and put the sentinels farther away."

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  The commander in command of the former army is Earl Riverey Lake of Duskendale Town.

  In fact, the Lake family is not a prominent family. It has neither a long history nor great strength. In fact, it was only more than 20 years ago that they became the lords of Dusk Valley Town.

Originally, the Duklin family, the lords of Duskendale Town, brazenly imprisoned the "Mad King" Aerys because of a tax dispute, which set off a rebellion in Duskendale Town, which was finally suppressed by Duke Tywin Lannister, who was then Hand of the King. Darklin The family was also wiped out.

  The Lake family was able to inherit the title and territory of the Earl of Dusk Valley Town.

Earl Riverey Lake has always feared and admired Duke Tywin's iron-blooded wrists. He has become the old lion's licking dog, but unfortunately it is not so easy to be a dog. At a banquet, Earl Riverey wanted to flatter Duke Tywin's "gold-producing ability" ended up being flattered on the horse's leg.

  Duke Tywin's cold eyes scared him so much that he didn't sleep well for several nights.

  So since then, Earl Riverey has been avoiding Duke Tywin.

   Before conquering Dorne, he only sent his son to lead the army to follow the expedition.

  After withdrawing from Dorne, the royal army that went south was led by Duke Tywin to Harrenhal to confront the Northern Allied Forces.

  This time Kevan Lannister recruited 50,000 young men in King's Landing, and at the same time asked the royal nobles to send troops to help.

  The war potential of the king's territory is actually not great. It was already bleeding a lot to gather 15,000 troops to go south to conquer Dorne. After receiving the call-up order this time, they barely managed to gather another 5,000 troops.

   Among them, the Lake family has nearly a thousand people, which can be said to be quite hardworking.

  Even though Earl Riverey didn't dare to face Duke Tywin, he still wanted to be the licking dog of the Lannister family. He didn't dare to go to Harrenhal, but he was still on call when he went south to support the Stormlands.

   "There has been no news from the Stormlanders?" Earl Riverey frowned when he heard the order from Sir Kevan brought by the messenger.

  Because he suddenly realized that the sentry cavalry he left in the morning seemed to have never returned.

   You won’t really encounter people from Hewan, right?

   "Probably not." Earl Riverey said, as if to comfort himself, "The people from the river bay should not come so soon, right?"

   "I don't know, but Lord Kevan told you to be careful."

   "Okay." Earl Riverey nodded, and sent out several groups of sentry cavalry.

  What the lord of Dusken Valley Town didn't know was that the sentry cavalry he had just sent out was torn to pieces by the river bay cavalry squad cruising around, and there was no way to send back any news.

  However, with the approach of the river bay cavalry army, there is no need for sentry cavalry to deliver messages. The smoke and dust rolled up during the march and the thunderous sound of horseshoes cannot be concealed.

  The former commander-in-chief of the King's Landing, Count Riverey, saw the cavalry army appearing in front of him like a dark cloud, and he was shocked to death.

  His first reaction was to turn around and run away, but many years of experience in the war career told him that the end of running away would be disastrous.

Most of the troops that the king led south to support the Stormlands this time were infantry, how could the two-legged ones run faster than the four-legged ones, and when the infantry faced the cavalry, once the formation collapsed, they would definitely be hunted down by their tails , and will even be driven to smash the Chinese army on behalf of the enemy.

   At that time, even if he himself can escape on horseback, the Lake family will not be able to escape.

Earl Riverey seemed to see Duke Tywin's cold eyes, and then thought of the fate of the former Duskendale Lords, the Darklin family, he shivered, and then issued an order at the top of his voice, telling all the soldiers to gather together and prepare Ready for battle.

   At the same time, he did not forget to send someone to report the news of the enemy's attack to the Chinese army.

   There is no doubt that Earl Riverey has done everything a qualified leader should do at a critical moment.

   But unfortunately, tactical correctness cannot make up for strategic disadvantages.

  When Samwell led the Riverbend cavalry army to intercept the royal army before the Copper Gate City, the Riverbend people had already gained an absolute strategic advantage.

