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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 267: Wine Hall
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  Chapter 267 Fruit Wine Hall

  On the dark spiral staircase, Mrs. Tanya led Samwell to climb up.

  She walked in front, her figure was swaying, and she was extremely coquettish.

  Unfortunately, the man didn't respond.

  Madam Tanya was a little disappointed, but frightened by Samwell's power, she did not dare to act too much as a demon.

  The two came to the top floor of the castle, and Mrs. Tanya pointed to a door and said:

   "Lord Caesar, Lady Olenna is inside."

"Okay." Samwell nodded, seemed to think of something, and said, "By the way, I really like your son Russell, let him be my adopted son. After this war is over, come back to Storm's End with me .”

  Ms. Tanya's body trembled slightly, but she quickly recovered, and a charming smile appeared on her face again:

   "It's an honor for Russell to be adopted by the legendary knight of the Riverbend. I hope you will teach him well so that he can become a great knight like you in the future."

   "Okay." Samwell was very satisfied with the woman's attitude, and urged, "Go to appease the vassals of the Merry Weiss family and ask them to be loyal to you. If someone is unwilling, you know what to do?"

   "I know." Mrs. Tanya gritted her teeth and nodded. The blood on her face hadn't been wiped off yet, but at this moment she showed a ruthless temperament.

  Samwell stopped talking and pushed the door open.

   There was only one candle lit in the room, it was dark and gloomy, and there was a decaying and damp smell.

   There is not much space inside, and the furnishings are very simple, just a bed and a table.

  Mrs. Olenna was lying on the bed, and just turned her head to look over at this moment.

   "Sam? You're finally here, boy. Any later, and I'm afraid I'm going to die in this bed."

  Samwell heard the weakness in the old lady's tone, and asked with some concern:

   "What did they do to you?"

"Orton Merryweather wouldn't have the guts to do anything to me." Mrs. Olenna supported her body and sat up, "It's me who hates myself for not having eyes, for not being able to spot the group of supercilious eyes at Longtable in advance. Wolf. If you hate and hate, you can't eat or sleep..."

   "You are also worried about Gaoting, so you will be careless for a while."

   "You don't need to comfort me, I really lost my head this time." Mrs. Olenna waved her hand, "Fortunately, you are cautious enough."

  Samwell thought to himself that he was lucky. In fact, he didn't bump into the trap because he had read the original book and knew that the Marilynweiss family was unreliable.

   "Are you hungry? Shall I send someone to bring you something to eat?"

   "I'm really hungry."

  Hearing this, Samwell went out and asked the servant to bring some food.

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  Considering Mrs. Olenna's frail health, he also specifically told her not to be too greasy, but to be lighter.

   Soon, the servant brought oatmeal and berries, and a hard-boiled egg.

  Mrs. Olenna asked while drinking oatmeal:

   "How did you deal with the Marilyn Weiss family?"

   "Earl Orton has been killed by me, and now Mrs. Tanya is in charge of the overall situation."

   "That's an ambitious woman, are you sure you can control her?"

   "I have asked her to kill Jieluo Xishan in public. In addition, I am going to adopt her son Russell Merryweather as an adopted son."

   "Good job." Madam Olenna nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "Where's Margaery?"

   "She's still on her way and won't arrive at the Longtable until tomorrow."

   "Okay. I will arrange for you to get married when the High Court is taken back."

  Samwell sincerely expressed his gratitude, thinking that after working hard for so long, he finally satisfied Mrs. Olenna.

   "It's just a pity that this Eastern Expedition..." Madam Olenna sighed, "Such a rare opportunity, I heard that you have already captured the Tongmen City?"

  Samwell said with a smile: "Yes. Not only the Bronze Gate City, but also Storm's End is mine."

  Madam Olenna couldn't hide her surprise, and took a serious look at Samwell:

   "It seems that my vision is not as good as Margaery's. She is sure that you can capture Storm's End. I laughed at her for being blinded by love."

   "Some luck." Samwell said modestly, and then couldn't help but think of Melisandre's big belly, and always felt that he was being played by the **** of fate in Storm's End, oh no, it should be played by the Lord of Light.

"Just take Storm's End!" Madam Olenna finally cheered up, "With Storm's End in hand, the Stormlands will be in your pocket sooner or later. You have finally become a great lord, It is not a grievance for Margaret to marry you."

   "This is thanks to the help of the Tyrell family." Samwell expressed his thanks again.

  Ms. Olenna was very satisfied with Samwell's attitude, and turned to say:

   "The North Route Army has all withdrawn?"

"Yes. But only when the cavalry arrives, the infantry will probably arrive in six or seven days. However, I have already contacted the Hightower family. They have organized a large army in the south of Highgarden. We made an appointment to send troops at noon tomorrow. Attack the rebels and the ironborn."

   "Okay. You can safely lead the army, first drive the ironmen out of the river bend, as for Oakheart... we will see their conditions at that time."

   "Okay." Samwell nodded in response.

  After finishing a bowl of porridge, Mrs. Olenna seemed to remember something and asked:

   "Is there any news from the South Route Army?"

   "No..." Samwell frowned.

   "It shouldn't be."

