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Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 416: come back
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   Chapter 416 Return

  The afterglow of the setting sun dyes Heishui Bay in golden yellow.

  Tyrion Lannister leaned on the side of the ship with both hands, watching the port that was getting closer and closer.

   "My lord, we have arrived at King's Landing."

   "Hmm." Tyrion withdrew his wandering thoughts, moved his stiff hands and feet, and prepared to get off the ship.

  No one came to greet me on the pier.

   This is just as Tyrion expected.

  He returned as a released captive, not returning in victory, so naturally he did not expect the scene of the people cheering.

   But the last time he defeated Stannis Baratheon's fleet here and helped the Lannister family win a key victory, no one seemed to cheer for him.

  Who would cheer for a dwarf?

  Tyrion curled his lips in self-mocking, and got off the boat with difficulty with his short legs.

  Through the crowded and noisy dock, Tyrion came to Mud Gate with ease.

   Of course the gold-cloaked guards knew this highly recognizable second son of the Duke of the West, and immediately sent a team to **** him into the city.

  King's Landing was as crowded, fetid, and gloomy as ever.

   No, it looks worse than before he left.

  Haunted men and women with sunken eye sockets, as well as skinny children gathered by the roadside, some stared silently, some begged loudly, some lay helplessly on the ground, waiting for the sweet death to come.

  The Reach Land no longer transports food to King’s Landing. As for the River Land, it was also severely damaged in the war. Although the war has subsided now, it will take some time to recover, not to mention that winter is approaching.

  The Great War is coming.

  Tyrion looked at the scene in front of him, his mood became more and more gloomy.

  The last time King’s Landing faced a food crisis, Uncle Kevan Lannister urgently recruited 50,000 young men and sent them to the Stormlands to die, but now?

   Call another group of people to die?

  With the lessons learned from last time, will the people of King's Landing still be deceived?

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  And Tyrion is very clear that although his uncle's strategy solved the food shortage crisis last time, it also planted a huge hidden danger.

  Because of the atrocities committed by the Reavers during the war, the people of King's Landing already hated the Lannister family. After the last conscription incident, this hatred will only deepen.

   Now that members of the Lannister family are walking on King's Landing Street, they must bring enough guards, otherwise their safety will not be guaranteed.

  Tyrion is the same at this time.

  If it wasn't for the **** of a team of gold-cloaked guards, he would have been torn to pieces and eaten by those civilians long ago.

   Judging by the way the civilians around him looked at him, Tyrion had no doubts about this.

  So, don't let Caesar's army surround King's Landing.

   Otherwise, without them attacking, the city will be in chaos by itself.

  Thinking of this, Tyrion suddenly understood why his father sent troops across the Blackwater River to take the initiative to attack.

  The farther the battle line is from King's Landing, the better.

   While thinking, Tyrion had arrived at the Red Castle.

   "Has my lord father come back?"

   "Lord Tywin has returned and is holding an imperial meeting."


  Tyrion didn't even change his clothes, so he went straight to the Prime Minister's Tower.

   "Oh, didn't you inform me of the imperial meeting?" He called out as soon as he entered the door, "Or is it that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has changed?"

   "We thought you died in Dorne." Queen Mother Cersei glanced at her younger brother in disgust, "I didn't expect Caesar to let you back."

   "I've let you down, good sister." Tyrion grinned and climbed into his seat.

   "You are indeed disappointing." Duke Tywin said coldly, "I sent you to Sunspear to win over the Martell family and let Dorne stand by our side, but now?"

Tyrion spread his hands: "Once Doran dies, there will be no one in the Martell family who can stand up to the scene, especially that crazy woman Arianne, who completely defeated the prestige and army of the Martell family , what can I do.

  You don't really expect me to calm Dorne alone, do you, Father. If this is the case, then I think you think highly of me. "

   "Don't make excuses for your failure, Tyrion, Caesar also went to Dorne alone, and his army is in the city of Bronze Gate."

   "But he has a dragon."

   "I also gave you the Golden Squad, which is the number one mercenary group in the Essos continent. Isn't it better than a minor dragon?"

   "Underage?" Tyrion snorted exaggeratedly, "Father, you should really see Caesar's dragon with your own eyes, that guy can swallow three of me in one bite!"

