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God of Blackfield

Chapter 119.2: Do You Have Any More To Pull Out? (2)
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Chapter 119.2: Do You Have Any More To Pull Out? (2)


Kang Chan took a deep breath and stepped in through the door.

There were stairs in front of him. A space that was about five square meters was surrounded by stone walls as tall as a person, completely blocking the estate’s interior from view.

Even his house was ridiculous.

Kang Chan glared at the stone staircase ahead of him.

What if someone shot him while he climbed up? Should he draw his gun?

After a moment of contemplation, he simply went up the stairs. He trusted his instinct.

If someone had been waiting with a gun, his heart would have been racing by now.

As he clunked up the stairs, the upper levels gradually came into view. Soon, he stopped in front of a building that looked to him like a monster with its mouth wide open and seemingly about to devour the yard next to it.

The first floor had a porch and glass ceilings like an opera house, and above it, on a cement dome, were windows to the second and third floors.

He would only be exaggerating a little if he were to say the front yard was as massive as a school field. On top of that, it was decorated with natural grass, neatly trimmed trees, garden stones, and an artificial pond to the side.

Kang Chan glared at the building from the end of the garden. The man wouldn’t shoot him after opening the door for him, especially since it was highly likely that Yang Jin-Woo knew Kang Chan and the identity of the people behind him.

‘You tenacious bastard. Your end has come.’

He could try to squirm like a worm and make money even after becoming a ghost, but he wouldn’t live past this day to harm anyone else.


Kang Chan breathed in deeply and took another step. The grass was soft and well-groomed.

He was already halfway through when the left entrance opened and men began pouring out.

‘Yang Jin-Woo?’

A dark gray suit jacket, dress shirt, and deep blue pants. The person walking out was undoubtedly Yang Jin-Woo.

What was he so confident about to pull this crap?

Kang Chan could only tilt his head in confusion.

Six Caucasian men were walking on either side of Yang Jin-Woo. Three of them clearly had the gait and posture of former agents.


That wasn’t all. After all the Caucasian men had gone out, Japanese agents stepped out into the clearing as well.

The glass doors closed just as Yang Jin-Woo stopped in front of Kang Chan. By this point, there were almost thirty Japanese agents behind him.

“I didn’t know you would visit without any appointment, Mr. Jeon.”

Why was this guy so confident? Did the Caucasians have some kind of abilities that Kang Chan didn’t know about?

Yang Jin-Woo addressed Jeon Dae-Geuk and turned his gaze back to Kang Chan.

“So, you’re the kid named Kang Chan.”

“Yang Jin-Woo, pretending to be calm won’t change the outcome.”

Yang Jin-Woo let out a sigh.

“This is why people without principles won’t cut it. You still haven’t learned how the world works, and you’ve never experienced having it beneath you. Well, it’s not so much your fault as it is the fault of your parents for raising you by just feeding you and thinking they have already fulfilled their responsibility. Because of you, your parents will inevitably pay the price.”

Yang Jin-woo chewed his cheek and looked at Jeok Dae-Geuk, who was behind Kang Chan.

“Ahem! Mr. Jeon, it was an unexpected visit, but I’ll excuse myself as I have something to do.”

Just as Yang Jin-Woo was about to move…

“Cut the bullshit and stay still, Yang Jin-Woo. Otherwise, I’ll put a hole through your forehead.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, you uneducated child.”

Yang Jin-woo turned to the Caucasian man standing next to him.

“Chairman Yang is a U.S. citizen,” the American spoke fluently in Korean. “We are from the embassy.”

The man took out an I.D. from his suit pocket and handed it to Kang Chan.

Kang Chan finally understood why Yang Jin-Woo was acting this way.

This son of a bitch had the prestige of the United States behind him and put on this show to brag about it. He wanted to demonstrate that no one in South Korea could touch him with force or the law by displaying the power of the Japanese agents and the U.S. Embassy.

“If there are any illegal assaults or acts that obstruct his passage, the U.S. government will not overlook them. You are currently threatening a U.S. citizen. I sternly warn you not to obstruct Chairman Yang any longer.”

When Kim Hyung-Jung and Jeon Dae-Geuk sighed from behind, Yang Jin-Woo had a smug expression.

“You worthless scum, welcome to the real world. A world your parents will never know even if they live a thousand years longer. Those without money are nothing more than servants and slaves. They breed offspring for their masters, rejoice in being able to have a meal, and die when they are told to! Slaves!”

“Shut up, you son of a bitch!”

Seeing Kang Chan’s eyes, Yang Jin-Woo quickly looked at the American.

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“This is a warning.”

“You shut up too, you fucking bastard. This isn’t the States, so I’ll kill you if you say one more word.”



