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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73


“Olivia, don’t be mad. I didn’t get into an accident, and I didn’t go looking for Johnny. Instead, I set a trap

for you. You’re still in the palm of my hand, even if you get out of prison.

Dorothy squatted and pulled on Olivia’s hair. She grinned and said, “How does it feel? Does it feel


“Dorothy, I’ll kill you!”

Olivia roared and struggled to resist Dorothy. Then, she bit Dorothy’s arm.

“Ahh! Are you a dog, Olivia?”

Dorothy drew back her arm in pain.

Olivia spat saliva at her and said in disgust, “The flesh of a vicious woman like you is sour and


“What are you talking about?”

“Dorothy, does Johnny know you’re so vicious? Aren’t you afraid your act will be exposed one day?”

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Dorothy scoffed. “Exposed? Johnny trusts every word I say and refuses to believe anything you say. So,

which one of us do you think should be afraid?

“I kindly advise you not to think about complaining, or I’ll make sure you regret it.”

Dorothy did not have to remind her of that.

Dorothy knew how blind John was. If she had not loved this man for seventeen years, she probably

would not have been able to bear all of this.

However, she had indeed loved this man for seventeen years.

The only man she had ever loved was the boy who saved her from danger, and she refused to forget

him. She could not, even if she wanted to.

Suddenly, she seemed to gain some energy. She glanced at Dorothy coldly and smirked. “Dorothy, you

might be Mrs. Freeman on the surface, but I’m still legally married to John.

“In the end, you’re just an arrogant mistress. Everyone will think that Johnny is stupid and that you’re



“I’m his legal wife, and you’re nothing, Dorothy. You’re just an ungrateful b*tch!”

Olivia scoffed. “I don’t care who owns the title of John’s wife, Dorothy. We’ll see who the winner really is if

you insist on going against me.”

Anger exploded within Dorothy.

This woman was already in prison and was now officially a murderer. However, she still dared to speak.

so arrogantly.

Dorothy was angry, annoyed, and frustrated.

She could not understand why Olivia would not lose. It was apparent that she was the winner now, yet

Olivia was still acting arrogant.

Dorothy slapped Olivia. “Shut up! I am the winner, Olivia. You’re already a prisoner. Why are you still so


Without hesitation, Olivia slapped Dorothy back. “I am a prisoner, but Dorothy, I will always be the eldest

daughter of the Larson family. I will always have a good background, and you will always be inferior to


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In fact, Olivia had never understood why Dorothy hated her so much.

It was not until the snake bared its fangs that she reflected on the past. Only then did she realize


Dorothy hated her and was jealous of her family background, so she destroyed the Larson family, killed.

her parents, and snatched her husband.

She just wanted to prove she could also be a princess.

However, one’s natural temperament and aura of nobility could not be faked. Even a banished princess

would always be a princess deep inside.

Dorothy was dumbfounded, and she covered her face. Then, she glared at Olivia with hatred. “How dare

you slap me!”

“Yes, I slapped you. Do I need to pick a day to do that?”

Olivia chuckled. Even though she was in the most pathetic state of her life, and her face was bruised,

she still looked like a noble and elegant lady. “Dorothy, there is no Cinderella story in real life. You will

never surpass me.”

Dorothy’s eyes turned red in anger, and she laughed maniacally. “Olivia, you love your hands more than

anything else, so I’ll destroy them today!”