   Cersei sneered:

   "How big can a three-year-old dragon grow? Tyrion, even if you want to justify your failure, don't use such a stupid excuse."

  Tyrion didn't bother to argue, and said: "Believe it or not, anyway, it won't be long before Caesar's dragon will be able to soar above King's Landing. Then you can see for yourself how big it is."

  At this moment, Varys, the chief intelligence officer, "Octospider" said softly:

   "My lords, according to the information I got, Caesar's white dragon is indeed growing extremely fast, far exceeding normal dragons."

  Duke Tywin asked seriously:

   "How big is it?"

  Varys said: "It's about as big as the 'Yang Yan' driven by Aegon II during the Dance of the Blood Dragons."

   There was a brief silence in the chamber.

  Although none of the people present had experienced the **** civil war in the Dance of the Blood Dragons, they could also understand the horror of the giant dragon named "Yang Yan" from the historical records.

   That is a terrifying existence in the hands of the Green Party, second only to Waghar.

  After a long silence, it was Duke Tywin who spoke first:

   "The dragon is not invincible."

   "Yes, that's right!" Cersei immediately echoed, "The Dornish people can even shoot Meraxes, but that dragon is bigger than Yang Yan. We don't need to be too afraid of Caesar's white dragon."

"Caesar didn't just have one dragon," Tyrion reminded, "Princess Daenerys brought two dragons. Oh, by the way, I heard that Euron of the Iron Islands stole a dragon. This man is the same as Caesar." If there is a grudge, we can win it over, so we at least have a dragon."

  Hearing this, the chamber fell silent again.

   "What's wrong?" Tyrion wondered, "Did I say something wrong?"

  Varys sighed and said:

"Lord Tyrion, you just came back, so you haven't heard the latest news. Lord Tywin did try to win over Euron, and even arranged for him to marry the eldest daughter of Arbor Island, but I didn't expect...he actually killed her at the wedding. The members of the Redwyne family led troops to capture the Arbor Island."

   "Murder at the wedding?" Tyrion was dumbfounded, "He, he doesn't care about the rights of the guests?"

   "Are you talking about guest rights with a bunch of pirates?" Cersei curled her lips in disdain.

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"Euron Greyjoy is an unreasonable lunatic." Duke Tywin concluded, "We can't count on him and his Iron Fleet. However, things are not too bad, at least Euron captured After arriving at Qingting Island, the next target must be the River Bend.

  Let this lunatic help us harass Caesar's rear. "

   "If Euron was a sensible person, the next target would be the Reach. But he's a madman." Tyrion shook his head and said, "Father, don't be too optimistic."

   "I know." Duke Tywin changed the subject stiffly, "Okay, let's discuss the deployment next."

  Tyrion was not interested in this combat deployment, and because he just came back, he missed many previous meetings, and he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the crowd, and soon his mind wandered.

   It was not until Duke Tywin announced that the meeting was over that he came back to his senses.

   Seeing Duke Tywin leaving, he immediately followed quickly.

   "What else do you need?" Duke Tywin asked impatiently.

   "Is James back?"

  Duke Tywin's face froze, and said:


   "No?" Tyrion was taken aback, "Could it be that the night watchman doesn't even give you face and won't let you go?"

   "It's your brother who doesn't want to come back." Duke Tywin said through gritted teeth, "He actually said that he had made an oath, and he refused to break it."

  Tyrion blinked, and wanted to say that when James killed the Mad King with a sword, why didn't he remember that he had made an oath.

   "However, he is coming back soon." Duke Tywin said again, "I have sent people to the Great Wall, and I will tie him back."

   "Oh, it's really your style." Tyrion whistled.

   "What else do you need?"

  Tyrion looked at his father's cold face, after all, he didn't dare to ask questions about Tessa.

   "No more." Tyrion decided to wait for James to come back, and test his tone first.

   "Do something if you don't have one. You will be responsible for the logistics of this war, so don't embarrass me again."

   After saying this, Duke Tywin left his son and strode away.

  Tyrion looked at his father's back, and laughed at himself:

   "I live to embarrass you, right, Father."