Kang Chan pulled out his gun.

Seok Kang-Ho also immediately drew his gun and pointed it at the American.

The three American agents flinched but couldn’t move a muscle when they saw who Seok Kang-Ho was aiming at.

For the first time since this meeting started, Yang Jin-Woo had a bewildered look in his eyes.

“Hey! A slave, motherfucker? A slave?”

Kang Chan smirked at Yang Jin-Woo.

“You think you’re so strong? You think America will protect you? Fine. Let’s see how long you’ll be protected.”

Kang Chan turned his gaze to the flustered American.

“Call the French Embassy.”

“What are you talking about?”

Kang Chan moved the gun he was aiming at Yang Jin-Woo to the American’s face.

“If you keep annoying me, I’ll kill you first. Call the French Embassy and ask for Lanok. If you ask again, I’ll blow your damn head off.”

Kang Chan actually intended to pull the trigger.

If he left this fucking bastard Yang Jin-Woo alive, it would only cause more problems. It didn’t matter whether he started bullshit with Japan or America backing him. The outcome would be the same.

War? Bullshit.

The United States would wage war just because of Yang Jin-Woo’s death? Bullshit.

Perhaps everyone here would receive life sentences, but war was out of the question.

The American carefully put his hand into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and made a puzzled expression. He didn’t know the number.

Damn it. Kang Chan didn’t know the number either.

Just then, Kim Hyung-Jung, who was behind Kang Chan, called the French Embassy.

Beep beep beep. Beep—

He put the phone to his ear.

“Is this the French Embassy?” he asked, then glanced briefly at Kang Chan. “Tell them that Kang Chan is asking for Ambassador Lanok.”

There was no response for about 30 seconds.

As Yang Jin-Woo’s glance uncomfortably alternated between the Americans, Seok Kang-Ho shifted the muzzle of his gun whenever the Japanese agents tried to do anything suspicious.

“Hello. Lanok? This is Frank.”

The man who introduced himself as Frank explained the situation in English while occasionally narrowing his eyes at Kang Chan.

“Just a moment.”

He extended his arm and handed the phone over.


-Mr. Kang Chan, are you trying to have me mediate the withdrawal of the U.S. Embassy?

Lanok was quick to catch on, perhaps because he was a sly fox.

“Well, it would be better if it ended well. I used your name, so I thought the consequences would be less severe.”

As he spoke in French, Yang Jin-Woo glanced at Frank, seemingly curious about what was happening.

-Hmm, I see. I understand. This could make things difficult for you, though, Mr. Kang Chan.?

“I’m willing to accept that, Ambassador.”

From the other end of the phone came a deep sigh.

-Please give the phone to Frank.?

“Thank you, Ambassador,” Kang Chan replied, then handed the phone back.


The conversation continued for about a minute. Most of what was said was answered by a simple “Yes!” in English that anyone could understand. Soon after, Frank looked at Kang Chan in surprise. When the call ended, he exhaled deeply, eyes still on Kang Chan.

“From this moment on, the United States will revoke Yang Jin-Woo’s U.S. citizenship for breaching the conditions for dual citizenship and violating the law prohibiting support of terrorism.”


Yang Jin-Woo whipped his head around.

“The United States government and the DIA appreciate your cooperation, Mr. Kang Chan.”

Kang Chan was also taken aback by the situation.

“If it’s alright with you, the U.S. Embassy will now withdraw. If any legal or diplomatic issues arise, the U.S. Embassy will testify that you acted in self-defense.”

Frank’s gaze was serious, just as it had been when dealing with Yang Jin-Woo a moment ago.

Something Kang Chan didn’t know about had taken place, but he couldn’t ask about it right now.


“Thank you, Mr. Kang Chan. Three of our agents can help you if needed.”

As Yang Jin-Woo tried to retreat, he froze in place upon seeing Kang Chan’s gun move. His eyes moved back and forth.

“We’re good.”

“Mr. Kang Chan, I sincerely respect your decision to cooperate for world peace.”

Had this man suddenly lost his mind? Was it necessary to suck up to Kang Chan and say killing Yang Jin-Woo was an act of cooperation for world peace?

Frank bowed curtly, then left with his team. Things had taken a strange turn, but at least that took care of Yang Jin-Woo.

“Oh no! What are you going to do? You’re not an American anymore.”

Kang Chan had pulled out his gun first, preventing the Japanese agents from doing anything.

Kang Chan decided to only kill Yang Jin-Woo and tidy up the situation. There was no need for the blood of thirty Japanese agents to spill.

He didn’t even need a gun to kill Yang Jin-Woo.


“Yes, sir.”

Kang Chan put his gun in Seok Kang-Ho’s left hand. This way, he could fire at least 30 consecutive shots.