  The River Bend army spread out along the King's Road, regardless of the farmland and crops on both sides of the road. The good fields were destroyed wherever they passed, and the army swept towards the enemy ahead like a tide.

  After several wars and the personal guidance of famous generals of the Seven Kingdoms like Lando Tarly, Samwell now has his own understanding of marching and fighting.

  The key to cavalry combat is a fast word.

  The so-called swift as the wind and plundering as fire is what it means.

  When he learned that the former army of the king's army appeared in front of him, and there were only more than 2,000 people, Samwell gave the order to attack without any nonsense.

  The river bay cavalry army did not make any stop and rest, and completed the preparations for the attack while marching.

   The tactics are also very simple and rude, with the heavy cavalry as the forerunner, and the light cavalry swarming up.

   In this situation where the troops are dominant and the arms are restrained, there is really no need to waste too much time. It is the best choice to directly and simply crush the past.

  The Hewan North Army’s heavy cavalry this time is actually not that many, only more than 600 cavalry, but even so, they can show extremely terrifying power against this unprepared enemy army on the plain.

  Under the leadership of Samwell, the cavalry, both men and horses in heavy armor, seemed to be moving fortresses one by one. The speed was not fast, but it was the biggest nightmare of the infantry formation.

  Where the king led the army, he seemed too flustered when he suddenly encountered the enemy.

  In fact, this former army is already the elite of the king's army that went south this time. After all, it is a regular army gathered by the king's nobles, and there is no young man temporarily recruited by Kaifeng from King's Landing.

   But even so, they were in a mess at this time.

  Because the enemy came too fast and too suddenly.

  Under the hoarse urging of Earl Riverey Lake, the soldiers took out their spears, but the shields were only unevenly placed in front, which was more for courage than for protection.

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  Seeing that the formation of gun shields was too late to take shape, while the river bay cavalry on the opposite side had already stalked their horses, Earl Riverey closed his eyes in despair.

   It's over.

  When cavalrymen wearing ferocious steel armor rushed towards them at high speed, no one could keep calm, and it was even worse when there was a white dragon hovering above the cavalrymen.

In fact, Cleopatra doesn't have much attack power now, and the dragon flames she spewed killed at most a dozen people, but the fear of dragons, with the conquest war three hundred years ago, has already penetrated into every Westeros. people's hearts.

  The few soldiers of the king's collar lined up in front of the formation finally collapsed, screaming and throwing down their weapons, and fled backwards.

   Chaos immediately began to spread.

  Earl Riverey hurriedly summoned the military judges to kill the soldiers who left the battle without authorization.

   But all this seems so futile.

   "Archers, shoot, shoot!" Earl Riverey roared and ordered.

  Sparse arrows flew out of the formation, jingling and hitting the armor of the river bay cavalry, making a crisp sound, but did not cause any damage.

   Only a few unlucky horses were shot in the eyes without protection, and fell to the ground rolling over.

  After a round of arrow rain, Samwell had already led his army into the army formation of the king's front army.


  Amidst a loud noise, countless figures spurted blood and were knocked out like tattered rag dolls.

  The heavy cavalry in the front row broke their lances, smashed their shields into the air, and rushed into the king's formation almost without hindrance, leaving behind **** passages that crushed everything in front of them.

  Samwell didn't even bother to pull out the giant sword [Dawn], it was just an ordinary weapon used.

   This royal army has almost no power to fight back in front of the river bend heavy cavalry.

   They met the worst enemy on the worst battlefield.

   Rows of heavy cavalry pushed past, and the formation of the king's front army was already in pieces.

  The river bay cavalry followed closely behind and went up, killing the scattered royal soldiers who survived by chance.

  The army trampled past, and the king's road was in a mess.

  The swords of the river bay cavalry were not stained with much blood, but the horseshoes were bright red and dazzling.

  Count Riverey Lake was killed on the spot without accident.

  In fact, this royal army had no chance of surrendering at all. The river bay cavalry rushed past like a tide, and in just over a quarter of an hour, they were almost wiped out.

  On the spacious King's Road, grotesque corpses were trampled to pieces by war horses.

  The land was dyed bright red, and the strong smell of blood was almost suffocating.