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God of Blackfield

Chapter 193: The Gentleman’s Suggestion (2)
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Chapter 193: The Gentleman’s Suggestion (2)

Chk chk.

Ethan extinguished his cigar as Kang Chan lit up his cigarette.

Ethan was essentially saying that the UK needed someone to turn off the switch, but he probably wasn’t telling them this because they didn’t have the hands to do that.

Silence dominated the room again. Kang Chan couldn’t understand what Ethan was trying to say. Unfortunately, Ethan didn’t add anything else, and Lanok didn’t even try to join the conversation.

“Ahem!” Ethan cleared his throat and looked at Lanok, seemingly asking for help.

Does this sly snake also know something about this? The grim look in his eyes a moment ago made it seem like this was his first time hearing about it as well.

“Ethan, don’t try to play tricks and just tell us what you want,” Lanok sharply replied as if he was reading Kang Chan’s mind.

“What we need right now is the Blackhead’s energy,” Ethan continued.

Kang Chan looked straight at Ethan as he extinguished his cigarette.

“You definitely have one of the energies. The satellites can even detect it. That’s why I’m asking for help.”

“What would you have me do?” Kang Chan asked.

“The researchers have differing opinions about securing the energy,” Ethan answered, observing Kang Chan’s reaction. “However, having you stand near the cetinium, one of its current energy sources, is our best bet.”

Kang Chan couldn’t help but smile, finding Ethan’s request absurd.

“Mr. Kang Chan, the UK is desperate,” Ethan added.

“So you’re telling me to stand in the spot of the cetinium while you extract the energy out of it?” Kang Chan asked.

“That’s why we’re hoping to use a different method.”

“And what would that be?”

“It’s to leave the cetinium as it is and combine the energy inside you with the machine.”

Kang Chan couldn’t understand what he meant.

“Mr. Kang Chan, a horrible disaster will fall upon four countries if we don’t stop this,” Ethan warned.

“You mean you didn’t even bother making contingency plans if something goes wrong with your weird machine and little experiments? Even if I cooperate, we still can’t guarantee good results, can we? What if this fails as well? Am I just going to come out as a burnt barbeque or charcoal?” Kang Chan asked, rendering Ethan speechless.

Seemingly out of habit, Ethan turned to Lanok.

“Let’s adjourn this meeting. I’ll think about it,” Kang Chan replied.

If Ethan was telling the truth, then a catastrophe would sooner or later strike four different countries, killing quite a lot of people. He was essentially forcing Kang Chan to sacrifice himself for the greater good even though he had no part in making or coaxing them into creating such a horrible machine.

He’s telling me to sacrifice myself to save a lot of people even though I only have one life?

This was something completely different from him risking his life on operations.

As Kang Chan shook his head, Lanok pressed his nose bridge with his thumb and index finger. “Are you threatening us now that the situation has spiraled out of control, Ethan? The intelligence bureaus warned you against it multiple times, but you still created the subterranean shock device and even experimented with it. Now you’re threatening us that you have Russia and France—my country—in its target?”

“We wouldn’t have had to do this if France didn’t make a Hadron Collider, Lanok,” Ethan replied.

“Answer wisely—if Russia and the United States agree, nuclear missiles can fall like rain on the United Kingdom.”

“It’s too late now, Lanok. If we blow up the subterranean shock device now, it will go completely out of balance. We have no idea how far the impact of the energy’s explosion will reach.”

Lanok looked at Ethan so expressionlessly that Kang Chan couldn’t see any emotions in his eyes. Right now, Lanok was scarier than when he was angry.

“You should head back for now. Mr. Kang Chan and I will be heading to France in ten days, so we’ll inspect the facility after that.”

“You can’t be there while we’re inspecting the facility, Lanok,” Ethan replied, but Lanok’s silence seemed to have waned his confidence. “Fine, but I hope you hurry. Every second counts.”

“Go back to the UK,” Lanok repeated.