“If anyone moves, you’re allowed to open fire.”


Seok Kang-Ho took two steps to the right.

“South Korea is a country under the rule of law! Section Chief Jeon! If you do this, you’re finished! The law states that I have the right to be protected—!”


Kang Chan clenched his fist, with a protruding index knuckle supported by the thumb, and struck Yang Jin-Woo’s abdomen.


Yang Jin-Woo clutched his stomach as he bowed over like a gangster greeting their superior.


Kang Chan grabbed Yang Jin-Woo’s hair. Blood dripped down as Yang Jin-Woo’s cheek trembled like in the comics.

Yang Jin-Woo dropped to his knees after being struck only five times. He was grabbing his head in a posture that made it seem like he was desperately praying to Kang Chan.

‘Are you watching this? I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’ll at least send this guy over to you today…’

This bastard was going straight to hell, though, so he probably wouldn’t meet those kind kids.


‘Anyway, I hope you can let go of your anger and move on to a better place now.’


Kang Chan lifted Yang Jin-Woo’s head with his left hand. The man’s left cheek was swollen, and vibrant red blood trickled down from his eyes, nose, and mouth.

“Motherfucker, I thought your blood would be gold, but look! It’s just red.”



The flesh on Yang Jin-Woo’s cheek trembled uncontrollably. Blood splattered to the right.

“Yang Jin-Woo?”




“Are you laughing now?”

Yang Jin-Woo frantically shook his head.


Cough! Cough!

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“Yang Jin-Woo?”


After slapping Yang Jin-Woo’s cheek hard, Kang Chan stayed still for a moment.

With the midday sun shining down, the garden looked stunning.

Thanks to Seok Kang-Ho’s pointed guns, the Japanese agents could only grit their teeth, unable to move recklessly.

Both sides knew whether or not Seok Kang-Ho would pull the trigger or not and what his skills were like.

Yang Jin-Woo carefully looked up at Kang Chan.

Kang Chan smirked and lifted his right foot to stomp on Yang Jin-Woo’s left thigh with all his might.

“Ugh! Ahhh!”

Kang Chan tilted his head.

“Is it because you stuffed yourself well? Why won’t this break properly?”

Despite cracking noises filling the garden, no sounds came out of Yang Jin-Woo’s wide-open mouth.


It was a little late, but Yang Jin-Woo eventually let out a scream that sounded as if it came from the depths of his lungs.

“Jeon-san!” one of the Japanese agents suddenly shouted.

Kang Chan raised his gaze.

“Fight proudly against the agents of Great Japan! If you want, we can match your numbers! No, we’ll fight with only half!”

What were those idiots saying?

“If not, we’ll draw our guns. Let’s see who ends up dead!”

The glinting, venomous gaze spread among the Japanese agents like a contagion.

“You bastards! You attempted to kill powerless people, and you have the audacity to speak so boldly?”


The Japanese agent ignored Kang Chan and called Jeon Dae-Geuk out again.


“Yes, sir!”

“Shoot that son of a bitch.”


Before Seok Kang-Ho could pass down his sentence, Jeon Dae-Geuk placed his hand on Kang Chan’s shoulder.

Surely he wouldn’t fall to such blatant provocation, would he?’

When Kang Chan turned around, however, he saw the mad look in Jeon Dae-Geuk’s eyes.

“Let me request this of you.”

It was a blunt statement. He also spoke informally, which was something he’d never done before.

“Let me request this of you as a man who led an era of South Korea’s special forces. Let us kill those bastards with our own hands.”

“Section Chief Jeon!” Kim Tae-Jin called, but Jeon Dae-Geuk’s gaze remained on Kang Chan.

“You’re not considering the consequences?”

“Would I have come here if I cared about something like that?”

Jeon Dae-Geuk’s retort rendered Kang Chan speechless.

“Kang Chan, I entrusted the command to you. You make the decision. But I hope you allow these old soldiers to protect their pride. Look behind you.”

While Kim Tae-Jin and Kim Hyung-Jung had mixed expressions, everyone else looked furious.

“They will be the core of South Korea’s agents from now on. Allow us to fight to protect our pride without the help of the United States or the interference of France.”

Kang Chan smirked.

‘Are you that confident?’

‘That’s why you need to help.’

‘Why are you going this far?’

‘We’re soldiers. Soldiers who have only lived on the battlefield.’

It was madness.

Jeon Dae-Geuk’s absurd request struck Kang Chan’s heart.

“We don’t care if we die here. It will become a story that will forever protect the pride of the agents present—a lesson that no one can recklessly raise havoc in the Republic of Korea.”

Kang Chan turned to look at Yang Jin-Woo. The dirty bastard was sobbing, saliva flowing from his mouth.