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Grand Ancestral Bloodlines-Novel

Chapter 1826 Report
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1826 Report

Ryu's thoughts drifted as he tried to find the right path forward. There were too many things to do, and he quickly began to realize why he had always chosen to do things a different way in the past. Taking the path of least resistance and progressing as fast as possible was far easier than what he was trying to do now, and it showed. 

However, since he had already made a decision, he would stick to it. In fact, it was almost a shthat he had only noticed this matter so late. This was clearly a product of Ryu never truly having any guidance on the path of cultivation and likewise always being obsessed with revenge and fast improvement. 

He had had two masters in his life until now, but all they had ever done was give him their legacies. As for guiding him and mentoring him, they had never done such a thing. But Ryu also didn't blthem for this matter either. Both were wise enough to understand his personality and understand that it would have likewise been useless. 

Trying to strong-arm him into following a path he didn't want to would have ended about as well as one could imagine. He was too arrogant and far too set in his ways. How many other True Sky Gods had already built their entire cultivation path on their own? Whether it was his Qi Realm or his Mental Realm, in fact, he had even also recently changed his Body Realm to follow a path unique to himself. 

He simply wasn't used to following the teachings of others, and he seemed to disdain to use even their techniques, preferring to rely on them as references to build his own path forward. 

'I don't need to change this… however, there does need to be a shift in my mentality.'

Ryu felt that following his own path for cultivation was actually the correct path to take. However, that didn't mean that there was no change he could make at all to give himself a better outlook for the future. 

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Ryu's eyes narrowed, and he turned his attention back to the guidance the Heavens had given him in the form of Karmic Strings. In reality, he had stopped relying on these long ago as well, in one part because, as tpassed, they faded more and more, and in the second part due to his own pride. 

If he couldn't even listen to his masters, listening to the Heavens felt like it fell in the scategory as well. Plus, he was so enamored with his own path of cultivation that he couldn't be bothered to consider anything else. 

This time, when he turned his attention toward it, he had changed his mentality entirely. Maybe sof the ideas he had cup with could be expounded in these Karmic Strings. 

It took Ryu a while because they had faded so much by this point, but he was able to find a path toward solidifying them by using his Inner World and Cosmos Fog. He separated the Karmic Strings away from the Heavens and rooted them in his own world. Although they were still faded, they would, at the very least, not fade any more than now. 

He didn't find anything related to recultivating from the ground up, but he had expected as much. After all, that would have to rely on methods that existed outside the purview of the Heavens. It wasn't possible for the Heavens themselves to give him guidance on this. 

However, he did find a potential path for cloning. The trouble was that it wasn't complete. It had to be remembered that these Karmic Strings were here to teach him the optimal path of his talents. He had already deviated from this particular path long ago, so much of the teachings here were useless to him. 

It seemed that to the Heavens, dividing his soul and using them to create clones wasn't the optimal path. Ryu didn't find this to be too surprising either. After all, there were Mental Realm Talents that were perfectly designed for this path. There was even one of the God Grade that he could recall that allowed a person to separate their Mental, Qi, and Body Realms into three separate bodies of separate thoughts, and yet of one mind. 

Soon, though, Ryu realized why it was that this wasn't his optimal path… Resources and legacy. 

If he wanted this to succeed, he would not only need a legacy capable of rebuilding a body, but he would also need a ridiculous amount of resources in order to build and nurture those bodies. 

Ryu's gaze flickered, and for the first tin a long time… he took out a tome. He hadn't thought about this tin a very long time. That was because he had subconsciously had sbias toward it. After all, he had found this tin Sacrum, a lower world. So it was hard to fathom that it could be useful to him on this scale, where Sky Gods seemed to be everywhere. 

In addition, it followed a path of Necromancy that he was no longer interested in. Why waste trefining corpses when you could use Summons instead? Summons still required guidance and resources, but they were far more flexible, easier to "fix," and they had minds that could think for themselves and relieve much of the burden of control away from the Necromancer. There was a reason it was known as the most powerful path of Necromancy. 

But looking at this familiar tome, Ryu began to wonder if he ever truly gave it a fair shake. This tome, of course, was the very stwrapped in human skin that he had found after escaping Patriarch Ember. In fact, this wasn't an item of the Patriarch, but was rather something he had gotten from the lackey of a Martial God. An "Apostle," they called themselves. 

Now that Ryu thought back, he didn't get very far into this book. He only used a few bits and pieces of it to refine the body of one corpse puppet that he ended up abandoning and ignoring anyway. 

But touching this book again, and feeling its presence now that he was a Sky God, his expression couldn't help but flicker. 

This tdidn't have spowerful or magical aura. In fact, the human skin that was used to make the leather that wrapped it only cfrom ordinary cultivators. 

What shocked Ryu was that he could feel countless Karmic Strings wrapped around this book, and he realized that it could only mean one thing. This book was far more profound than it seemed. 

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Ryu recalled stories of mortals being so engrossed in their crafts that they were able to becDao Gods in a single step after immersing themselves in their practice for mere decades. 

Of course, to a Sky God, decades was a fleeting amount of time. But to a Mortal, decades could practically be their entire lives. But that was precisely why it was so shocking. Most that ever reached the Dao God Realm would have to use tens of millions of years at the very least. For a mortal to do it in a single bound… 

It felt like in this case, however, this was already a cultivator. They had already reached the threshold of reaching that step, becoming shrouded in the mysteries of the Heavens that would have allowed them to becDao Gods in a single bound. 

But it was precisely because they were already cultivators that it didn't work out for them… and judging by the aura of this book, Ryu was doubtful that this person ever cared every. 

Ryu's eyes narrowed as he ran a hand over the front cover. Then, after sthought, he opened up the tfor the first tin a long while. 


As Ryu was immersed in his own world, the news had already rocked the outside world. Not just in the Holy World itself, but also even outside of it. The Luminara Clan was, unsurprisingly, furious. Who would have thought that Ryu would actually dare to do this? 

When Dao God Luminara heard of this news, her brows couldn't help but pinch with an undisguised frostiness. She had never personally met Ryu, nor made any outright threats to him, believing that it was beneath her station. 

She was a Dao God. Just the subtleties of her state of mind could shock others into paying attention. She couldn't even remember the last tshe had to clearly state her intentions about anything. People would always scramble to read her mind and act before she had to speak. 

But to think that a mere human child would dare to spit in her face like this. 

Despite this, her expression remained mostly indifferent. She looked down at the Sovereign that cto report this matter to her and spoke simple words. 

"Report this to the other Dao Gods of the alliance. I want to hear their thoughts on this matter."