Ethan stood up from his seat like an obedient child and held out his hand to Kang Chan, who stood up after him. “Mr. Kang Chan, I look forward to you making a wise decision.”

He then left Lanok’s office.

What? Is he telling me that I’m not wise if I don’t risk my life for this absurdity?

Kang Chan felt as if he just met someone who insisted that he pay for their debt instead.

“Can you sit down with me for a moment to discuss this matter?” Lanok asked.

“Of course, Mr. Ambassador.”

As the two sat down, Kang Chan noticed that Lanok was smirking in strange way, which made him also seem dumbfounded.

“Mr. Ambassador, is what Ethan told us actually credible?” Kang Chan asked.

Lanok simply looked at Kang Chan while picking up a cigar.

Damn it! Ethan was being honest!

Kang Chan softly inhaled.

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Chk chk!

After lighting up his cigar, Lanok did the same with the cigarette that Kang Chan held up.

“As the United States and Russia competed with each other for developing a laser that can be launched from satellites, my country and the UK competed in creating a way to cause an impact underground,” Lanok said.

“So you’re saying that the Hadron Collider is going to play that role in the end?”

“No.” Lanok straightforwardly answered Kang Chan’s question. “The Hadron Collider is only a research facility. My country just leaked information that it can also cause an earthquake to suppress the use of the subterranean shock device that the UK is developing.”

Kang Chan wasn’t sure if Lanok was telling the truth or not, but it didn’t really matter, so he chose to believe him for now.

“Let’s proceed with your training while I confirm with the DGSE if what we heard today was true or not. We can decide on what to do after that. Ethan is blackhearted, so the UK could be the only country that’s going to collapse,” Lanok continued.

Everyone related to intelligence bureaus seemed evil to Kang Chan. South Korea’s National Intelligence Service could be slow to develop because people like Kim Hyung-Jung, who were too good-natured, were part of it.

After taking another sip of his tea, Kang Chan stood up from his seat.

“Don’t think about it too much, Mr. Kang Chan,” Lanok said.

He should’ve lightened up first before telling me that.

Kang Chan left the embassy feeling very uncomfortable. That dickhead annoyed him so much.

Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—.

While walking, Kang Chan took out his phone and looked at it. Someone was calling him, but he wasn’t familiar with the number.

Ethan isn’t trying to play a trick behind my back, right?

Kang Chan answered the call for now.


- It’s Eun So-Yeon, Mr. President.

“Hey. What’s up?”

We just saw each other yesterday, so why is she calling me? Did something happen?

- We’re going to have dinner among ourselves tonight. We promise not to be loud, so I was hoping… to invite you if you don’t have other plans tonight.”

She sounded nervous.

From the other side of the phone, Kang Chan heard a trainee saying, “Please tell him that we really want him to come.”

Kang Chan glanced at the time on his phone. It was about five-twenty in the afternoon.

“What about Michelle?”

- The director and general manager already had prior appointments. The makeup artists, road managers, wardrobe stylists, and others are here with us. I know you’re busy, Mr. President, but can’t you spare us some of your time?

How could he say no to Eun So-Yeon nervously asking him to join them for dinner? The trainees and other staff members would be with them anyway.

“Where should I go?”

- We’re going to go to Zelkova, the restaurant at the Yeoksam-dong intersection.

Kang Chan could hear people cheering on the other end.

“Okay. I’ll be there.”

He didn’t see any reason to avoid them. He didn’t have plans for dinner yet anyway, and she asked so nicely. The meeting earlier disoriented him, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from having dinner.

Kang Chan hailed a taxi and called Michelle.

- Ello?


- One moment, please. Don’t hang up.

Why is she talking in French again?

It seemed Michelle was going somewhere.

- Channy, I spoke in French because I was in a meeting. Anyway, how can I help you?

“So-Yeon called me about having dinner with the other actors and the staff. I’m thinking of going.”

- I was actually thinking of calling you. I was worried since General Manager Lim and I wouldn’t be there. Make sure you make them comfortable, okay?


