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Genius Warlock-Novel

Chapter 425
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“A bit late, ain’t I, mate?” Merlin said, dressed in his shabby coat and holding a book in one hand.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Oliver, who was barely clinging on over 600 meters in the air, asked in a remarkably calm manner, “Elder? …How did you get here?”

“How did I end up here? Used a bit of space magic, mate.” Merlin replied casually, though it was an extraordinary feat.

After all, space magic was exceptionally difficult.

However, Oliver’s question was not about the method of Merlin’s arrival but rather how he knew to cat this precise moment.

Though a significant amount of tseemed to have passed, the chaos had not yet lasted a full day.

“A top-notch teacher always susses out what his student’s onto, whether the bloke wants it or not.” 


“Anyway, you’ve copped a fair bit, haven’t ya?” Merlin remarked, gazing at Oliver, who was hanging in the air.

Oliver’s typically neat clothes were now in tatters, and his emaciated body resembled that of someone who hadn’t eaten in a month.

It was a wonder he hadn’t collapsed already.

“But it’s a tight spot, so I need a favor. Juggling the Finger Man and his sister is a bit much forright now.”

Merlin’s request was made in a seemingly unconvincing manner, even to Oliver.

“So, keep that Human-meat Chef occupied for me. Meanwhile, I’ll sort out that fearless girl.” Merlin directed his finger towards Gretel, who had been flung a considerable distance by a piece of paper.

It was a one-sided request. Just as Oliver was about to respond, his body suddenly jolted.

Human-meat Chef, whom Oliver had set his sights on, had sprung into action.

“How dare you! Who are you fighting?!” Human-meat Chef roared, displaying an anger he had never shown in the short the had known Oliver, and he charged at Merlin.

One of his arms was still regenerating, and he bore several injuries, but his determination was formidable.

As Puppet had predicted, he clearly cared deeply for his sister.

While Oliver contemplated, Human-meat Chef drew closer to Merlin, who then plucked a page from his book and tossed it lightly.

Chef, his arm sprouting scales and enormous claws, swung it, shattering the magically charged paper.


As the paper ripped, the immense mana contained within it dispersed into the air, and the shredded paper, in accordance with a pre-set spell, arranged itself in mid-air, forming a magical circle and unleashing a new spell.

[Over Gravity]

Each torn piece of paper acted as a focal point for the magic circle. The dispersed magical particles in the air intricately constructed a solid structure, pressing down from above.

Not only Human-meat Chef but also the space itself within the affected area felt the force.

The bending of space, as if it were liquefying and descending, bore witness to this, and even Chef couldn’t resist and plummeted.

Naturally, Oliver, who had used [Targeting] on Chef, also descended.

“Oh, this━━━━━”

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Oliver’s reaction was delayed, and he fell rapidly.

At an astonishing speed.

Yet, he could still clearly hear Merlin’s words.

“Don’t go too hard, alright?”



Oliver plummeted from a height of over 600 meters, subjected to the influence of the intense gravitational force.

As a result, he experienced an immense shock, both externally and internally. It was a miracle that he wasn’t shattered.

Fortunately, the protective garment enveloping his body seemed to shield him from major injuries.


Lying on the ground, Oliver raised his quarterstaff to fend off an attack from Human-meat Chef.

Chef, who had fallen earlier, fashioned a French knife from pooled blood on the ground and swung it at Oliver, seemingly weakened by Merlin’s heavy gravity magic.

However, he was still stronger than Oliver.


With force in his arm, Chef pushed down on Oliver, then opened his mouth wide, attempting to bite and conshim.

In a state of tension, desperation, and determination.

Just as Chef’s teeth were about to sink into Oliver’s neck, Oliver, with his emaciated frame, struggled and created a small opening, relentlessly stabbing Chef’s abdomen.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Inexplicably, Chef’s body, which should have been impervious, was pierced easily.


As the dagger remained lodged in his abdomen, Chef panicked and retreated, allowing Oliver to regain his footing.

Just as Oliver was about to launch a counterattack, Chef swung his leg and delivered a powerful kick.

Oliver’s robe, used as a shield, barely managed to block Chef’s powerful kick. However, due to Chef’s exceptional leg strength, Oliver was sent flying, crashing into a nearby building.

The wall crumbled, dust billowed, and another wave of shock coursed through Oliver’s already battered body.

Pain radiated from his bones, yet he couldn’t help but feel somewhat fortunate.

Had Human-meat Chef been in better condition, Oliver’s robe would have been torn apart, along with his body. It seemed he had narrowly avoided the worst.

“Seriously, you’re still alright…?! After falling from over 600 meters and taking a kick from me?!!” Human-meat Chef exclaimed, weakened by his injuries and regenerative powers, his abdomen still bleeding, as he swung his knife at Oliver, who strained to respond.

“The robe protected me,” Oliver replied.

As the dagger, imbued with black magic, clashed with the French knife, a deafening clash echoed through the air.

“The robe protected you?!!” Human-meat Chef asked incredulously, as if regarding Oliver as a fool. However, his expression revealed a mix of incredulity, confusion, resentment, and anger, as if something precious had been taken from him.

But Chef’s attack on Oliver was driven not only by anger but also by worries and concerns—concerns for his sister, Gretel, and how to save her.

Oliver was genuinely impressed. “So, your sister is very precious to you.”

Chef remained silent.

“I heard from Mr. Puppet. About the two of you.”

Still no response.

“Hansel and Gretel. Poor siblings abandoned by their birth parents and captured by a cannibal witch. But, you killed that witch and took her flesh, blood, and knowledge, becoming remarkable siblings… I heard. Impressive.”

“……Shut up.”

