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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 298.3: A Reversal In Fortunes! (3)
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In mid-air, the Demon God and the Destruction God seemed to be a lot lonelier at this moment. However, if the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley still had an opportunity to win - it would lie in the battle between Zhou Weiqing and Fen Tian.

Fen Tian had to defeat Zhou Weiqing, and had to do so before the Sidhe Empress defeated the two dragons, in order to keep the war going.

Fortunately for the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley, the biggest advantage they had was the ancestors that they had revived, most of whom had no true sentience. Hence, even though they were fighting a losing war, those ancestors continued to fight with all their might.

The Demon God stared at the Destruction God in silence. Zhou Weiqing’s calm voice rang through the air, “Fen Tian, you should just surrender. You don’t have a chance of winning anymore.”

Fen Tian replied in a voice that was full of intense viciousness, “Victory has not been decided yet, how can you be so sure that I do not stand a chance? Zhou Weiqing, you have far underestimated the Blood Red Hell. Huang Xingyun might be trash, but I, on the other hand, am destined to be the only ruler of the world.”

Zhou Weiqing said in a low voice, “Fen Tian, up till this moment, you’re still so obstinate and refuse to come to your senses? I have never understood - is power that important? Based on the Blood Red Hell’s status as a Saint Land, don’t you already lead a comfortable life?”

Fen Tian plainly replied, “Zhou Weiqing, you are still young - you won’t understand. In this world, either you rule, or get ruled. What exactly do you think the Grand Tournament of Saint Lands is? The victor of the Grand Tournament is essentially the ruler of this world. On what basis do you think ZhongTian Empire is able to occupy the most fertile land on the Mainland? If not for the Heaven’s Expanse Palace winning the Grand Tournament consecutively for the past couple of years, do you think the other countries would be willing to accept the current arrangement? If the Heaven’s Expanse Palace could do it, why can’t the Blood Red Hell? Power is a desire - a supreme one. Ruling over the world has always been my lifelong dream.”

A light flashed across the Demon God’s demonic eyes. Zhou Weiqing said helplessly, “In that case, there is nothing else we can say. Let victory be determined by strength. Putting aside the fact that you may not defeat me, even if you do, the ultimate winner of this war will not be you.”

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The Destruction God shook his head and said, “Zhou Weiqing, I have already mentioned this - you are still underestimating me. If I did not have absolute confidence, I would definitely not have come here. I had been preparing for this moment for ten years - no, twenty years! Destruction will always be Destruction - do you think that your Creation Energy alone is enough to stop me? Let me show you what the actual Destruction Energy is.”

As he spoke, the Destruction God slowly lifted his arms. The dueling sword in his hand disappeared into thin air, and he cupped his hands over his heart.

“Eh?” For some reason, Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in his heart. He became exceptionally vigilant towards Fen Tian as well. In fact, Zhou Weiqing was very depressed at the moment. He had initially thought that he was just a hair’s breadth away from reaching the Heavenly God Stage now that his cultivation base had raised to the Max Level Heavenly Emperor Stage, and hence, he should have been able to summon the sword of Demon God for his personal use. However, earlier on, no matter how many times he had tried, he was unable to release the sword of the Demon God.

He had once relied on the sword of the Demon God to defeat the Sidhe Empress and the twelve Sidhe elders. Even though he was not as powerful back then, he managed to defeat one Heavenly God and twelve Heavenly Emperors after all! If the present Zhou Weiqing was able to use the sword of Demon God, he was seventy percent certain that he could defeat Fen Tian.

A gray stream of air spread out from within the Demon God’s body. His lightning-like right leg kicked out and a gray blade light broke out and headed in the direction of the Destruction God. Zhou Weiqing was testing waters as he did not know what Fen Tian was up to.

Looking at the Demon God’s attack, the look in the Destruction God’s eyes did not change at all - it was as though he did not see the Demon God’s actions at all.

At this time, the black crab pattern on the Destruction God’s chest lit up; it transformed from black to a bright purple. After which, a dazzling purple light halo spread out from his chest.


Something strange happened next. The moment the gray blade light that came from the Demon God’s kick arrived within a hundred meter radius of the Destruction God, it would silently vanish into thin air - there was not even a single energy ripple.

What is happening? Zhou Weiqing had keen senses - he had immediately noticed that the Destruction God’s energy had undergone a radical change.

The Destruction Energy that was originally already very powerful had become more concentrated at this moment. It seemed as though all of the Destruction Energy were going through changes at the moment. Within the narrowest areas, the Destruction Energy was vibrating at a terrifying speed - this caused the Destruction Energy to become more powerful on the whole. Additionally, the Destruction Energy was getting more concentrated at an alarming speed. It made everyone feel as though the Destruction God had completely transformed into a black hole.