Kang Chan hung up, then blankly looked out the car window.

How could they cause an earthquake that could erase four countries from the face of the earth if things go wrong? Those bastards!


Kang Chan attended the dinner to feel better and because he hadn’t gotten the chance to properly talk to the DI employees and actors yet. After all, other people could get the wrong idea if they saw a high schooler acting like these people’s senior.

Seeing the employees of the restaurant glancing at the trainees made Kang Chan smirk. To think they were just sweating in the hot practice room not too long ago.

They ate the meat they ordered like kids.

Kang Chan mostly asked the wardrobe stylists, makeup artists, and road managers questions, but he also listened to what the trainees had to say from time to time.

“Mr. President, we’ll be starring in another drama soon!” one of the trainees told Kang Chan.

“Already? But Michelle just told me that she’ll start preparing to produce another drama.”

“We’re going to be in multiple dramas at the same time now!” The trainee clapped out of happiness, reminding Kang Chan of when they jumped up and down at the practice room in excitement.

“Please eat this,” Eun So-Yeon picked up meat with her chopsticks and put it on Kang Chan’s personal plate.

One’s position certainly made them who they were.

Playing the lead role in a drama seemed to have softened Eun So-Yeon, but it also appeared to have boosted her confidence.

Perhaps it was because Kang Chan was around, but Eun So-Yeon treated the trainees the same way as she did before, and the trainees also showed no reserve around her.

“Mr. President! We want to go to karaoke,” one of the trainees said.

Do they want to become singers now that they have become actors?

Smiling, Kang Chan looked at the female accountant. “Do you want to go?”

“Yes! Please come with us!” Her face was so red that it seemed as if she drank all of the alcohol by herself.

After some time, a road manager went out and booked a large room in a karaoke bar. The rest then headed over and ordered beers. Not even five minutes later, the craziness began.

They had a lot of fun, perhaps because they had a talent for singing as well.

“Thank you,” Eun So-Yeon told Kang Chan.

Kang Chan didn’t hear what she said because of the loud music, so Eun So-Yeon carefully leaned closer and repeated, “Thank you!”

“You already thanked me yesterday!”

“Can I still contact you whenever I’m having a hard time?”

Kang Chan just nodded. They all had their own trouble to deal with, but he didn’t mind helping her out whenever she needed him.


After sending home the delighted employees, Kang Chan returned to his apartment and sat at the bench, which he hadn't done in a while.

It was a few minutes past eleven already.

Michelle called him about meeting up right before he reached his apartment, but since he already told her that he would be meeting her with her friends anyway, he decided to pass tonight.

An earthquake, they say?

Ever since Kang Chan parted ways with Lanok, he hadn’t stopped thinking about the damn word ‘earthquake.’

The satellites had detected Kang Chan, but they hadn’t found Seok Kang-Ho yet. If so, then the energy inside him was probably weaker.

The only people aware of it were Lanok, Smithen, Gerard, and Sharlan. Kang Chan didn’t even know if Sharlan was still alive in Loriam’s basement.

Cetinium? Is it relate to Uranium?

Kang Chan knew that there was a secret behind his reincarnation, and he had also heard that it was related to the Blackhead. Still, he didn’t expect that he would have to stop a fucking earthquake.

Kang Chan looked around him and laughed. This bench had witnessed quite a lot of things.

Doesn’t Kim Mi-Young miss me, though? What will she say if I tell her that I’m going to France?

Kang Chan examined his surroundings, then stood up to go home. Sitting on the bench left him completely open, making the agents’ jobs harder.


Kang Chan started the next day the same way. He worked out, had breakfast, and saw Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook off.

“Drive safe,” Kang Chan reminded.

“I’m sorry, Channy. We still have to go to work today. We’ve taken time off from tomorrow onwards, though,” Yoo Hye-Sook said.

“You don’t have to do that. I’ll only be away for six months.”

