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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

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S21 57. Melanie’s Rage

Barbara quickly shook her head. “No!”

Everyone looked at her. “Why not?” Louis pursed his lips.

Barbara grimaced. “My mother seems to need some time alone. She won’t like it if

someone disturbs her peace.”

A second later, she glanced at the servant. “Nora, can you take dinner to my mother’s

room? If she doesn’t answer or even refuses, just leave the trolley in front of her bedroom


Nora shuddered in horror. It was as if she had just received a deadly mission.

Nevertheless, she still nodded.

Arriving at Melanie’s door, Nora took a deep breath. After exhaling slowly, she knocked.

“Excuse me, Ma’am. I’ve come to deliver your dinner.”

Suddenly, there was a thud. Nora flinched and backed away from the door.

“Don’t bother me!”

Nora’s shoulders shook violently. Without saying excuse me, she ran away from the trolley.

“What happened, Nora? What was that noise?” Philip approached Nora in the middle of

the stairs.

The servant shook her head. Her face was still deathly pale.

“I don’t know. She threw something at the door. Was it a pillow? But it made a very loud

sound. It looked like something much heavier.”

Philip frowned. His gaze was fixed straight at a door. He was indeed

afraid that something bad would happen. That’s why he followed.


“Okay, thank you. Please don’t report it to the others. Let them eat in peace.”

Nora nodded. While the girl continued running, Philip approached the


“Barbara must be worried if her mother doesn’t eat,” he muttered


A second later, he knocked on the door. “Madam, are you okay?”

The thudding sound was heard again. “Why are you still bothering me? Go away! Go…!”

Philip’s mouth shut. His jaw was throbbing so tightly.

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“Ma’am, the food trolley is at your door. You shouldn’t miss your dinner. Barbara will be

very sad if you don’t eat.”

Go away!”

There were no objects flying towards the door anymore. However, Philip knew exactly

what that tone of voice meant. Melanie refused to be dissuaded. Resigned, he returned to

the dining room.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Melanie was standing gasping for breath. She was still

wearing the same dress as last afternoon. Her makeup and hair were messy. Her heels

were lying near the door.

After making sure Philip was gone, she sat on the floor. Her head was propped against the

wardrobe. With empty gaze, she seemed lethargic and had no energy.

Suddenly, Frank’s voice rang in her mind. The look in her eyes

dimmed. Covering her ears, she shook her head quickly.

“No,” she sighed as she looked around, “I didn’t commit a crime. You shouldn’t suspect

me, let alone accuse me.”


In a few moments, her breathing became increasingly short. As her head moved rapidly,

her tears flowed again, following the traces hadn’t even dried yet.

“No, it’s not my fault! He didn’t die because of me. I’m not a murderer. You can’t put me in


As time went on, Melanie’s mumbling became quieter. Her gasps

mixed with sobs dominated. When the turmoil in her heart could no longer be endured,

she groaned and swung her arms in all directions.


With burning eyes, Melanie gritted her teeth. Philip’s words were the

final voice that echoed in her mind.

“It’s all his fault! If he hadn’t taken Barbara to the beach, Barbaral wouldn’t have gone

and Morris wouldn’t have come to announce the offense.”

Suddenly, Melanie slammed her fist onto the floor. Her voice became

lower and more sinister.

“And if he wasn’t there, I wouldn’t have to share the apartment! Both of them would

definitely be mine. I wouldn’t complain and the last letter wouldn’t be revealed!”

The longer Melanie growled, the greater the vibrations in her fists. When her shoulders

could no longer hold it back, a sinister laugh escaped her lips.

“That man must atone for his mistakes. He must regret exposing my secret. He must

disappear from the world!”

With a laugh mixed with a sigh, Melanie got up from her position. She opened the door,

glancing left and right. Finding no one, she pulled the food trolley in.


What she was looking for was indeed there, neatly arranged among. the plates, spoons,

and forks.


The night was getting late, but Philip was still not asleep. The curve of

his lips was still wide, and his eyes were still sparkling.

Occasionally, he looked at his hand. Remembering how soft the fingers he had held earlier

made his heart pound again.

“Is she asleep yet?”

Philip squinted. Barbara’s beautiful face was instantly pictured perfectly in his mind.

Suddenly, he let out another laugh.

“I must be crazy. If Young Master and Young Lady find out, they can

tease me to the bone.”

Crossing his arms under his head, Philip let his imagination run free. However, just as he

was drifting away, someone knocked on the door.

“Who’s there?” Philip widened his eyes and quickly got up from the bed.

However, after a few seconds, no one answered. Philip’s brows began.

to furrow.

“Is that Barbara? She didn’t answer because she was afraid the others

would hear?”

After a blink, he shook his head firmly. “How could a girl like her come. to my room at this

time of night?”

While laughing at his ridiculous idea, Philip opened the door. Instead of finding someone,

he found a piece of paper near his feet.

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“I’ll wait at the usual place.”

Reading the beautiful writing, Philip smiled. Even though no name or


initial was written, he was certain that it was Barbara.

“It turns out she has a sweet side like this?”

While humming, Philip checked his appearance in the mirror. After making sure her hair

was perfectly styled, he went to the back yard.

There, Philip immediately sat on his usual bench. Occasionally, he glanced at the back

door, hoping Barbara would appear with a shy.


“What took her so long?” Philip grumbled. His feet couldn’t stop tapping. He was not

suspicious at all that the light in Barbara’s room

was still on.

Suddenly, Melanie appeared from another direction. The knife in her hand was raised next

to her head. At full speed, she ran towards Philip.

Hearing the footsteps muffled by the grass, Philip turned his head. At that moment, a knife

was about to plunge into his heart.

“You have to die!”

Without having time to blink, Philip grabbed Melanie’s wrist. “Ma’am?” He stared wide

eyed, unable to think

“You….” Melanie growled. Her red eyes glared at Philip. She didn’t predict her attack could


With all her might, Melanie pulled her hand back. Not wanting to hurt the woman, Philip

was forced to let her go.

“What are you doing, Madam? You want to kill me?” Philip sighed in disbelief.

Melanie pointed the knife forward. “All this is because of you! You’ve made me lose

everything. My daughter, my gold, my apartment.”

Philip straightened his palms forward, as if he could restrain

Melanie’s anger.

“You haven’t lost anything, Ma’am. Barbara still loves you very much,

and the apartment is yours too.”

“Shut up! I don’t need your explanation. I just want you to die!”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!