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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

She doesn’t belong here.

Lloris siuod quickly when the the NYDETUR naked min She only winced a little from the pain of her foot,

but it was quickly fine. He ware i black milk and dark clothin the inuld tell he was quite tall and well built

but she didn’t D u his Temat all who are you? How did you get in here! Doris asked, she planed at the ald

man but he didn’t loak surprised at all. Did he know hlen? Had he planned this?

The asked men ignored her and began to try and open his cell door. The old man glanced at Doris with

sadness in his gaze. She wasn’t entirely sure why he was looking at her that way. “I want you to get her aut as well. She doesn‘t belong in here.”

Doris parted her lips in surprise, she didn’t expect him to actually want to help her get out of here. The

asked man made an impatient noise and looked her up and down before dismissing her when he turned

back to the old man.

“We don’t have time for this, we only have seconds before someone realizes I’m here.” He said, volce

deep and rushed. She didn’t recognize his voice at all. Not like she did when she heard Prince Daniel

speak and realized exactly who it was when she saw his face.

“She doesn’t belong in here.” The old man repeated More firmly. The masked man paused what he was

doing for a moment and locked eyes with him.


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woald be able to get out of here even if he did It doar öpen before they can. The mailed in Elanced up

her as she talked. “Prince Jack will Fioticu I’m one therand H e here. He pronised he would coint and

interrote me HIT heur until I him what he wants. If I’m not in liente, he’ll have the entire grounds arched

for me until I’m found and I don’t wint them to find you

* You must be Daris, aren’t you?” “The masked man

ked after a moment of silence, he wounded almost impressed with her but she didn’t know why. Perhaps

he was only grateful he didn’t have to find a way for her to get out of here as well

Y-yes. I’m Daris. She responded, Tervously picking ather nails. Who was this man? How did he know her


She wished she had more time to ask the old man his story like he asked hers. Then perhaps she would

know why he was in here in the first place. Änd-his name of course. She wished she knew his name, but

now it felt extremely awkward to ask as he was being broken out of prison. She would probably never

see him again if he succeeded, and she hoped he did.

“I heard Prince William is going to hold court tomorrow to judge your case. I think you’re right that Prince

Jack will come by soon to get whatever information he wants from you, I suggest you hold out as long as

you can.” The masked man wamed.

Doris felt her blood run cold. If her case was already


ta com, but she didn’t know how much longer i Cauld survive it. In just one muuting with him, he’d braken

her loat and burned out of her skin, not to Intion what he did to her face.

It hurt to blinkt before the old man offered some of his blood H..magic blood Doris had never met anyone

that held a power like that, she wondered how it was even possible. Didn’t he realize how many people

he could help with a power like that? Did the palace know he had those sort of powers! Would they make

him use it for good-on something else?

“You must stay true to yourself. Doris.” The old man said gently. slowly pulling her from her mashing

thoughts. “All your wounds will heal, but your heart will not if you turn your back on what you believe.”

Doris nodded and placed her hand against her chest. Her heart toured beneath her palm. “I–I don’t know

how far he’ll go for a false confession, but I’m ready to pay the price.”

“No,” The old man stepped up to the bars and held out his hand for her. She hesitated before she let him

take it. He squeezed once before he let her go … “You should not lose your life for anything. Don’t you

know every monster has their limits?”

Doris’s mind flashed back to the murderous look in Melody’s eyes the night she beat Doris in front of

people who didn’t stop her. It didn’t feel like Melody had her limits then, Doris was positive she was going

to die if Prince William hadn’t stopped her.

He only and her here he thought want

head to Bald. The thout this laugh but it would have come UE

not made her


Doris had to believe that the trial would be fair.

She had to believe that Prince William would be fale even though she way certain the hated her. He

watched her the entire right at the party, she knew deep down that he was going to do the right thing In

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return, Dons would as well—she would refuse to

in to Prince Jack and roll of his terrible Enctio.

She just didn’t understand why he wanted her to tell him that Prince William had been the one to poison

Luis Queen. He was in his seat the whole night, not once did he get up to slip anything in her soup. nor

did she see him suspiciously watching the soups to make sure someone else did it for him Doris would

definitely have noticed his large fann making his was towards the kitchens, everyone would have looked

at him if she was honest. He was hard to miss. and even harder to look away from. He mrely talked to

anyone the entire night, but that was normal for himn. So, why WAS Prifice Jack so se on the fact that it

was him? He acted the same as always. Cold, detached, and drinking

“Prince William is usually quick with court matters the masked man broke through her thoughts. “He’ll

find who was responsible and it’ll be over before you know it. All you have to do is survive the night.”

Which was much easier said than done.

Loud footsteps echoed down the hall, they all froze us they heard voices. “What are you doing sleeping

on the job!” Ä man yelled as he slammed his fist

Duris quickly turned to look at the masked mind wat him to leave, but he was already one. That O min t

ea, or was in the shadows where she couldn’t see race of him. She Helly hope he was able to get out

with the mask d man when his back was turned. It 35 THE to a kind soul in this palice, the only wanted

pod things for each one she did come across, Especially are that wanted to help her when she felt she

didn’t deserve it.

The footsteps stomped down the hallway, each sound rammed through her chest and she felt her entire

body tremble when it stopped outside of her cell. The guards wordlessly unlocked Doria’s cell and

grabbed her before she could even think to step back 1