“Will you be able to have dinner with us this weekend?”

“Of course.”

After sending off Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook, Kang Chan plopped onto the sofa.

All that was left for him to do was eat with Michelle and her friends and attend the school festival. Afterward, he planned to just spend the weekend at home since his flight was on Monday.

Kang Chan turned on the TV and watched the news.

I should meet up with Seok Kang-Ho for now and tell him about what I heard yesterday…

Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz—Buzz—.

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He could already guess who was calling him.

Kang Chan walked to his room and held up the phone on his desk. Seok Kang-Ho’s name was on the screen.

“What’s up?”

- Got any plans today?


- Come out. Let’s go to school.”

“Our school?”

Seok Kang-Ho’s suggestion flustered Kang Chan as much as his suggestion to go out for drinks in the morning.

- They need me to check a document that a substitute teacher made. You don’t have anything to do at home anyway, so come with me instead.

Should I see Mi-Young at school?

- Are you going to stay at home?

“I’ll come. I was actually planning on hanging out with you anyway since I’ve got things to tell you. What time will we head over?

- I’m in front of your apartment building already.

Isn’t it a bit early?

Still, if he was going anyway, it was better to go with Seok Kang-Ho now.

After hanging up, he blankly stood in front of his closet.

Should I wear my school uniform or can I just wear a shirt and a suit?

Kang Chan spent some time thinking about it before finally going with the latter.

He felt strangely excited. By the time he walked out of his apartment building, Seok Kang-Ho was already in front of it, standing beside his car in a shirt and a suit. If anyone who didn’t know Seok Kang-Ho saw him, they would have likely thought of him as a gangster.

“It’s nice to see you dressed up,” Seok Kang-Ho said. Smiling, the two got in the car and drove off.

“I’m feeling excited,” Kang Chan commented.


Kang Chan’s heart fluttered as he remembered everything that had happened so far, starting from the day he first went to school.

“Let’s have a cup of coffee before going to school,” Kang Chan said.


Seok Kang-Ho parked the car in front of the cafe at the intersection.

After ordering and getting their coffee, they sat on the terrace. It was so early that most of the tables weren’t taken.

Kang Chan first told Seok Kang-Ho about his meeting with Ethan yesterday, which made Seok Kang-Ho understandably look dazed.

“So the Blackhead released an energy?” Seok Kang-Ho asked.

“From the sound of it, yeah.”

“And that energy was passed onto us?”

“The energy inside me also seems a bit stronger than the one in you, considering the Satellites only detected the energy I carry.”

“Did we absorb the energy based on our personalities?”

Kang Chan took a sip of his coffee. That wasn’t something he could respond to.

“What’s your plan, then?” Seok Kang-Ho asked.

“As Ambassador Lanok suggested, I’m going to France for now and only act once I’ve seen how things go. I’m going to contact you immediately if I think we’re going to have a problem, so you should give this some thought as well.”

“Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

Kang Chan answered with a sigh.

“This world is full of crazy fuckers, huh,” Seok Kang-Ho commented.

“I still can’t believe what Ethan and Lanok said.”

“Damn it! I don’t know about that man named Ethan, but Ambassador Lanok isn’t the type to lie. Thinking about it now, we can’t tell Manager Kim about this or that we reincarnated.”

“Either way, we have to think about this carefully before we do anything,” Kang Chan said.


Their conversation lasted roughly an hour.

Kang Chan stood up and left with Seok Kang-Ho. They arrived at the school at around ten-thirty.

Seok Kang-Ho drove along the school’s wall and parked where he could. The two then walked toward the main gate.

Since I’m already here, I should have pork cutlets for lunch… No! I should have lunch with Kim Mi-Young!

When Kang Chan saw the main gate, the strange excitement he felt earlier surged through him again.

He saw kids playing football, heard loud noises, and looked at the tall building that Kim Mi-Young would be inside of.

However, when they entered the school gate, the first thing Kang Chan saw was the entrance of the athletics club room.