   Really shouldn't. The Southern Army had Garlan Tyrell, the second son of the Duke of Mace, on the side, and he must have been more worried about Highgarden than Samwell. After getting the news, he would definitely lead the cavalry back at full speed.

  Even if Samwell is not as fast as riding a dragon, he shouldn't be slower than the cavalry of the Northern Route Army.

  The kid won't go directly to High Court, right?

  Garland should not be so impulsive, leading the cavalry to attack the city?

   "Garland may have gone directly to the wine hall." Mrs. Olenna made a judgment.

  Samwell also came to his senses immediately.

  Garlan Tyrell's wife is the daughter of Lord Raymond Fossoway, Lord of the Cider Hall.

  When he rode a dragon to inspect the Mander River, he saw the fruit wine hall surrounded by ironmen, and Garland probably went to help his old man's family out of the siege.

   From a military point of view, there is nothing wrong with doing this.

  When the ironborn were on the shore, especially on the Great Plains of the Reach, they would have to flee if they encountered a cavalry army. Garland could indeed break the siege of the fruit wine hall by doing so.

   But the problem is that this civil unrest in Hewan is actually a political struggle.

  What is the position of the Fossoway family in the Cider Hall?

   Have you been wooed by the Lannister family?

  Will the current siege of the Ironborn be just a play?

  Samwell recalled the scene of the hunting meeting in Highgarden before, and found that the Fossoway family did not express their position on the spot.

  So it is impossible to distinguish whether it is a horse party or a deer party.

  But judging from their relationship with the Tyrell family, they should be more inclined to the Deer Party.

   It may not be impossible to be won over by the Lannister family this time.

  Mrs. Olenna obviously thought of this, and said in a deep voice:

   "You send troops as soon as possible tomorrow, I hope the Fossoway family will not mess around."

   "Okay." Samwell also stood up, "Then go to bed early."


   Fruit Wine Hall.

  As soon as the cavalry brigade of the Hewan South Route Army arrived, the ironmen who were besieging the city decisively withdrew to the Mande River.

   "It's pretty fast!" Ser Sadie Rowan reined in his horse, looking at the ironmen who jumped into the river and climbed onto the longboat, showing a mocking smile.

   "Our opponent is very calm, this is not good news." Garlan Tyrell also slowed down his horse, but his face was not so relaxed.

   "Don't worry, the Ironborn have always grabbed one and run away. If they dare to occupy the city, they will all die inside sooner or later. They are sea monsters in the water, and they will dry out to death if they go ashore for too long."

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  Garland nodded silently, without saying anything, but turned his horse's head and walked towards the gate of the castle.

  After confirming the identity of the visitor, the guards at the top of the city closed the iron gates, allowing Garland and his party to enter the city.

   "Master Raymond." Garland asked his wife's news as soon as he saw his father-in-law, "Is Leonie here?"

  Earl Raymond sighed and shook his head slowly: "Leonie came back to live for a while after you went out, but returned to High Court a month ago."

  Garland's eyes suddenly dimmed.

   Earl Raymond stepped forward and patted his son-in-law on the shoulder, comforting him:

   "Come on, eat something first, rest early, you must be exhausted after driving all the way back. As for the issue of High Court, let's discuss it tomorrow."


   A group of people entered the banquet hall and took their seats.

  The servants presented dishes and fine wines, but no musicians were arranged. After all, Earl Raymond's daughter was still trapped in High Court, and she was in no mood to enjoy singing and dancing.

   The meal was a bit dull, and almost no one talked.

   Garland finished clearing the food on the dinner plate, put down the knife and fork, picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, and said to the absent-minded father-in-law:

   "Lord Raymond, have you contacted my grandmother? She should be at Bitter Bridge now, right?"

   "Yes, yes, I have contacted you." Earl Raymond replied vaguely, and then asked without waiting for Garland to speak again, "Garland, how do you think the crisis in High Court will be resolved this time?"

   "To be honest, I don't know either." Garland let out a long breath, frowning, "That's why I wanted to contact my grandmother first, she should have a solution."

   Earl Raymond shook his head slowly: "Madame Olenna may not be able to do anything good. Your father, brother, wife, and relatives are all in Highgarden City. How could you send troops to attack? Therefore, we can only talk about peace."

  Garland lowered his head and said nothing.

   Earl Raymond saw this and said:

   "And Mrs. Egwene Oakheart's condition is actually easy to guess, it is Samwell Caesar!"

   "Grandmother can't agree to this condition." Garland finally said, "Let's not talk about Sam's influence among the nobles of the River Bend, we can't betray him just because he is Margaery's fiancé."

   "They are not married after all." Earl Raymond said again, "Do you really think it is inappropriate to exchange so many people in High Court with him?"

   Garland snorted coldly, suppressed his anger, and said:

   "Impossible! The Tyrell family will never compromise with traitors!"

   Count Raymond sighed, and seemed to have finally made up his mind.

  I saw that he also stood up and clapped his hands.

  Subsequently, there was a sound of drawing swords in the hall.

  Galan's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to look for the sword belt, but saw a long sword stuck to his throat.

   Count Raymond looked at his son-in-law and sighed:

   "Sorry, Garland. The Reach shouldn't be a vassal of Caesar. I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts in the future."