Fen Tian is currently already a Max Level Heavenly God - the Destruction God that he metamorphosed is actually currently evolving. How did he achieve that? Zhou Weiqing was filled with questions, but he could not wait.

The Demon God spread open his arms and forcefully shook his body. Countless gray light balls were released from the Demon God’s body. Each gray light ball contained several different attributes of energy.

This was the Dark Demon God Lightning. However, it was not the original Dark Demon God Lightning. Zhou Weiqing, who had summoned the Demon God, had made full use of all his attributes. Using the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, he had merged all the six attributes in an orderly manner, creating this new and improved Dark Demon God Lightning. It could be said that any ball of Dark Demon God Lightning was able to overwhelm a Heavenly King with shock. Moreover, thousands of them appeared at the same time. One could imagine how powerful they were.

The terrifying Dark Demon God Lightning had spread to the sky in an instant. Thereafter, it swiftly shot itself in the direction of the Destruction God. On the other hand, Zhou Weiqing was controlling the Demon God, not budging at all. That was because the Destruction God that was suspended in the air continued to upgrade itself, making him feel threatened. It seemed as though if he were to move in closer, a disaster would happen.

This time, there was finally a rumbling sound. In mid-air, it seemed as though countless thunder rumbled at the same time. The thunder rolls had caused the sky to light up; the aura of all six attributes - Time, Space, Darkness, Wind, Thunder and Evil, started erupting with one another, creating a melodious, yet destructive, tune.

Zhou Weiqing was absolutely confident that under such an attack, even an ordinary Heavenly God would be severely injured. However, his current objective was to interrupt whatever Fen Tian was doing.

The terrifying energy ripples caused the space to be severely distorted. Zhou Weiqing could no longer see the Destruction God clearly, but surprisingly, he could clearly see the glowing purple light that was in the form of a crab.

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“It’s useless, Zhou Weiqing. Since you have pushed me into a corner, all of you must die. Right here, right now, none of you will leave here alive, except for me.”

Fen Tian’s voice seemed to have changed a little - it was filled with a certain depth that was hard to explain in words, as though his entire being had transformed into a bottomless abyss.

The intense energy ripples had gradually calmed down. The Destruction God was still suspended in mid-air. However, the bright purple light, in the form of a crab, that was imprinted on his chest had flown out, hovering in front of Fen Tian.

The Destruction God’s body was already big enough. However, after the bright purple light had spread open, it was three times bigger than the Destruction God.

At this moment, it was no longer bright purple - instead, it was pitch-black in the middle, like a black hole, and surrounding it was a bright purple misty light.

It was a very pure Destruction Energy. Zhou Weiqing turned pale with fright, because he could clearly sense that the Destruction Energy that was being released from the huge crab was purer than his Astral Saint Energy. In other words, ever since he had possessed the Saint Energy, it was his first time encountering a Destruction Energy that was purer than his own Saint Energy.

Fen Tian actually had such a trick up his sleeves?

At this moment, the Destruction God did an action that was beyond Zhou Weiqing’s understanding - he actually knelt down in the sky, with both knees! He was worshipping the huge crab in front of him.

“The great and almighty Lord, I humbly request of you to give me strength.” Fen Tian’s respectful voice resounded through the air. At the same time, the misty light had enveloped the Destruction God’s body within it.

Zhou Weiqing was about to launch another attack, but he had suddenly heard the Sidhe Empress’ voice saying, “It’s of no use. He has summoned the power of the Lord of the Nether. Even though I don’t know how he did it, at this moment, the intensity of the energy in the surroundings of the Destruction God is on par with that of the Lord of the Nether’s.

Zhou Weiqing was astonished, “Then what should I do? I’m afraid the power of the Lord of the Nether is way past the Heavenly God Stage. How should we deal with it?”

The Sidhe Empress replied, “You don’t have to worry, at the very most, he’s only borrowing the Lord of the Nether’s power temporarily. He is unable to control his power directly to launch an attack - just like how your projection of the Demon God is not the actual Demon God himself. If I am not wrong, he is borrowing the Lord of the Nether’s power to enhance his own power, and in a moment, his cultivation base should increase. As for how significant this increase is, I’m not too sure myself. Since he’s only a servant, his cultivation base cannot be compared to the Lord of the Nether’s. Additionally, the Lord of the Nether is extremely greedy - in order to borrow his power, Fen Tian must have paid a hefty price. All we can do at this moment is to wait. Once the Lord of the Nether’s power has disappeared, your attacks will be effective. Take this moment as an opportunity to increase your cultivation base. Otherwise, you will not stand a chance at all.”