“Is that why? Did you betray Lady Bathory for your sister?”

“Shut up, I said!”

With one arm still regenerating, Chef raised it and transformed it into a new reptilian limb, infusing it with life force and black magic. However, it wasn’t true regeneration; it consumed a substantial portion of his physical and life force.

Chef swung his newly formed reptilian arm widely, attempting to tear Oliver apart.

Oliver deflected Chef’s French knife with a slight movement of his dagger, then spun his emaciated body and robe in mid-air, narrowly avoiding Chef’s deadly nails.

It was a graceful twirl.

Despite his emaciated state, Oliver’s movements were surprisingly fluid, even more so than when he was in good condition. Astonishingly, after dodging, he continued his motion seamlessly, slashing at Chef’s chest.

This time, the cut was clean, unlike the first attempt. Drops of blood splattered to the ground, and Chef staggered back, gasping for breath, momentarily showing fear and dread before regaining his determination and anger.

It was quite a sight.

“If my question offended you, I apologize. I was just curious why, despite your mutual feelings, things went awry between you and Lady Bathory.”

“Don’t speak formally to me.” 

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t fake politeness. It’s creepy, you monster.”

“I apologize, but I am not a-“


Suddenly, Human-meat Chef burst into genuine laughter. 

“Damn… I never thought I’d say this. But seeing a real monster, that’s all that comes to mind.”

Human-meat Chef displayed a self-deprecating reaction, which was understandable. He was a contractee who had made a pact with a demon, caused terror akin to a disaster in a large city for his own desires, and, above all, was a cannibal. Both ethically and socially, the term ‘monster’ seemed more fitting for him.

Yet, Oliver couldn’t completely dismiss his words. His emotions appeared genuinely sincere, not just a provocation or insult.

However, Oliver didn’t particularly care about what others thought of him. It didn’t change who he was. That was, until the next words from Human-meat Chef.

“Don’t understand? Why I call you a monster?”

“Well? Could it be because I accidentally ate sof your flesh earlier? That was a mistake. It was kind of… odd fortoo.”

Chef shook his head. “No… It’s not just because you ate my flesh and took sof my power. It’s something more… twisted and disgusting.”


Oliver was shocked. The idea that he had consumed the flesh of Human-meat Chef and absorbed sof his power seemed unbelievable.

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However, the next words bothered him more and soon pushed his interest aside.

“You’re more villainous than I am. I see people as meat, but you treat human emotions like amusing toys or snacks.”

“What do you mean…”

“Isn’t it true?”

Human-meat Chef interjected, posing a genuine question.

“People themselves aren’t important to you, right? What matters are the emotions. Because of those emotions, haven’t you ever shown interest or disinterest in people regardless of understanding or fairness? Unfairly and one-sidedly?”

In Oliver’s mind, reflexively, Joseph and Marie, Pharmacist, Joanna, Kent, Forrest, Murphy, Joe, Puppet, Edith, Jane, Duncan, Rosbane, Merlin, Willes, Kevin, Paul Carver, Bathory, Shamus, Theodore, Yareli, the orphanage director, and many others passed by.

Irrespective of Oliver’s intentions.

Simultaneously, a question arose.

Had Oliver himself shown interest in the people he had met so far, or was it an interest in emotions?

Of course, emotions cfirst, but still, people as well…

“Do you wantto tell you, since you seem unaware of your own identity? You don’t consider people that important. It’s evident from your words and attitude. Just like me… No, even more than me. I hate people, but you don’t even go that far.”


“For you, people are just… like biomechanical devices that produce interesting emotions. I made a mistake in my threat. Threatening to take the life of someone dear to you when I invited you here. Such a ridiculous mistake… Even I have someone precious, but you don’t. You only have precious emotions, like treasured toys.”

Human-meat Chef took a deep breath as if he had made up his mind.

“Sigh… Answer me. When I threatened to kill someone dear to you, were you worried about the person or the emotions?”


Hearing the question, Oliver swung his dagger forcefully from left to right. Everything within Oliver’s view was cleaved in two, but only Human-meat Chef managed to kneel down and avoid the strike.

He reached out to Oliver, activating an extraction to draw out Oliver’s frustration and displeasure, however slight.

The emotions were scarce, but even that seemed overwhelming for Human-meat Chef as his hand trembled.

“Ha. Ha…! So this is the power?”

Human-meat Chef calmly marveled as he absorbed Oliver’s emotions into his own body. Then, a transformation occurred.

As the immense emotions and life force within Human-meat Chef’s body, along with Oliver’s emotions, mixed together, they convulsed as if in a chemical reaction and soon merged into one, following an absolute law.

As the turbulent energy combined into one, Human-meat Chef cast aside the doubts he had harbored until then and shone with certainty—certainty about Oliver.

Then, he unleashed the power he had been suppressing, transforming his body into a form greater than any before.

Human-meat Chef shed his bloodied body like a husk and brought forth new flesh from within. With red-hot eyes that seemed to burn, a massive maw capable of swallowing everything, skin densely covered with dark red scales, enormous wings that could blot out the sky, and a body larger than a mountain yet seemingly more agile than the wind, he transformed into a dragon—an extinct species in this world.

The dragon, awakened in the form of Human-meat Chef, looked down at Oliver, emitting a monstrous scream that shattered the sky, windows, and even walls.

Confronted by the world’s only dragon, Oliver quietly cut his palm with the dagger, drawing blood as he chanted. 

[Disease Parade]

(To be Continued)

CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3CH 434-443 (Dave Vs 100 Druids) $3CH 444-453 (Adventure in New Continent) $3CH 454-463 (Meeting with Joanna) $3454~ $1/chapter


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